lib/dropbox/api.rb in dropbox-1.1.2 vs lib/dropbox/api.rb in dropbox-1.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -86,11 +86,11 @@
rest = Dropbox.check_path(path).split('/')
rest << { :ssl => @ssl }
api_body :get, 'files', root(options), *rest
#TODO streaming, range queries
# Downloads a minimized thumbnail for a file. Pass the path to the file,
# optionally the size of the thumbnail you want, and any additional options.
# See for a list of valid
# size specifiers.
@@ -103,10 +103,12 @@
# file that does not exist, you will not receive a 404, but instead just get
# +nil+.
# Options:
+ # +format+:: The image format (see the API documentation for supported
+ # formats).
# +mode+:: Temporarily changes the API mode. See the MODES array.
# Examples:
# Get the thumbnail for an image (default thunmbnail size):
@@ -114,22 +116,17 @@
# session.thumbnail('my/image.jpg')
# Get the thumbnail for an image in the +medium+ size:
# session.thumbnail('my/image.jpg', 'medium')
- def thumbnail(*args)
- options = args.extract_options!
- path = args.shift
- size = args.shift
- raise ArgumentError, "thumbnail takes a path, an optional size, and optional options" unless path.kind_of?(String) and (size.kind_of?(String) or size.nil?) and args.empty?
+ def thumbnail(path, options={})\
path = path.sub(/^\//, '')
rest = Dropbox.check_path(path).split('/')
rest << { :ssl => @ssl }
- rest.last[:size] = size if size
+ rest.last.merge! options
api_body :get, 'thumbnails', root(options), *rest
rescue Dropbox::UnsuccessfulResponseError => e
raise unless e.response.code.to_i == 404
return nil
@@ -139,35 +136,45 @@
# Uploads a file to a path relative to the configured mode's root. The
# +remote_path+ parameter is taken to be the path portion _only_; the name
# of the remote file will be identical to that of the local file. You can
# provide any of the following for the first parameter:
- # * a +File+ object, in which case the name of the local file is used, or
- # * a path to a file, in which case that file's name is used.
+ # * a +File+ object (in which case the name of the local file is used),
+ # * a path to a file (in which case that file's name is used), or
+ # * a +StringIO+ (in which case the <tt>:as</tt> option must be specified.
# Options:
# +mode+:: Temporarily changes the API mode. See the MODES array.
+ # +as+:: Specify a custom name for the uploaded file (required when
+ # uploading from a +StringIO+ stream).
# Examples:
# session.upload 'music.pdf', '/' # upload a file by path to the root directory
# session.upload 'music.pdf, 'music/' # upload a file by path to the music folder
# session.upload'music.pdf'), '/' # same as the first example
+ # session.upload open(''), :as => 'example.html' # upload from a StringIO stream (requires open-uri)
def upload(local_file, remote_path, options={})
if local_file.kind_of?(File) or local_file.kind_of?(Tempfile) then
file = local_file
name = local_file.respond_to?(:original_filename) ? local_file.original_filename : File.basename(local_file.path)
local_path = local_file.path
elsif local_file.kind_of?(String) then
file =
name = File.basename(local_file)
local_path = local_file
+ elsif local_file.kind_of?(StringIO) then
+ raise(ArgumentError, "Must specify the :as option when uploading from StringIO") unless options[:as]
+ file = local_file
+ local_path = options[:as]
- raise ArgumentError, "local_file must be a File or file path"
+ raise ArgumentError, "local_file must be a File, StringIO, or file path"
+ name = options.delete(:as).to_s if options[:as]
remote_path = remote_path.sub(/^\//, '')
remote_path = Dropbox.check_path(remote_path).split('/')
remote_path << { :ssl => @ssl }
@@ -186,12 +193,13 @@
request['authorization'] = oauth_signature.join(', ')
- response = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) { |http| http.request(request) }
+ proxy = URI.parse(@proxy || "")
+ response = Net::HTTP::Proxy(, proxy.port).new(, uri.port).request(request)
if response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPSuccess) then
return JSON.parse(response.body).symbolize_keys_recursively.to_struct_recursively
rescue JSON::ParserError
raise, response)
@@ -262,11 +270,11 @@
# Options:
# +mode+:: Temporarily changes the API mode. See the MODES array.
# TODO The API documentation says this method returns 404 if the path does not exist, but it actually returns 5xx.
def delete(path, options={})
path = path.sub(/^\//, '')
path.sub! /\/$/, ''
api_response(:post, 'fileops', 'delete', :path => Dropbox.check_path(path), :root => root(options), :ssl => @ssl)
@@ -386,11 +394,11 @@
args <<
args.last[:file_limit] = options[:limit] if options[:limit]
#args.last[:hash] = options[:hash] if options[:hash]
args.last[:list] = !(options[:suppress_list].to_bool)
args.last[:ssl] = @ssl
rescue UnsuccessfulResponseError => error
raise if error.response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPNotAcceptable)
raise if error.response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPNotFound)
@@ -417,11 +425,11 @@
def list(path, options={})
metadata(path, options.merge(:suppress_list => false)).contents
alias :ls :list
def event_metadata(target_events, options={}) # :nodoc:
get 'event_metadata', :ssl => @ssl, :root => root(options), :target_events => target_events
def event_content(entry, options={}) # :nodoc:
@@ -556,20 +564,20 @@
# Raised when the number of files within a directory exceeds a specified
# limit.
class TooManyEntriesError < FileError; end
# Raised when the event_metadata method returns an error.
class PingbackError < StandardError
# The HTTP error code returned by the event_metadata method.
attr_reader :code
def initialize(code) # :nodoc
@code = code
def to_s # :nodoc:
"#{self.class.to_s} code #{@code}"