in dripdrop-0.9.10 vs in dripdrop-0.10.0.beta1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,54 +1,164 @@
# DripDrop
-DripDrop is a library for structured message-passing async apps using EventMachine, ZeroMQ, and other protocols.
-Here's an example of the kind of thing DripDrop makes easy, from [example/combined.rb](
- require 'dripdrop'
- Thread.abort_on_exception = true #Always a good idea in multithreaded apps.
- # Encapsulates our EM and ZMQ reactors
- do
- # Define all our sockets
- route :stats_pub, :zmq_publish, 'tcp://', :bind
- route :stats_sub1, :zmq_subscribe, stats_pub.address, :connect
- route :stats_sub2, :zmq_subscribe, stats_pub.address, :connect
- route :http_collector, :http_server, ''
- route :http_agent, :http_client, http_collector.address
+1. Install with 'gem install dripdrop --pre' as you probably want the beta gem.
+2. Build eventmachine from [git master]( It fixes a ZeroMQ bug that will cause you much pain if you don't have it.
+3. Build zeromq2 from [git master](
+4. You probably want the yajl-ruby (or json-java if you're on jRuby) gem installed for optimal JSON generation. You don't have to use JSON with DripDrop, but it is the default.
+5. If you have any problems, open an issue, a lot of stuff is in flux!
+## About
+DripDrop is a library aiming to help you write better message passing apps. It's a rich toolchest, currently based on EventMachine, which provides async IO.
+DripDrop helps in these ways:
+ 1. Normalized Communication Interfaces. All protocols, regardless of their using HTTP, ZeroMQ, or WebSockets, have a unified API, with minor differences only to accomodate the reality of the underlying protocol.
+ 2. A set of tools to break your app into composable parts--we call them nodelets in dripdrop--ideally communicating with each other with the aforementioned interfaces..
+ 3. A simple, yet powerful messaging class, that lets you control the structure, formatting, and serialization of messages sent between nodelets.
+ 4. Tools to break your nodelets off when it comes time to deploy, letting you scale your app by delegating roles and scaling out resources
+## Normalized Interfaces
+Let's start by looking at the normalized communication interface in a simple app.
+ class MyApp < DripDrop::Node
+ def action #Special method that gets executed on Node#start
+ # Define some sockets, here we create an HTTP server, and
+ # a client to it. :my_hts and :my_htc are custom names
+ # that will be available after definition
+ route :my_server, :http_server, ''
+ route :my_client, :http_client, ''
- stats_sub1.on_recv do |message|
- puts "Receiver 1: #{message.body}"
+ # Our http server is a simple time server
+ my_server.on_recv do |message,response|
+ response.send_message(:name => 'time', :body => {'time' =>})
+ end
+ # Here, we setup a timer, and periodically poll the http server
+ do
+ # Messages must have a :name. They can optionally have a :body.
+ # Additionally, they can set custom :head properties.
+ my_client.send_message(:name => 'time_request') do |response_message|
+ puts "The time is: #{response_message.body['time']}"
+ end
+ end
- stats_sub2.on_recv do |message|
- puts "Receiver 2: #{message.body}"
+ end
+ #Start the app and block
+What we've done here is use HTTP as a simple messaging protocol. Yes, we've thrown out a good chunk of what HTTP does, but consider this, that exact same code would work if we replaced the top two lines with:
+ route :my_server, :zmq_xrep, '', :bind
+ route :my_client, :zmq_xreq, '', :connect
+That replaces the HTTP server and client with ultra-high performance zeromq sockets. Now, protocols have varying strengths and weaknesses, and ZeroMQ is not HTTP necessarily, for instance, given a :zmq_pub socket, you can only send_messages, but there is no response message, because :zmq_pub is the publishing end of a request/reply pattern. The messaging API attempts to reduce all methods on sockets to the following set:
+ * on_recv (sometimes takes a block with |message,response| if it can send a response)
+ * send_message
+ * on_open (Websockets only)
+ * on_close (Websockets only)
+## Composable Parts
+The tools mentioned above are useful, but if you try and build a larger app you'll quickly find them lacking. The callbacks get tricky, and mixing your logic up in a single #action method becomes messy. That's why we have nodelets in DripDrop. Here's a trivial example.
+ class MyApp < DripDrop::Node
+ # This will instantiate a new StatsCollector object, and define the
+ # stats_raw and stats_filtered methods inside it.
+ nodelet :stats_collector, StatsCollector do |nodelet|
+ nodelet.route :stats_raw, :zmq_pull, 'tcp://', :bind
+ nodelet.route :stats_filtered, :zmq_push, 'tcp://', :bind
- i = 0
- http_collector.on_recv do |message,response|
- i += 1
- stats_pub.send_message(message)
- response.send_message(:name => 'ack', :body => {:seq => i})
+ nodelet :stats_processor, StatsProcessor do |nodelet|
+ nodelet.route :stats_ingress, :zmq_pull, 'tcp://', :bind
- do
- msg ='http/status', :body => "Success #{i}")
- http_agent.send_message(msg) do |resp_msg|
- puts "RESP: #{resp_msg.body['seq']}"
+ # The nodelets method gives you access to all defined nodelets
+ # We created a #run method on each nodelet we call here.
+ nodelets.each {|n|}
+ end
+ # You must subclass Nodelet
+ # The method #run here is merely a convention
+ class StatsCollector < DripDrop::Node::Nodelet
+ def run
+ stats_raw.on_recv do |raw_stat_msg|
+ # Custom filtering code could go here...
+ stats_filtered.send_message(raw_stat_msg)
- end.start! #Start the reactor and block until complete
+ end
+ class StatsProcessor < DripDrop::Node::Nodelet
+ # Initialize shouldn't be subclassed on a Nodelet, this gets called
+ # After the nodelet is instantiated
+ def configure
+ @name_counts =
+ end
+ def run
+ stats_ingress.on_recv do |message|
+ @name_counts[] += 1
+ puts @name_counts.inspect
+ end
+ end
+ end
-Note that these aren't regular ZMQ sockets, and that the HTTP server isn't a regular server.They only speak and respond using DripDrop::Message formatted messages. For HTTP/WebSockets it's JSON that looks like {name: 'name', head: {}, body: anything}, for ZeroMQ it means MessagePack. There is a raw mode that you can use for other message formats, but using DripDrop::Messages makes things easier, and for some socket types (like XREQ/XREP) the predefined format is very useful in matching requests to replies.
+# Custom Messages
+ DripDrop::Message is the parent class of all messages in dripdrop, it's a flexible and freeform way to send data. In more complex apps you'll want to both define custom behaviour on messages, and restrict the data they carry. This is possible by subclassing DripDrop::Message. Before we look at that though, lets see what makes a DripDrop::Message.
-RDocs can be found [here]( Most of the interesting stuff is in the [Node]( and [Message]( classes.
+ The simplest DripDrop::Message you could create would look something like this if dumped into JSON:
+ {name: 'msgname', head: {}, body: null}
-#How It Works
+ In other words, a dripdrop message *must* provide a name, it must also be able to store arbitrary, nested, keys and values in its head, and it may use the body for any data it wishes.
-DripDrop encapsulates both zmqmachine, and eventmachine. It provides some sane default messaging choices, using [MessagePack]( binary, JSON, like serialization format) and JSON for serialization. While zmqmachine and eventmachine APIs, some convoluted ones, the goal here is to smooth over the bumps, and make them play together nicely.
+ If you'd like to create your own Message format, simply Subclass DripDrop::Message. If you want to restrict your handlers to using a specific message type, it's easily done by passing in the :message_class option. For instance
+ class MyMessageClass < DripDrop::Message
+ # Custom code
+ end
+ class MyApp < DripDrop::Node
+ def action
+ route :myhandler, :zmq_publish, 'tcp://', :bind, :message_class => MyMessageClass
+ route :myhandler, :zmq_subscribe, 'tcp://', :connect, :message_class => MyMessageClass
+ end
+ end
+# Breaking out your nodelets
+One of the core ideas behind dripdrop, is that if your application is composed of a bunch of separate parts, that in production deployment, will run on separate physical servers, it should still be possible for you to develop and test with ease. If you structure your app into separate nodelets, and *only* communicate between them via message passing, you can accomplish this easily.
+While you will have to write your own executable wrappers suitable for your own deployment, one convenenience feature built in is the notion of a +run_list+. By setting the #run_list you can restrict which nodelets actually get initialized. For example:
+ class MyApp < DripDrop::Node
+ nodelet :service_one, ServiceOneClass do
+ #nodelet setup
+ end
+ nodelet :service_two, ServiceTwoClass do
+ #nodelet setup
+ end
+ end
+ # Only starts :service_two, the setup for :service_one
+ # is skipped as well
+ => [:service_two]).start!
+RDocs can be found [here]( Most of the interesting stuff is in the [Node]( and [Message]( classes.
* Andrew Cholakian: [andrewvc](
* John W Higgins: [wishdev](
+* Nick Recobra: [oruen](