app/helpers/cmsedit_helper.rb in drg_cms- vs app/helpers/cmsedit_helper.rb in drg_cms-
- old
+ new
@@ -21,873 +21,203 @@
-# CmseditHelper module defines helper methods used by cmsedit actions. Output is controlled by
-# data found in 3 major sections of DRG CMS form: index, result_set and form sections.
+# CmseditHelper module defines common methods used for DRGCMS forms.
module CmseditHelper
# javascript part created by form helpers
attr_reader :js
-# Get standard actions when actions directive contains single line.
-# Subroutine of dc_actions_for_index
-# Allows for actions: new, filter, standard syntax
+# Creates code for script action type.
-def define_standard_actions(actions_params, standard)
- actions = {}
- actions_params.split(',').each do |an_action|
- an_action.strip!
- if an_action == 'standard'
- actions.merge!(standard)
- else
- standard.each do |index, action|
- (actions[index] = action; break) if action == an_action
- end
- end
- end
- actions
+def dc_script_action(yaml)
+# data = {'request' => 'script', 'script' => yaml['js'] || yaml['script'] }
+# %Q[<li class="dc-link-ajax with-link dc-animate">#{ dc_link_to(yaml['caption'], yaml['icon'], '#', data: data ) }</li>]
+ icon = dc_icon_for_link yaml['icon']
+ data = %Q[data-request="script" data-script="#{yaml['js'] || yaml['script']}"]
+ %Q[<li class="dc-link-ajax dc-animate" #{data}>#{icon} #{ t(yaml['caption'],yaml['caption']) }</li>]
-# Creates action div for cmsedit index action.
+# Will return field form definition if field is defined on form.
+# Field definition will be used for input field on the form.
-def dc_actions_for_index()
- return '' if @form['index'].nil? or @form['readonly']
- actions = @form['index']['actions']
- return '' if actions.nil? or actions.size == 0
- std_actions = {2 => 'new', 3 => 'sort', 4 => 'filter' }
- if actions.class == String
- actions = define_standard_actions(actions, std_actions)
- elsif actions['standard']
- actions.merge!(std_actions)
- actions['standard'] = nil
- end
+def dc_get_field_form_definition(name) #:nodoc:
+ return nil if @form['form'].nil?
-# start div with hidden spinner image
- html = <<EOT
-<div id="dc-action-menu">
- <span class="dc-spinner div-hidden">#{fa_icon('spinner lg spin')}</span>
- <ul class="dc-action-menu">
-# Remove actions settings and sort
- only_actions = []
- actions.each { |key, value| only_actions << [key, value] if key.class == Integer }
- only_actions.sort_by!(&:first)
- only_actions.each do |element|
- k,v = element
- session[:form_processing] = "index:actions: #{k}=#{v}"
- next if v.nil? # must be
- url = @parms.clone
- yaml = v.class == String ? {'type' => v} : v # if single definition simulate type parameter
- action = yaml['type'].to_s.downcase
- if action == 'url'
- dc_deprecate "action: url will be deprecated. Use action: link in index: actions"
- action = 'link'
- end
-# if return_to is present link directly to URL
- if action == 'link' and yaml['url']
- url = yaml['url']
- else
- url['controller'] = yaml['controller'] if yaml['controller']
- url['action'] = yaml['action'] || action
- url['table'] = yaml['table'] if yaml['table']
- url['form_name'] = yaml['form_name'] if yaml['form_name']
- end
-# html link options
- yhtml = yaml['html'] || {}
- yhtml['title'] = yaml['title'] if yaml['title']
- code = case
-# sort
- when action == 'sort' then
- choices = [['id','id']]
- if @form['index']['sort']
- @form['index']['sort'].split(',').each do |s|
- s.strip!
- choices << [ t("helpers.label.#{@form['table']}.#{s}"), s ]
- end
- end
- fa_icon('sort-alpha-asc') + ' ' + t('drgcms.sort') + ' ' +
- select('sort', 'sort', choices, { include_blank: true },
- { class: 'drgcms_sort', 'data-table' => @form['table']} )
-# filter
- when action == 'filter' then
- caption = t('drgcms.filter')
- caption << ' ' + fa_icon('caret-down lg') + DcFilter.menu_filter(self)
-# add filter OFF link
- s = session[@form['table']]
- if s and s[:filter]
- caption << ' ' + dc_link_to(nil,'remove lg', {controller: 'cmsedit',
- filter: 'off', table: @form['table']}, { title: DcFilter.title4_filter_off(s[:filter]) })
- end
- caption
-# new
- when action == 'new' then
- caption = yaml['caption'] || ''
- dc_link_to(caption,'plus', url, yhtml )
-# menu
- when action == 'menu' then
- caption = t(v['caption'], v['caption']) + ' ' + fa_icon('caret-down lg')
- caption + eval(v['eval'])
-# reorder
- when action == 'reorder' then
- caption = t('drgcms.reorder')
- parms = @parms.clone
- parms['operation'] = v
- parms['id'] = params[:ids]
- parms['table'] = @form['table']
- dc_link_to( caption, 'reorder', parms, method: :delete )
- when action == 'script'
- html << dc_script_action(v)
- next
- else
- caption = yaml['caption'] || yaml['text']
- icon = yaml['icon'] ? yaml['icon'] : action
- dc_link_to(caption, icon, url, yhtml)
- end
- html << "<li class=\"dc-animate\">#{code}</li>"
- end
- html << '</ul>'
- html << DcFilter.get_filter_field(self)
- html << '</div>'
- html.html_safe
+ @form['form']['tabs'].each do |tab|
+# Array with 2 elements. First is tabname, second is data
+ my_fields = tab.last
+ my_fields.each {|k,v| return v if (k.class == Integer and v['name'] == name) }
+ end if @form['form']['tabs'] # I know. But nice.
+ @form['form']['fields'].each do |field|
+ next unless field.first.class == Integer # options
+ return field.last if field.last['name'] == name
+ end if @form['form']['fields']
+ nil
-# Creates filter div for cmsedit index/filter action.
+# Return field code, label and help text for a field defined on a DRG Form.
+# Parameters:
+# options : Hash : Field definition
+# Returns:
+# field_html : String : HTML code for field definition
+# label : String : Label text
+# help : String : Help text
-def dc_div_filter()
- choices = []
- filter = (@form['index'] and @form['index']['filter']) ? @form['index']['filter'] + ',' : ''
- filter << 'id as text_field' # filter id is added by default
- filter.split(',').each do |f|
- f.strip!
- name = f.match(' as ') ? f.split(' ').first : f
-# like another field on the form
- if f.match(' like ')
- a = f.split(' ')
- name = a.first
- f = a.last
+def dc_field_label_help(options)
+ # no label or help in comments
+ unless %w(comment action).include?(options['type'])
+ caption = options['caption'] || options['text']
+ label = if caption.blank?
+ t_name(options['name'], options['name'].capitalize.gsub('_',' ') )
+ elsif options['name']
+ t(caption, caption)
- choices << [ t("helpers.label.#{@form['table']}.#{name}", name), f ]
+ # help text can be defined in form or in translations starting with helpers. or as
+ help = if options['help']
+ options['help'].match('helpers.') ? t(options['help']) : options['help']
+ end
+ help ||= t('' + @form['table'] + '.' + options['name'],' ') if options['name']
- choices4_operators = t('drgcms.choices4_filter_operators').chomp.split(',').inject([]) {|r,v| r << (v.match(':') ? v.split(':') : v )}
-# currently selected options
- if session[@form['table']] and session[@form['table']][:filter]
- field_name, operators_value, dummy = session[@form['table']][:filter].split("\t")
- else
- field_name, operators_value = nil, nil
+ # create field object from class and call its render method
+ klass_string = options['type'].camelize
+ field_html = if DrgcmsFormFields.const_defined?(klass_string) # when field type defined
+ klass = DrgcmsFormFields.const_get(klass_string)
+ field =, @record, options).render
+ @js << field.js
+ @css << field.css
+ field.html
+ else # litle error string
+ "Error: Field type #{options['type']} not defined!"
- #{ form_tag :table => @form['table'], filter: :on, filter_input: 1, action: :index, method: :post }
- url = url_for(table: @form['table'],form_name: params['form_name'], filter: :on, filter_input: 1, action: :index, controller: :cmsedit)
- html =<<EOT
- <div id="drgcms_filter" class="div-hidden">
- <h1>#{t('drgcms.filter_set')}</h1>
- #{ select(nil, 'filter_field1', options_for_select(choices, field_name), { include_blank: true }) }
- #{ select(nil, 'filter_oper', options_for_select(choices4_operators, operators_value)) }
- <div class="dc-menu">
- <div class="dc-link dc-animate drgcms_popup_submit" data-url="#{url}">#{fa_icon('check-square-o')} #{t('drgcms.filter_on')}</div>
- <div class="dc-link dc-animate">#{dc_link_to('drgcms.filter_off','close', {action: :index, filter: 'off', table: @form['table'], form_name: params['form_name']}) }</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- html.html_safe
+ [field_html, label, help]
-# Creates title div for cmsedit index result set records. Title div also includes paging
-# options.
+# Creates code for including data entry field in index actions.
-def dc_table_title_for_result(result=nil)
- title = if @form['title'] # form has title section
- t(@form['title'], @form['title'])
- else # get name from translations
- t("helpers.label.#{@form['table']}.tabletitle", @form['table'])
+def dc_field_action(yaml)
+ # assign value if value found in parameters
+ if params['record']
+ value = params['record'][yaml['name']]
+ params["p_#{yaml['name']}"] = value
- dc_table_title(title, result)
-# Creates code for link or ajax action type. Subroutine of dc_actions_for_result.
-def dc_link_or_ajax_action(yaml, parms) #:nodoc:
- rest = {}
- rest['method'] = yaml['method'] || yaml['request'] || 'get'
- rest['caption'] = yaml['caption'] || yaml['text']
- rest['class'] = 'dc-animate'
- rest['title'] = yaml['title']
- if yaml['type'] == 'link'
- dc_link_to(yaml['caption'], yaml['icon'], parms, rest )
+ #
+ if ( field_definition = dc_get_field_form_definition(yaml['name']) )
+ field, label, help = dc_field_label_help(field_definition)
- rest['data-url'] = url_for(parms)
- rest['class'] << " fa fa-#{yaml['icon']}"
- fa_icon(yaml['icon'], rest )
+ yaml['type'] = yaml['field_type']
+ field, label, help = dc_field_label_help(yaml)
+ # input field will have label as placeholder
+ field = field.sub('input',"input placeholder=\"#{label}\"")
+ %Q[<li class="no-background">#{field}</li>]
-# Creates code for script action type.
-def dc_script_action(yaml)
- data = {'request' => 'script', 'script' => yaml['js']}
- %Q[<li class="dc-link-ajax dc-animate">#{ dc_link_to(yaml['caption'], yaml['icon'], '#', data: data ) }</li>]
-# Determines actions and width of actions column
-def dc_actions_column()
- actions = @form['result_set']['actions']
-# standard actions
- actions = {'standard' => true} if actions.class == String && actions == 'standard'
- std_actions = {' 2' => 'edit', ' 3' => 'delete'}
- actions.merge!(std_actions) if actions['standard']
- width = @form['result_set']['actions_width'] || 20*actions.size
- [ actions, "<div class=\"actions\" style=\"width: #{width}px;\">" ]
+def dc_html_data(yaml)
+ return '' if yaml.blank?
+ yaml.inject(' ') {|result, e| result << "#{e.first}=\"#{e.last}\" "}
-# Creates actions that could be performed on single row of result set.
+# Creates code for link, ajax or windows action for index or form actions.
+# Parameters:
+# yaml: Hash : Action definition
+# record : Object : Currently selected record if available
+# action_active : Boolean : Is action active or disabled
+# Returns:
+# String : HTML code for action
-def dc_actions_for_result(document)
- actions = @form['result_set']['actions']
- return '' if actions.nil? or @form['readonly']
- actions, html = dc_actions_column()
- actions.each do |k,v|
- session[:form_processing] = "result_set:actions: #{k}=#{v}"
- next if k == 'standard' # ignore standard definition
- parms = @parms.clone
- yaml = v.class == String ? {'type' => v} : v # if single definition simulate type parameter
- html << case
- when yaml['type'] == 'edit' then
- parms['action'] = 'edit'
- parms['id'] =
- dc_link_to( nil, 'pencil lg', parms )
- when yaml['type'] == 'duplicate' then
- parms['id'] =
-# duplicate string will be added to these fields.
- parms['dup_fields'] = yaml['dup_fields']
- parms['action'] = 'create'
- dc_link_to( nil, 'copy lg', parms, data: { confirm: t('drgcms.confirm_dup') }, method: :post )
- when yaml['type'] == 'delete' then
- parms['action'] = 'destroy'
- parms['id'] =
- parms['return_to'] = request.url
- dc_link_to( nil, 'remove lg', parms, data: { confirm: t('drgcms.confirm_delete') }, method: :delete )
-# undocumented so far
- when yaml['type'] == 'edit_embedded'
- parms['controller'] = 'cmsedit'
- parms['table'] += ";#{yaml['table']}"
- parms['ids'] ||= ''
- parms['ids'] += "#{};"
- dc_link_to( nil, 'table lg', parms, method: :get )
- when yaml['type'] == 'link' || yaml['type'] == 'ajax' then
- if yaml['url']
- parms['controller'] = yaml['url']
- parms['idr'] =
- else
- parms['id'] =
- end
- parms['controller'] = yaml['controller'] if yaml['controller']
- parms['action'] = yaml['action'] if yaml['action']
- parms['table'] = yaml['table'] if yaml['table']
- parms['form_name'] = yaml['form_name'] if yaml['form_name']
- parms['target'] = yaml['target'] if yaml['target']
- dc_link_or_ajax_action(yaml, parms)
- else # error.
- yaml['type'].to_s
- end
+def dc_link_ajax_window_submit_action(yaml, record=nil, action_active=true)
+ parms = {}
+ caption = yaml['caption'] ? t("#{yaml['caption'].downcase}", yaml['caption']) : nil
+ icon = yaml['icon'] ? "#{fa_icon(yaml['icon'])}" : ''
+ # action is not active
+ unless dc_is_action_active?(yaml)
+ return "<li class=\"dc-link-no\">#{icon} #{caption}</li>"
- html << '</div>'
- html.html_safe
-# Creates header div for result set.
-def dc_header_for_result()
- html = '<div class="dc-result-header">'
- if @form['result_set']['actions'] and !@form['readonly']
- ignore, code = dc_actions_column()
- html << code + '</div>'
- end
-# preparation for sort icon
- sort_field, sort_direction = nil, nil
- if session[@form['table']]
- sort_field, sort_direction = session[@form['table']][:sort].to_s.split(' ')
- end
- if (columns = @form['result_set']['columns'])
- columns.each do |k,v|
- session[:form_processing] = "result_set:columns: #{k}=#{v}"
- th = %Q[<div class="th" style="width: #{v['width'] || '15%'};text-align: #{v['align'] || 'left'};"]
- v = {'name' => v} if v.class == String
- caption = v['caption'] || t("helpers.label.#{@form['table']}.#{v['name']}")
-# no sorting when embedded documents or custom filter is active
- sort_ok = @form['result_set'].nil? || (@form['result_set'] && @form['result_set']['filter'].nil?)
- sort_ok = sort_ok || (@form['index'] && @form['index']['sort'])
- if @tables.size == 1 and sort_ok
- icon = 'sort lg'
- if v['name'] == sort_field
- icon = sort_direction == '1' ? 'sort-alpha-asc lg' : 'sort-alpha-desc lg'
- end
- th << ">#{dc_link_to(caption, icon, sort: v['name'], table: params[:table], form_name: params[:form_name], action: :index, icon_pos: :last )}</div>"
- else
- th << ">#{caption}</div>"
- end
- html << "<div class=\"spacer\"></div>" + th
- end
- end
- (html << '</div>').html_safe
-# Creates link for single or double click on result column
-def dc_clicks_for_result(document)
- html = ''
- if @form['result_set']['dblclick']
- yaml = @form['result_set']['dblclick']
- opts = {}
- opts[:controller] = yaml['controller'] || 'cmsedit'
- opts[:action] = yaml['action']
- opts[:table] = yaml['table']
- opts[:form_name] = yaml['form_name']
- opts[:method] = yaml['method'] || 'get'
- opts[:id] = document['id']
- html << ' data-dblclick=' + url_for(opts)
+ # set data-confirm when confirm
+ yaml['html'] ||= {}
+ confirm = yaml['html']['data-confirm'] || yaml['confirm']
+ yaml['html']['data-confirm'] = t(confirm) unless confirm.blank?
+ # direct url
+ if yaml['url']
+ parms['controller'] = yaml['url']
+ parms['idr'] = dc_document_path(record) if record
+ # make url from action controller
- html << (' data-dblclick=' +
- url_for(action: 'show', controller: 'cmsedit', id:,
- readonly: (params[:readonly] ? 2 : 1), table: params[:table],
- form_name: params[:form_name], ids: params[:ids]) ) if @form['form']
+ parms['controller'] = yaml['controller'] || 'cmsedit'
+ parms['action'] = yaml['action']
+ parms['table'] = yaml['table']
+ parms['form_name'] = yaml['form_name']
+ parms['control'] = yaml['control'] if yaml['control']
+ parms['id'] = if record
- html
-# Formats value according to format supplied or data type. There is lots of things missing here.
-def dc_format_value(value, format=nil)
- return '' if value.nil?
- klass = value.class.to_s
- case when klass.match('Time') then
- format ||= t('time.formats.default')
- value.strftime(format)
- when klass.match('Date') then
- format ||= t('date.formats.default')
- value.strftime(format)
- when format.to_s[0] == 'N' then
- dec = format[1].blank? ? nil : format[1].to_i
- sep = format[2].blank? ? nil : format[2]
- del = format[3].blank? ? nil : format[3]
- cur = format[4].blank? ? nil : format[4]
- dc_format_number(value, dec, sep, del, cur)
+ # add current id to parameters
+ parms['id'] = dc_document_path(record) if record
+ # overwrite with or add additional parameters from environment or record
+ yaml['params'].each { |k,v| parms[k] = dc_value_for_parameter(v) } if yaml['params']
+ parms['table'] = parms['table'].underscore if parms['table'] # might be CamelCase
+ # error if controller parameter is missing
+ if parms['controller'].nil? && parms['url'].nil?
+ "<li>#{'Controller not defined'}</li>"
- value.to_s
- end
+ yaml['caption'] ||= yaml['text']
+ html_data = dc_html_data(yaml['html'])
+ #
+ url = url_for(parms) rescue 'URL error'
+ request = yaml['request'] || yaml['method'] || 'get'
+ if yaml['type'] == 'ajax' # ajax button
+ clas = "dc-link-ajax dc-animate"
+ %Q[<li class="#{clas}" data-url="#{action_active ? url : ''}" #{html_data}
+ data-request="#{request}" title="#{yaml['title']}">#{icon}#{caption}</li>]
-# Defines style or class for row (tr) or column (td)
-def dc_style_or_class(selector, yaml, value, record)
- return '' if yaml.nil?
-# alias record and value so both names can be used in eval
- field = value
- document = record
- html = selector ? "#{selector}=\"" : ''
- html << if yaml.class == String
- yaml
- else
- (yaml['eval'] ? eval(yaml['eval']) : '') rescue 'background-color:red;'
- end
- html << '"' if selector
- html
+ elsif yaml['type'] == 'submit' # submit button
+ # It's dirty hack, but will prevent not authorized message and render index action correctly
+ parms[:filter] = 'on'
+ url = url_for(parms) rescue 'URL error'
+ clas = "dc-action-submit"
+ %Q[<li class="#{clas}" data-url="#{action_active ? url : ''}" #{html_data}
+ data-request="#{request}" title="#{yaml['title']}">#{icon}#{caption}</li>]
-# Creates tr code for each row of result set.
-def dc_row_for_result(document)
- clas = "dc-#{cycle('odd','even')} " + dc_style_or_class(nil, @form['result_set']['tr_class'], nil, document)
- style = dc_style_or_class('style', @form['result_set']['tr_style'], nil, document)
- "<div class=\"dc-result-data #{clas}\" #{dc_clicks_for_result(document)} #{style}>".html_safe
+ elsif yaml['type'] == 'link' # link button
+ clas = "dc-link dc-animate"
+ link = dc_link_to(yaml['caption'],yaml['icon'], parms, {target: yaml['target'], html: yaml['html']} )
+ %Q[<li class="#{clas}">#{action_active ? link : caption}</li>]
-# Creates column for each field of result set document.
-def dc_columns_for_result(document)
- html = ''
- return html unless @form['result_set']['columns']
- @form['result_set']['columns'].each do |k,v|
- session[:form_processing] = "result_set:columns: #{k}=#{v}"
-# convert shortcut to hash
- v = {'name' => v} if v.class == String
-# eval
- value = if v['eval']
- if v['eval'].match('dc_name4_id')
- a = v['eval'].split(',')
- if a.size == 3
- dc_name4_id(a[1], a[2], nil, document[ v['name'] ])
- else
- dc_name4_id(a[1], a[2], a[3], document[ v['name'] ])
- end
- elsif v['eval'].match('dc_name4_value')
- dc_name4_value( @form['table'], v['name'], document[ v['name'] ] )
- elsif v['eval'].match('eval ')
-# evaluate with specified parameters
- else
- if v['params']
- if v['params'] == 'document' # pass document as parameter when all
- eval( "#{v['eval']} document")
- else # list of fields delimeted by ,
- params = v['params'].chomp.split(',').inject('') do |result,e|
- result << (e.match(/\.|\:|\(/) ? e : "document['#{e.strip}']") + ','
- end
- params.chomp!(',')
- eval( "#{v['eval']} #{params}")
- end
- else
- eval( "#{v['eval']} '#{document[ v['name'] ]}'")
- end
- end
-# as field
- elsif document.respond_to?(v['name'])
- dc_format_value(document.send( v['name'] ), v['format'])
-# as hash (dc_memory)
- elsif document.class == Hash
- dc_format_value(document[ v['name'] ], v['format'])
-# error
- else
- "!!! #{v['name']}"
- end
- td = '<div class="spacer"></div><div class="td" '
- td << dc_style_or_class('class', v['td_class'], value, document)
+ elsif yaml['type'] == 'window'
+ clas = "dc-link dc-animate dc-window-open"
+ %Q[<li class="#{clas}" data-url="#{action_active ? url : ''}" #{html_data}>#{icon}#{caption}</li>]
- width_align = %Q[width: #{v['width'] || '15%'};text-align: #{v['align'] || 'left'};]
- style = dc_style_or_class('style', v['td_style'] || v['style'], value, document)
- style = if style.size > 1
- # remove trailing " add width and add trailing " back
- style.delete_suffix('"') + width_align + '"'
- # create style string
- "style=\"#{width_align}\""
+ '<li>Action Type error</li>'
- html << "#{td} #{style}>#{value}</div>"
- html.html_safe
-# Will return value for parameter required on form
-def dc_value_for_parameter(param)
- if param.class == Hash
- dc_internal_var(param['object'] || 'record', param['method'])
- else
- param
- end
-# Creates actions div for edit form.
-# Displaying readonly form turned out to be challenge. For now when readonly parameter
-# has value 2, back link will force readonly form. Value 1 or not set will result in
-# normal link.
-def dc_actions_for_form()
-# create standard actions
- std_actions = {' 1' => 'back', ' 2' => {'type' => 'submit', 'caption' => ''},
- ' 3' => {'type' => 'submit', 'caption' => ''} }
-# when edit only
- unless
- std_actions.merge!({' 6' => 'new'} )
- std_actions.merge!( ? {' 5' => 'disable'} : {' 5' => 'enable'} ) if @record.respond_to?('active')
- std_actions.merge!({' 7' => 'refresh'} )
- end
- actions = @form['form']['actions']
-# shortcut for actions: standard
- actions = nil if actions.class == String && actions == 'standard'
-# standard actions
- actions = std_actions if actions.nil?
-# readonly
- actions = {' 1' => 'back'} if @form['readonly']
-# Actions are strictly forbidden
- if @form['form']['actions'] and dc_dont?(@form['form']['actions'])
- actions = []
- elsif actions['standard']
- actions.merge!(std_actions)
- actions['standard'] = nil
- end
-# Update save and save&back
- actions.each do |k,v|
- if v.class == String
- if v.match(/save\&back/i)
- actions[k] = {'type' => 'submit', 'caption' => ''}
- elsif v == 'save'
- actions[k] = {'type' => 'submit', 'caption' => ''}
- end
- end
- end
-# Sort so that standard actions come first
- actions = actions.to_a.sort {|x,y| x[0].to_s <=> y[0].to_s}
-# Add spinner to the beginning
- c = %Q[<span class="dc-spinner div-hidden">#{fa_icon('spinner lg spin')}</span><ul class="dc-menu">]
+def dc_log_exception(exception)
+ log = exception ? "\n!!!Error: #{exception.message}\n#{exception.backtrace.first.inspect}\n" : ''
+ log << "DRG Form processing line: #{session[:form_processing]}\n"
- actions.each do |element|
- session[:form_processing] = "form:actions: #{element}"
- v = element[1]
- next if v.nil? # yes it happends
-# on_save_ok should't go inside td tags
- if (element[0] == 'on_save_ok') then
- c << hidden_field_tag(:on_save_ok, v)
- next
- end
- action_active = !(dc_dont?(v['when_new']) and @record.new_record?)
-# p [v['caption'], action_active]
- parms = @parms.clone
- if v.class == String
- next if params[:readonly] and !(v == 'back')
- c << '<li class="dc-link dc-animate">'
- c << case
- when (v == 'back' or v == 'cancle') then
-# If return_to is present link directly to URL
- if parms['xreturn_to'] # disabled for now
- dc_link_to( 'drgcms.back','arrow-left', parms['return_to'] )
- else
- parms['action'] = 'index'
- parms['readonly'] = parms['readonly'].to_s.to_i < 2 ? nil : 1
- dc_link_to( 'drgcms.back','arrow-left', parms )
- end
- when v == 'delete' then
- parms['operation'] = v
- parms['id'] =
- dc_link_to( 'drgcms.delete','remove', parms, data: { confirm: t('drgcms.confirm_delete') }, method: :delete )
- when v == 'new' then
- parms['action'] = v
- dc_link_to( '', 'plus', parms)
- when (v == 'enable' or v == 'disable') then
- parms['operation'] = v
- parms['id'] =
- icon = (v == 'enable' ? 'thumbs-o-up' : 'thumbs-o-down')
- dc_link_to( "drgcms.#{v}",icon, parms, method: :delete )
- when v == 'edit' then
- parms['operation'] = v
- parms['id'] =
- dc_link_to( "drgcms.#{v}",v, parms )
- when v == 'refresh' then
- "<span onclick='window.location.href=window.location.href;'>#{fa_icon('refresh')} #{t('drgcms.refresh')}</span></li>"
- else
- "err1 #{element[0]}=>#{v}"
- end
- c << '</td>'
- # non standard actions
- else
- c << case
- # submit button
- when v['type'] == 'submit'
- caption = v['caption'] || ''
- icon = v['icon'] || 'save'
- if action_active
- '<li class="dc-link-submit dc-animate">' +
- dc_submit_tag(caption, icon, {:data => v['params'], :title => v['title'] }) +
- '</li>'
- else
- "<li class=\"dc-link-no\">#{fa_icon(icon)} #{caption}</li>"
- end
- # delete with some sugar added
- when v['type'] == 'delete'
- parms['id'] =
- parms.merge!(v['params'])
- caption = v['caption'] || 'drgcms.delete'
- icon = v['icon'] || 'remove'
- '<li class="dc-link dc-animate">' +
- dc_link_to( caption, icon, parms, data: t('drgcms.confirm_delete'), method: :delete ) +
- '</li>'
- # ajax or link button
- when v['type'] == 'ajax' || v['type'] == 'link' || v['type'] == 'window'
- parms = {}
- # direct url
- if v['url']
- parms['controller'] = v['url']
- parms['idr'] = dc_document_path(@record)
- # make url from action controller
- else
- parms['controller'] = v['controller']
- parms['action'] = v['action']
- parms['table'] = v['table']
- parms['form_name'] = v['form_name']
- end
- # add current id to parameters
- parms['id'] = dc_document_path(@record)
- # overwrite with or add additional parameters when params defined
- v['params'].each { |k,v| parms[k] = dc_value_for_parameter(v) } if v['params']
- parms['table'] = parms['table'].underscore if parms['table'] # might be CamelCase
- # error if controller parameter is missing
- if parms['controller'].nil?
- "<li>#{t('drgcms.error')}</li>"
- else
- v['caption'] ||= v['text']
- caption = t("#{v['caption'].downcase}", v['caption'])
- #
- url = url_for(parms) rescue ''
- request = v['request'] || v['method'] || 'get'
- icon = v['icon'] ? "#{fa_icon(v['icon'])} " : ''
- if v['type'] == 'ajax' # ajax button
- clas = action_active ? "dc-link-ajax dc-animate" : "dc-link-no"
- %Q[<li class="#{clas}" data-url="#{action_active ? url : ''}"
- data-request="#{request}" title="#{v['title']}">#{icon}#{caption}</li>]
- elsif v['type'] == 'link' # link button
- clas = action_active ? "dc-link dc-animate" : "dc-link-no"
- %Q[<li class="#{clas}">#{action_active ? dc_link_to(v['caption'],v['icon'], parms, {target: v['target']} ) : caption}</li>]
- elsif v['type'] == 'window'
- clas = action_active ? "dc-link dc-animate dc-window-open" : "dc-link-no"
- %Q[<li class="#{clas}" data-url="#{action_active ? url : ''}">#{icon}#{caption}</li>]
- else
- 'Action Type error'
- end
- end
-# Javascript action
- when v['type'] == 'script'
- dc_script_action(v)
- else
- '<li>err2</li>'
- end
- end
- end
- (c << '</ul>').html_safe
+ logger.error log
-# Create background div and table definitions for result set.
-def dc_background_for_result(start)
- if start == :start
- html = '<div class="dc-result-div" '
- html << (@form['result_set']['table_style'] ? 'style="overflow-x: scroll;" >' : '>')
- #
- html << "\n<div class=\"dc-result #{@form['result_set']['table_class']}\" "
- html << (@form['result_set']['table_style'] ? "style=\"#{@form['result_set']['table_style']}\" >" : '>')
- else
- html = '</div></div>'
- end
- html.html_safe
-# Checks if value is defined and sets default. If values are sent it also checks
-# if value is found in values. If not it will report error and set value to default.
-# Subroutine of dc_fields_for_tab.
-def dc_check_and_default(value, default, values=nil) #:nodoc:
- return default if value.nil?
-# check if value is within allowed values
- if values
- if !values.index(value)
-# parameters should be in downcase. Check downcase version.
- if n = values.index(value.downcase)
- return values[n]
- else
- logger.error("DRG Forms: Value #{value} not within values [#{values.join(',')}]. Default #{default} used!")
- return default
- end
- end
- end
- value
-# Creates top or bottom horizontal line on form.
-def top_bottom_line(options)
- '<div class="dc-separator"></div>'
-# Creates input fields for one tab. Subroutine of dc_fields_for_form.
-def dc_fields_for_tab(fields_on_tab) #:nodoc:
- @js ||= ''
- html = '<div class="dc-form">'
- labels_pos = dc_check_and_default(@form['form']['labels_pos'], 'right', ['top','left','right'])
- hidden_fields = ''
- odd_even = nil
- group_option, group_count = 0, 0
- reset_cycle()
-# options and fields must be separated before sorting
-# form_options = {|field| field.class != Integer }
-# columns = form_options.try(:[],'columns') || 1
-# Select form fields and sort them by key
- form_fields = {|field| field.class == Integer }
- form_fields.to_a.sort.each do |element|
- options = element.last
- session[:form_processing] = "form:fields: #{element.first}=#{options}"
-# ignore if edit_only singe field is required
- next if params[:edit_only] and params[:edit_only] != options['name']
-# hidden_fields. Add them at the end
- if options['type'] == 'hidden_field'
- hidden_fields <<, @record, options).render
- next
- end
-# label
- caption = options['caption'] || options['text']
- label = if !caption.blank?
- t(caption, caption)
- elsif options['name']
- t_name(options['name'], options['name'].capitalize.gsub('_',' ') )
- end
-# help text can be defined in form or in translations starting with helpers. or as
- help = if options['help']
- options['help'].match('helpers.') ? t(options['help']) : options['help']
- end
- help ||= t('' + @form['table'] + '.' + options['name'],' ') if options['name']
-# create field object from class and call its render method
- klas_string = options['type'].camelize
- field_html = if DrgcmsFormFields.const_defined?(klas_string) # check if field type is defined
- klas = DrgcmsFormFields.const_get(klas_string)
- field =, @record, options).render
- @js << field.js
- field.html
- else # litle error string
- "Error: Code for field type #{options['type']} not defined!"
- end
-# Line separator
- html << top_bottom_line(options['top-line']) if options['top-line']
-# Begining of new row
- if group_count == 0
- html << '<div class="row-div">'
- odd_even = cycle('odd','even')
- group_count = options['group'] || 1
- group_option = options['group'] || 1
- end
- html << if labels_pos == 'top'
-<div class="dc-form-label-top dc-color-#{odd_even} dc-align-left" title="#{help}">
- <label for="record_#{options['name']}">#{label} </label>
- <div id="td_record_#{options['name']}">#{field_html}</div>
-</div> ]
- else
- label_width = 14
- # less place for label when more then 1 field per row
- label_width = 10 if group_option > 1 and group_option != group_count
- data_width = (94 - 10*group_option)/group_option
-<div class="dc-form-label dc-color-#{odd_even} dc-align-#{labels_pos}" style="width:#{label_width}%;" title="#{help}">
- <label for="record_#{options['name']}">#{label} </label>
-<div id="td_record_#{options['name']}" class="dc-form-field dc-color-#{odd_even}" style="width:#{data_width}%;">#{field_html}</div>
- end
-# check if must go to next row
- group_count -= 1
- html << '</div>' if group_count == 0
- html << top_bottom_line(options['bottom-line']) if options['bottom-line']
- end
- html << '</div>' << hidden_fields
-# Creates edit form div.
-def dc_fields_for_form()
- html, tabs, tab_data = '',[], ''
-# Only fields defined
- if (form_fields = @form['form']['fields'])
- html << "<div id='data_fields' " + (@form['form']['height'] ? "style=\"height: #{@form['form']['height']}px;\">" : '>')
- html << dc_fields_for_tab(form_fields) + '</div>'
- else
-# there are multiple tabs on form
- first = true # first tab
- @form['form']['tabs'].keys.sort.each do |tab_name|
- next if tab_name.match('actions')
-# Tricky. If field name is not on the tab skip to next tab
- if params[:edit_only]
- is_on_tab = false
- @form['form']['tabs'][tab_name].each {|k,v| is_on_tab = true if params[:edit_only] == v['name'] }
- next unless is_on_tab
- end
-# first div is displayed, all others are hidden
- tab_data << "<div id=\"data_#{tab_name.delete("\s\n")}\""
- tab_data << ' class="div-hidden"' unless first
- tab_data << " style=\"height: #{@form['form']['height']}px;\"" if @form['form']['height']
- tab_data << ">#{dc_fields_for_tab(@form['form']['tabs'][tab_name])}</div>"
- tab_label = @form['form']['tabs'][tab_name]['caption'] || tab_name
- tabs << [tab_name, tab_label]
- first = false
- end
-# make it all work together
- html << '<ul class="dc-form-ul" >'
- first = true # first tab must be selected
- tabs.each do |tab_name, tab_label|
- html << "<li id=\"li_#{tab_name}\" data-div=\"#{tab_name.delete("\s\n")}\" class=\"dc-form-li"
- html << ' dc-form-li-selected' if first
- html << "\">#{t(tab_label, t_name(tab_label))}</li>"
- first = false
- end
- html << '</ul>'
- html << tab_data
- end
- # add last_updated_at hidden field so controller can check if record was updated in db during editing
- html << hidden_field(nil, :last_updated_at, value: @record.updated_at.to_i) if @record.respond_to?(:updated_at)
- # add form time stamp to prevent double form submit
- html << hidden_field(nil, :form_time_stamp, value:
- html.html_safe
-# Returns username for id. Subroutine of dc_document_statistics
-def _get_user_for(field_name) #:nodoc:
- if @record[field_name]
- u = DcUser.find(@record[field_name])
- return u ? : @record[field_name]
- end
-# nil
-# Creates current document statistics div (created_by, created_at, ....) at the bottom of edit form.
-# + lots of more. At the moment also adds icon for dumping current document as json text.
-def dc_document_statistics
- return '' if @record.new_record? or dc_dont?(@form['form']['info'])
- html = %Q[<div id="dc-document-info">#{fa_icon('info-circle lg')}</div> <div id="dc-document-info-popup" class="div-hidden"> ]
- u = _get_user_for('created_by')
- html << %Q[<div><span>#{t('drgcms.created_by', 'Created by')}: </span><span>#{u}</span></div>] if u
- u = _get_user_for('updated_by')
- html << %Q[<div><span>#{t('drgcms.updated_by', 'Updated by')}: </span><span>#{u}</span></div>] if u
- html << %Q[<div><span>#{t('drgcms.created_at', 'Created at')}: </span><span>#{dc_format_value(@record.created_at)}</span></div>] if @record['created_at']
- html << %Q[<div><span>#{t('drgcms.updated_at', 'Updated at')}: </span><span>#{dc_format_value(@record.updated_at)}</span></div>] if @record['updated_at']
-# copy to clipboard icon
- parms = params.clone
- parms[:controller] = 'dc_common'
- parms[:action] = 'copy_clipboard'
- url = url_for(parms.permit!)
- html << fa_icon('copy 2x', class: 'dc-link-img dc-link-ajax dc-animate',
- 'data-url' => url, 'data-request' => 'get', title: t('drgcms.doc_copy_clipboard') )
- (html << '</div></div>').html_safe