in dry-behaviour-0.5.0 vs in dry-behaviour-0.5.1
- old
+ new
@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
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**Tiny library inspired by Elixir [`protocol`]( pattern.**
-## Declaration
+## Protocols
+### Declaration
require 'dry/behaviour'
module Protocols
module Adder
@@ -43,20 +45,54 @@
defimpl target: Integer, delegate: :to_s, map: { add: :+, subtract: :- }
-## Usage
+### Usage
expect(Protocols::Adder.add(5, 3)).to eq(8)
expect(Protocols::Adder.add(5, 10)).to eq(15)
expect(Protocols::Adder.subtract(5, 10)).to eq(-5)
expect(Protocols::Adder.add(15, 10)).to eq(25)
expect(Protocols::Adder.add("!", 10)).to eq("!!!!!!!!!!")
expect(Protocols::Adder.add(nil, 10)).to eq(10)
expect(Protocols::Adder.add_default(1)).to eq(6)
+## Guards
+Starting with `v0.5.0` we support multiple function clauses and guards.
+class GuardTest
+ include Dry::Guards
+ def a(p, p2 = nil, *_a, when: { p: Integer, p2: String }, **_b, &cb); 1; end
+ def a(p, _p2 = nil, *_a, when: { p: Integer }, **_b, &cb); 2; end
+ def a(p, _p2 = nil, *_a, when: { p: Float }, **_b, &cb); 3; end
+ def a(p, _p2 = nil, *_a, when: { p: ->(v) { v < 42 } }, **_b, &cb); 4; end
+ def a(_p, _p2 = nil, *_a, when: { cb: ->(v) { !v.nil? } }, **_b, &cb); 5; end
+ def a(p1, p2, p3); 6; end
+ def a(p, _p2 = nil, *_a, **_b, &cb); 'ALL'; end
+ def b(p, &cb)
+ end
+gt =
+it 'performs routing to function clauses as by guards' do
+ expect(gt.a(42, 'Hello')).to eq(1)
+ expect(gt.a(42)).to eq(2)
+ expect(gt.a(3.14)).to eq(3)
+ expect(gt.a(3)).to eq(4)
+ # expect(gt.a('Hello', &-> { puts 0 })).to eq(5) NYI
+ expect(gt.a(*%w|1 2 3|)).to eq(6)
+ expect(gt.a('Hello')).to eq('ALL')
## Authors
@am-kantox, @saverio-kantox & @kantox