lib/dolzenko/shell_out.rb in dolzenko-0.0.13 vs lib/dolzenko/shell_out.rb in dolzenko-0.0.14
- old
+ new
@@ -93,13 +93,32 @@
def command(*args)
- (args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args[0..-2] : args).join(" ")
+ stripped_command = args.dup
+ stripped_command.pop if stripped_command[-1].is_a?(Hash) # remove options
+ stripped_command.shift if stripped_command[0].is_a?(Hash) # remove env
+ stripped_command.join(" ")
+ def with_env(*args)
+ yield unless (env = args[0]).is_a?(Hash)
+ stored_env = {}
+ for name, value in env
+ stored_env[name] = ENV[name]
+ value == nil ? ENV.delete(name) : ENV[name] = value
+ end
+ begin
+ yield
+ ensure
+ for name, value in stored_env
+ ENV[name] = value
+ end
+ end
+ end
def getopt(opt, default, *args)
if args.last.is_a?(Hash)
if opt == :out && args.last[:out] == :return
@@ -113,60 +132,66 @@
def shell_out_with_pty(*args)
old_state = `stty -g`
return SUCCESS_EXIT_STATUS unless ShellOut::before(*args)
- # stolen from ruby/ext/pty/script.rb
- # disable echoing and enable raw (not having to press enter)
- system "stty -echo raw lnext ^_"
+ begin
+ # stolen from ruby/ext/pty/script.rb
+ # disable echoing and enable raw (not having to press enter)
+ system "stty -echo raw lnext ^_"
- in_stream = ShellOut.getopt(:in, STDIN, *args)
- out_stream = ShellOut.getopt(:out, STDOUT, *args)
+ in_stream = ShellOut.getopt(:in, STDIN, *args)
+ out_stream = ShellOut.getopt(:out, STDOUT, *args)
+ writer = nil
+ ShellOut.with_env(*args) do
+ PTY.spawn(ShellOut.command(*args)) do |r_pty, w_pty, pid|
+ reader = Thread.current
+ writer = do
+ while true
+ break if (ch = in_stream.getc).nil?
+ ch = ch.chr
+ if ch == ShellOut::CTRL_C_CODE
+ reader.raise Interrupt, "Interrupted by user"
+ else
+ w_pty.print ch
+ w_pty.flush
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ writer.abort_on_exception = true
- PTY.spawn(ShellOut.command(*args)) do |r_pty, w_pty, pid|
- reader = Thread.current
- writer = do
- while true
- break if (ch = in_stream.getc).nil?
- ch = ch.chr
- if ch == ShellOut::CTRL_C_CODE
- reader.raise Interrupt, "Interrupted by user"
- else
- w_pty.print ch
- w_pty.flush
+ loop do
+ c = begin
+ r_pty.sysread(512)
+ rescue Errno::EIO, EOFError
+ nil
+ end
+ break if c.nil?
+ out_stream.print c
+ out_stream.flush
- end
- end
- writer.abort_on_exception = true
- loop do
- c = begin
- r_pty.sysread(512)
- rescue Errno::EIO, EOFError
- nil
+ begin
+ # try to invoke waitpid() before the signal handler does it
+ return ShellOut::after(Process::waitpid2(pid)[1].exitstatus, out_stream, *args)
+ rescue Errno::ECHILD
+ # the signal handler managed to call waitpid() first;
+ # PTY::ChildExited will be delivered pretty soon, so just wait for it
+ sleep 1
+ end
- break if c.nil?
- out_stream.print c
- out_stream.flush
- begin
- # try to invoke waitpid() before the signal handler does it
- return ShellOut::after(Process::waitpid2(pid)[1].exitstatus, out_stream, *args)
- rescue Errno::ECHILD
- # the signal handler managed to call waitpid() first;
- # PTY::ChildExited will be delivered pretty soon, so just wait for it
- sleep 1
- end
+ rescue PTY::ChildExited => e
+ return ShellOut::after(e.status.exitstatus, out_stream, *args)
+ ensure
+ writer && writer.kill
+ system "stty #{ old_state }"
- rescue PTY::ChildExited => e
- return ShellOut::after(e.status.exitstatus, out_stream, *args)
- ensure
- system "stty #{ old_state }"
def shell_out_with_system(*args)
return SUCCESS_EXIT_STATUS unless ShellOut::before(*args)
@@ -247,9 +272,15 @@
STDOUT.supress do # TODO still mystery why "testing\n" gets written to the output
ShellOut("ruby -e 'exit(123) if gets.chomp == \"testing\"'", :in => fake_stdin).should == 123
+ end
+ it "alters command environment when first argument is a Hash" do
+ ShellOut({ "ENV_VAR" => "42" },
+ "ruby -e 'puts ENV.inspect'",
+ :out => :return).should include('"ENV_VAR"=>"42"')
describe ":raise_exceptions option" do
it "raises exception for non-zero exit codes" do
lambda do
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