lib/dolly/collection.rb in dolly-1.1.7 vs lib/dolly/collection.rb in dolly-3.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,88 +1,45 @@
module Dolly
- class Collection < DelegateClass(Set)
- attr_accessor :rows
- attr_writer :json, :docs_class
+ class Collection < DelegateClass(Array)
+ attr_reader :info
- def initialize str, docs_class
- @docs_class = docs_class
- @json = str
- initial = []
- super(initial)
- load
+ def initialize(rows: [], **info)
+ @info = info
+ #TODO: We should raise an exception if one of the
+ # requested documents is missing
+ super
- def last
- to_a.last
+ def first_or_all(forced_first = false)
+ return self if forced_first
+ single? ? first : self
- def update_properties! properties ={}
- properties.each do |key, value|
- regex = %r{
- \"#{key}\": # find key definition in json string
- ( # start value group
- \"[^\"]*\" # find anything (even empty) between \" and \"
- | # logical OR
- null #literal null value
- ) # end value group
- }x
- raise Dolly::MissingPropertyError unless json.match regex
- json.gsub! regex, "\"#{key}\":\"#{value}\""
- end
-, to_a).save
- clear
- load
- self
+ def single?
+ size <= 1
- def each &block
- load if empty?
- super &block
- #TODO: returning nil to avoid extra time serializing set.
- nil
- end
+ private
- def rows= ary
- ary.each do |r|
- next unless r['doc']
- properties = r['doc']
- id = properties.delete '_id'
- rev = properties.delete '_rev' if properties['_rev']
- document = (docs_class || doc_class(id)).new properties
- document.doc = properties.merge({'_id' => id, '_rev' => rev})
- self << document
+ def collect_docs
+ lambda do |row|
+ next unless collectable_row?(row)
+ klass = Object.const_get doc_type(row[:id])
+ klass.from_doc(row[:doc])
- def load
- parsed = JSON::parse json
- self.rows = parsed['rows']
+ def doc_type(key)
+ key.match(%r{^([^/]+)/})[1].split('_').collect(&:capitalize).join
- def to_json options = {}
- load if empty?
- map{|r| r.doc }.to_json(options)
+ def collectable_row?(row)
+ !deleted_doc?(row) && row[:error].nil?
- private
- def docs_class
- @docs_class
+ def deleted_doc?(row)
+ value = row&.fetch(:value, {})
+ return false unless value.is_a? Hash
+ value.fetch(:deleted, false)
- def doc_class id
- # TODO: We need to improve and document the way we return
- # multiple types when querying from a class, as it might
- # be confusing. We *could* also get dolly to parse the result
- # before sending it back to the client.
- doc_class = id[/^[a-z_]+/].camelize.constantize
- docs_class == doc_class ? docs_class : doc_class
- end
- def json
- @json
- end