spec/integration/exposures_spec.rb in dry-view-0.5.0 vs spec/integration/exposures_spec.rb in dry-view-0.5.1
- old
+ new
@@ -301,6 +301,92 @@
expect(vc.locals(input)).to include(:users, :users_count)
expect(vc.locals(input)).not_to include(:prefix)
+ it 'inherit exposures from parent class' do
+ parent = Class.new(Dry::View::Controller) do
+ configure do |config|
+ config.paths = SPEC_ROOT.join('fixtures/templates')
+ config.layout = 'app'
+ config.template = 'users_with_count_inherit'
+ config.default_format = :html
+ end
+ private_expose :prefix do
+ "COUNT: "
+ end
+ expose :users
+ expose :users_count do |prefix, users:|
+ "#{prefix}#{users.length} users"
+ end
+ end
+ child = Class.new(parent) do
+ expose :child_expose do
+ 'Child expose'
+ end
+ end.new
+ users = [
+ {name: 'Jane', email: 'jane@doe.org'},
+ {name: 'Joe', email: 'joe@doe.org'}
+ ]
+ input = {users: users, context: context}
+ expect(child.(input)).to eql(
+ '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>dry-view rocks!</title></head><body><ul><li>Jane (jane@doe.org)</li><li>Joe (joe@doe.org)</li></ul><div class="count">COUNT: 2 users</div><div class="inherit">Child expose</div></body></html>'
+ )
+ expect(child.locals(input)).to include(:users, :users_count, :child_expose)
+ expect(child.locals(input)).not_to include(:prefix)
+ end
+ it 'inherit exposures from parent class and allow to override them' do
+ parent = Class.new(Dry::View::Controller) do
+ configure do |config|
+ config.paths = SPEC_ROOT.join('fixtures/templates')
+ config.layout = 'app'
+ config.template = 'users_with_count_inherit'
+ config.default_format = :html
+ end
+ private_expose :prefix do
+ "COUNT: "
+ end
+ expose :users
+ expose :users_count do |prefix, users:|
+ "#{prefix}#{users.length} users"
+ end
+ end
+ child = Class.new(parent) do
+ expose :child_expose do
+ 'Child expose'
+ end
+ expose :users_count do |prefix, users:|
+ "#{prefix}#{users.length} users overrided"
+ end
+ end.new
+ users = [
+ {name: 'Jane', email: 'jane@doe.org'},
+ {name: 'Joe', email: 'joe@doe.org'}
+ ]
+ input = {users: users, context: context}
+ expect(child.(input)).to eql(
+ '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>dry-view rocks!</title></head><body><ul><li>Jane (jane@doe.org)</li><li>Joe (joe@doe.org)</li></ul><div class="count">COUNT: 2 users overrided</div><div class="inherit">Child expose</div></body></html>'
+ )
+ expect(child.locals(input)).to include(:users, :users_count, :child_expose)
+ expect(child.locals(input)).not_to include(:prefix)
+ end