lib/dor/models/releasable.rb in dor-services-5.0.2 vs lib/dor/models/releasable.rb in dor-services-5.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
+require 'open-uri'
+require 'retries'
module Dor
module Releasable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
include Itemizable
#Generate XML structure for inclusion to Purl
#@return [String] The XML release node as a string, with ReleaseDigest as the root document
def generate_release_xml
builder = do |xml|
- xml.ReleaseDigest {
+ xml.ReleaseData {
self.released_for.each do |project,released_value|
@@ -50,10 +53,13 @@
if latest_applicable_tag_for_key != nil #We have a valid tag, record it
released_hash[key] = self.clean_release_tag_for_purl(latest_applicable_tag_for_key)
+ #See what the application is currently released for on Purl. If something is released in purl but not listed here, it needs to be added as a false
+ released_hash = self.add_tags_from_purl(released_hash)
return released_hash
#Take a hash of tags as obtained via Dor::Item.release_tags and returns all self tags
@@ -252,11 +258,11 @@
#@raise [RuntimeError] Raised if attributes are improperly supplied
#@params tag [Boolean] True or false for the release node
#@params attrs [hash] A hash of any attributes to be placed onto the tag
- # release tag example:
+ #@example
# item.add_tag(true,:release,{:tag=>'Fitch : Batch2',:what=>'self',:to=>'Searchworks',:who=>'petucket'})
def add_release_node(release, attrs={})
identity_metadata_ds = self.identityMetadata
attrs[:when] = if attrs[:when] == nil#add the timestamp
valid_release_attributes(release, attrs)
@@ -302,9 +308,89 @@
return_hash[hashed_node[:to]] = [hashed_node[:attrs]]
return return_hash
+ end
+ #Get a list of all release nodes found in a purl document
+ #
+ #@params druid [String]
+ #
+ #@raises [OpenURI::HTTPError]
+ #
+ #Fetches purl xml for a druid
+ #
+ #@return [Nokogiri::HTML::Document] the parsed xml for the druid or an empty document if no purl is found
+ def get_xml_from_purl
+ handler = do |exception, attempt_number, total_delay|
+ #We assume a 404 means the document has never been published before and thus has no purl
+ #The strip is needed before the actual message is "404 "
+ return if exception.message.strip == "404"
+ end
+ with_retries(:max_retries => 5, :base_sleep_seconds => 3, :max_sleep_seconds=> 5, :rescue => OpenURI::HTTPError, :handler => handler) {
+ #If you change the method used for opening the webpage, you can change the :rescue param to handle the new method's errors
+ return Nokogiri::HTML(open(self.form_purl_url))
+ }
+ end
+ #Since purl does not use the druid: prefix but much of dor does, use this function to strip the druid: if needed
+ #
+ #@return [String] the druid sans the druid: or if there was no druid: prefix, the entire string you passed
+ def remove_druid_prefix
+ druid_prefix = "druid:"
+ return[1] if > 1
+ return druid
+ end
+ #Take the and create the entire purl url that will usable for the open method in open-uri, returns http
+ #
+ #params druid [String], the druid without or without the driud prefix
+ #
+ #return [String], the full url
+ def form_purl_url
+ prefix = "http://"
+ return prefix + Dor::Config.stacks.document_cache_host + "/#{self.remove_druid_prefix}.xml"
+ end
+ #Pull all release nodes from the public xml obtained via the purl query
+ #
+ #@params druid [Nokogiri::HTML::Document] The druid of the object you want
+ #
+ #@return [Array] An array containing all the release tags
+ def get_release_tags_from_purl_xml(doc)
+ nodes = doc.xpath("//html/body/publicobject/releasedata").children
+ #We only want the nodes with a name that isn't text
+ return_array = []
+ nodes.each do |n|
+ return_array << n.attr('to') if != nil and != "text"
+ end
+ return return_array.uniq
+ end
+ #Pull all release nodes from the public xml obtained via the purl query
+ #
+ #@return [Array] An array containing all the release tags
+ def get_release_tags_from_purl
+ xml = self.get_xml_from_purl
+ return self.get_release_tags_from_purl_xml(xml)
+ end
+ #This function calls purl and gets a list of all release tags currently in purl. It then compares to the list you have generated.
+ #Any tag that is on purl, but not in the newly generated list is added to the new list with a value of false.
+ #
+ #params new_tags [Hash] a hash of all new tags in the form of {Project => Boolean}, where Project is a string
+ #
+ #return [Hash], a hash in the same form as new_tags, with all missing tags not in new_tags, but in current_tag_names, added in with a Boolean value of false
+ def add_tags_from_purl(new_tags)
+ tags_currently_in_purl = self.get_release_tags_from_purl
+ missing_tags = -
+ missing_tags.each do |missing_tag|
+ new_tags[missing_tag.capitalize] = false
+ end
+ return new_tags