app/helpers/cmsedit_helper.rb in drg_cms- vs app/helpers/cmsedit_helper.rb in drg_cms-0.5.9
- old
+ new
@@ -91,13 +91,16 @@
{ class: 'drgcms_sort', 'data-table' => @form['table']} )
# filter
when action == 'filter' then
caption = t('drgcms.filter')
caption << ' ' + fa_icon('caret-down lg') + DcFilter.menu_filter(self)
-# add check image, so user will know that filter is active
+# add filter OFF link
s = session[@form['table']]
- caption << (' ' << fa_icon('check')) if s and s[:filter]
+ if s and s[:filter]
+ caption << ' ' + dc_link_to(nil,'remove lg', controller: 'cmsedit',
+ filter: 'off', table: @form['table'], title: 'drgcms.filter_off')
+ end
# new
when action == 'new' then
caption = yaml['caption'] || ''
dc_link_to(caption,'plus', url, yhtml )
@@ -139,12 +142,13 @@
#{ form_tag :table => @form['table'], filter: :on, filter_input: 1, action: :index, method: :post }
url = url_for(:table => @form['table'], filter: :on, filter_input: 1, action: :index, controller: :cmsedit)
html =<<EOT
<div id="drgcms_filter" class="div-hidden">
+ <h1>#{t('drgcms.filter_set')}</h1>
<table class="dc-menu"><td>
- #{ select(nil, 'filter_field', options_for_select(choices, field_name), { include_blank: true }) }
+ #{ select(nil, 'filter_field1', options_for_select(choices, field_name), { include_blank: true }) }
#{ select(nil, 'filter_oper', options_for_select(choices4_operators, operators_value)) }
<td class="dc-link dc-animate drgcms_popup_submit" data-url="#{url}">#{fa_icon('check-square-o')} #{t('drgcms.filter_on')}</td>
<td class="dc-link dc-animate">#{dc_link_to('drgcms.filter_off','close', {action: 'index', filter: 'off', :table => @form['table']}) }</td>
@@ -590,87 +594,93 @@
# Creates top or bottom horizontal line on form.
-def top_bottom_line(yaml)
+def top_bottom_line(yaml, columns=2)
if yaml.class == Hash
clas = yaml['class']
style = yaml['style']
clas ||= 'dc-separator'
- "<tr><td colspan=\"4\" class=\"#{clas}\" style=\"#{style}\"></td></tr>"
+ "<tr><td colspan=\"#{columns*2}\" class=\"#{clas}\" style=\"#{style}\"></td></tr>"
-# Creates input field for one tab. Subroutine of dc_fields_for_form.
+# Creates input fields for one tab. Subroutine of dc_fields_for_form.
def dc_fields_for_tab(fields) #:nodoc:
- @js ||= ''
- double_field = 0
- html = '<table class="dc-form-table">'
+ @js ||= ''
+ html = '<table class="dc-form-table">'
labels_pos = dc_check_and_default(@form['form']['labels_pos'], 'right', ['top','left','right'])
+ current_column = 0
+ hidden_fields = ''
+ odd_even = nil
-# sort fields by name
- fields.to_a.sort.each do |element|
+# options and fields must be separated before sorting
+ form_options = {|field| field.class != Fixnum }
+ columns = form_options.try(:[],'columns') || 1
+# Select form fields and sort them by key
+ form_fields = {|field| field.class == Fixnum }
+ form_fields.to_a.sort.each do |element|
options = element.last
session[:form_processing] = "form:fields: #{element.first}=#{options}"
# ignore if edit_only singe field is required
next if params[:edit_only] and params[:edit_only] != options['name']
-# hidden_fields. Ignore description text, otherwise it will be seen on screen
+# hidden_fields. Add them at the end
if options['type'] == 'hidden_field'
- html <<, @record, options).render
+ hidden_fields <<, @record, options).render
+# initialize when column is 0
+ if current_column == 0
+ odd_even = cycle('odd','even')
+ current_column = columns
+ end
# label
text = if options['text']
t(options['text'], options['text'])
- else
+ else
t_name(options['name'], options['name'].capitalize.gsub('_',' ') )
-# options['text'] ||= options['name'].capitalize.gsub('_',' ')
-# text = options['text'].match('helpers.') ? t(options['text']) : t_name(options['name'], options['text'])
# help text can be defined in form or in translations starting with helpers. or as
help = if options['help']
options['help'].match('helpers.') ? t(options['help']) : options['help']
help ||= t('' + @form['table'] + '.' + options['name'],' ')
- odd_even = cycle('odd','even')
- odd_even = cycle('odd','even') if double_field == 2 # it should be same style as first
# create field object from class and call its render method
klas_string = options['type'].camelize
field_html = if DrgcmsFormFields.const_defined?(klas_string) # check if field type is defined
klas = DrgcmsFormFields.const_get(klas_string)
field =, @record, options).render
@js << field.js
else # litle error string
"Error: Code for field type #{options['type']} not defined!"
-# Separator
- html << top_bottom_line(options['top-line']) if options['top-line']
-# Double entry fields in one row
- double_field = 1 if options['double']
- html << '<tr>' if double_field < 2
+# Line separator
+ html << top_bottom_line(options['top-line'], columns) if options['top-line']
+ html << '<tr>' if current_column == columns
+ colspan = options['colspan'] || 1
- html << if labels_pos == 'top'
- %Q[<td class="dc-form-label dc-color-#{odd_even} dc-align-left" title="#{help}"
- #{double_field == 0 ? 'colspan="2"' : 'style="width:50%;"'}>
+ html << if labels_pos == 'top'
+ %Q[<td class="dc-form-label-top dc-color-#{odd_even} dc-align-left"
+ title="#{help}" colspan="#{colspan*2}">
<div><label for="record_#{options['name']}">#{text} </label></div>
- <div id="td_record_#{options['name']}">#{field_html}</div></td>]
+ <div id="td_record_#{options['name']}">#{field_html}</div></td> ]
%Q[<td class="dc-form-label dc-color-#{odd_even} dc-align-#{labels_pos}" title="#{help}">
<label for="record_#{options['name']}">#{text} </label></td>
- <td id=\"td_record_#{options['name']}\" class=\"dc-form-field dc-color-#{odd_even}\" #{'colspan="3"' if double_field == 0 }>#{field_html}
- </td>
- ]
+ <td id="td_record_#{options['name']}" class="dc-form-field dc-color-#{odd_even}"
+ colspan="#{colspan*2 - 1}">#{field_html}
+ </td> ]
- html << '</tr>' if double_field != 1
- double_field = 0 if double_field == 2
- double_field = 2 if double_field == 1
- html << top_bottom_line(options['bottom-line']) if options['bottom-line']
+# check if must go to next line
+ current_column -= colspan
+ html << '</tr>' if current_column == 0
+ html << top_bottom_line(options['bottom-line'], columns) if options['bottom-line']
- html << '</table></table>'
+ html << '</table>' << hidden_fields
# Creates edit form div.