lib/dor/services/client.rb in dor-services-client-0.10.0 vs lib/dor/services/client.rb in dor-services-client-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -4,64 +4,40 @@
require 'singleton'
require 'faraday'
require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access'
require 'active_support/core_ext/module/delegation'
require 'dor/services/client/versioned_service'
-require 'dor/services/client/files'
require 'dor/services/client/object'
require 'dor/services/client/objects'
-require 'dor/services/client/release_tags'
-require 'dor/services/client/sdr'
-require 'dor/services/client/workflow'
-require 'dor/services/client/workspace'
-require 'deprecation'
module Dor
module Services
class Client
class Error < StandardError; end
+ # Error that is raised when the remote server returns a 404 Not Found
+ class NotFoundResponse < Error; end
# Error that is raised when the remote server returns some unexpected response
- # this could be any 4xx or 5xx status.
+ # this could be any 4xx or 5xx status
class UnexpectedResponse < Error; end
# Error that is raised when the remote server returns some unparsable response
class MalformedResponse < Error; end
include Singleton
- extend Deprecation
- def object(object)
- connection, version: DEFAULT_VERSION, object: object)
+ def object(object_identifier)
+ connection, version: DEFAULT_VERSION, object_id: object_identifier)
def objects
@objects ||= connection, version: DEFAULT_VERSION)
- def sdr
- @sdr ||= connection, version: DEFAULT_VERSION)
- end
- def files
- @files ||= connection, version: DEFAULT_VERSION)
- end
- def workflow
- @workflow ||= connection, version: DEFAULT_VERSION)
- end
- def workspace
- @workspace ||= connection, version: DEFAULT_VERSION)
- end
- def release_tags
- @release_tags ||= connection, version: DEFAULT_VERSION)
- end
class << self
def configure(url:, username: nil, password: nil)
instance.url = url
instance.username = username
instance.password = password
@@ -69,102 +45,10 @@
instance.connection = nil
- delegate :objects, :object, :files, :workflow, :workspace, :release_tags, :sdr, to: :instance
- private :objects, :files, :workflow, :workspace, :release_tags
- # Creates a new object in DOR
- # @return [HashWithIndifferentAccess] the response, which includes a :pid
- delegate :register, to: :objects
- # @param [String] object the identifier for the object
- # @param [String] filename the name of the file to retrieve
- # @return [String] the file contents from the workspace
- def retrieve_file(object:, filename:)
- files.retrieve(object: object, filename: filename)
- end
- # Get the preserved file contents
- # @param [String] object the identifier for the object
- # @param [String] filename the name of the file to retrieve
- # @param [Integer] version the version of the file to retrieve
- # @return [String] the file contents from the SDR
- delegate :preserved_content, to: :files
- # @param [String] object the identifier for the object
- # @return [Array<String>] the list of filenames in the workspace
- def list_files(object:)
- files.list(object: object)
- end
- # Initializes a new workflow
- # @param object [String] the pid for the object
- # @param wf_name [String] the name of the workflow
- # @raises [UnexpectedResponse] if the request is unsuccessful.
- # @return nil
- def initialize_workflow(object:, wf_name:)
- workflow.create(object: object, wf_name: wf_name)
- end
- # Initializes a new workspace
- # @param object [String] the pid for the object
- # @param source [String] the path to the object
- # @raises [UnexpectedResponse] if the request is unsuccessful.
- # @return nil
- def initialize_workspace(object:, source:)
- workspace.create(object: object, source: source)
- end
- # Creates a new release tag for the object
- # @param object [String] the pid for the object
- # @param release [Boolean]
- # @param what [String]
- # @param to [String]
- # @param who [String]
- # @return [Boolean] true if successful
- def create_release_tag(object:, release:, what:, to:, who:)
- release_tags.create(object: object, release: release, what: what, to: to, who: who)
- end
- # Open new version for an object
- # @param object [String] object identifier
- # @param params [Hash] optional params (see dor-services-app)
- # @raise [UnexpectedResponse] when the response is not successful.
- # @raise [MalformedResponse] when the response is not parseable.
- # @return [String] the current version
- def open_new_version(object:, **params)
- object(object).open_new_version(**params)
- end
- # Close current version for an object
- # @param object [String] object identifier
- # @param params [Hash] optional params (see dor-services-app)
- # @raise [UnexpectedResponse] when the response is not successful.
- # @return [String] a message confirming successful closing
- def close_version(object:, **params)
- object(object).close_version(**params)
- end
- # Publish a new object
- # @param object [String] the pid for the object
- # @raise [UnexpectedResponse] when the response is not successful.
- # @return [boolean] true on success
- delegate :publish, to: :objects
- # Notify goobi system of a new object
- delegate :notify_goobi, to: :objects
- # Gets the current version number for the object
- # @param object [String] the pid for the object
- # @raise [UnexpectedResponse] when the response is not successful.
- # @raise [MalformedResponse] when the response is not parseable.
- # @return [Integer] the current version
- def current_version(object:)
- sdr.current_version(object: object)
- end
- deprecation_deprecate current_version: 'use Client.sdr.current_version instead'
+ delegate :objects, :object, to: :instance
attr_writer :url, :username, :password, :connection