bin/dokku in dokku-installer-cli- vs bin/dokku in dokku-installer-cli-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,44 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require "shellwords"
require "thor"
require "YAML"
+require_relative "../lib/dokku_installer"
module DokkuInstaller
class Cli < Thor
- desc "config", "Display the app's environment variables"
- def config
- run_command "config #{app_name}"
- end
- desc "config:get KEY", "Display an environment variable value"
- def config_get(*args)
- run_command "config:get #{app_name} #{args.first}"
- end
- desc "config:set KEY1=VALUE1 [KEY2=VALUE2 ...]", "Set one or more environment variables"
- def config_set(*args)
- run_command "config:set #{app_name} #{args.join(' ')}"
- end
- desc "config:unset KEY1 [KEY2 ...]", "Unset one or more environment variables"
- def config_unset(*args)
- run_command "config:unset #{app_name} #{args.join(' ')}"
- end
- desc "domains", "Display the app's domains"
- def domains(*args)
- run_command "domains #{app_name}"
- end
- desc "domains:set DOMAIN1 [DOMAIN2 ...]", "Set one or more domains"
- def domains_set(*args)
- run_command "domains:set #{app_name} #{args.join(' ')}"
- end
desc "logs [-t]", "Show the last logs for the application (-t follows)"
def logs(*args)
if args.first && args.first.strip == "-t"
command = "ssh dokku@#{domain} logs #{app_name} -t"
puts "Running #{command}..."
@@ -51,74 +21,10 @@
desc "open", "Open the application in your default browser"
def open
exec("open http://#{app_name}.#{domain}")
- desc "postgres:backups", "List available PostgreSQL backups"
- def postgres_backups
- command = "ssh -t dokku@#{domain} postgres:backups #{app_name}"
- puts "Running #{command}..."
- backups = `#{command}`
- backups.split("\n").reverse.each_with_index do |line, index|
- number = "#{index + 1}"
- if number.length < 2
- number = " #{number}"
- end
- puts "#{number}. #{line}"
- end
- end
- desc "postgres:backups:create", "Create a new PostgreSQL backup"
- def postgres_backups_create
- run_command "postgres:backups:create #{app_name}"
- end
- desc "postgres:backups:disable", "Disable daily PostgreSQL backups"
- def postgres_backups_disable
- run_command "postgres:backups:disable #{app_name}"
- end
- desc "postgres:backups:download <number>", "Download the numbered PostgreSQL backup"
- def postgres_backups_download(*args)
- number = args.first ? args.first : 1
- if backup = backup_filename(number)
- command = "postgres:backups:download #{app_name} #{backup} > #{backup}"
- puts "Saving to local file: #{backup}"
- run_command(command)
- else
- puts "Invalid backup number"
- end
- end
- desc "postgres:backups:enable", "Enable daily PostgreSQL backups"
- def postgres_backups_enable
- run_command "postgres:backups:enable #{app_name}"
- end
- desc "postgres:backups:restore:local <number>", "Restore the numbered PostgreSQL backup locally"
- def postgres_backups_restore_local(*args)
- # Download the backup file
- number = args.first ? args.first : 1
- if backup = backup_filename(number)
- command = "ssh -t dokku@#{domain} postgres:backups:download #{app_name} #{backup} > #{backup}"
- puts "Saving to local file: #{backup}"
- `#{command}`
- if psql_options
- command = "psql #{psql_options} --file=#{backup}"
- puts "Running #{command}..."
- `#{command}`
- puts "Deleting #{backup}..."
- `rm #{backup}`
- end
- else
- puts "Invalid backup number"
- end
- end
desc "restart", "Restart the application"
def restart(*args)
run_command "restart #{app_name}"
@@ -140,30 +46,10 @@
command = "ssh root@#{domain}"
puts "Running #{command}..."
- desc "ssl:certificate <file path>", "Add a signed certificate for SSL (server.crt)"
- def ssl_certificate(*args)
- file_path = args.first
- file_contents =
- command = "echo \"#{file_contents}\" | ssh dokku@#{domain} ssl:certificate #{app_name}"
- puts "Running #{command}..."
- exec(command)
- end
- desc "ssl:key <file path>", "Add a private key for SSL (server.key)"
- def ssl_key(*args)
- file_path = args.first
- file_contents =
- command = "echo \"#{file_contents}\" | ssh dokku@#{domain} ssl:key #{app_name}"
- puts "Running #{command}..."
- exec(command)
- end
desc "url", "Show the URL for the application"
def url
puts "http://#{app_name}.#{domain}"
@@ -222,35 +108,9 @@
git_config =
match = git_config.match(/url \= dokku@(.*):(.*)\n/).to_a
exit unless match
- end
- end
- def psql_options
- @psql_options ||= begin
- restore_options = nil
- if File.exist?("./config/database.yml")
- if development_config = YAML::load("./config/database.yml"))["development"]
- restore_options = "--host=#{development_config['host']} --dbname=#{development_config['database']}"
- if username = development_config["username"]
- restore_options += " --username=#{username}"
- end
- if port = development_config["port"]
- restore_options += " --port=#{port}"
- end
- else
- puts "Missing database.yml config for development environment"
- end
- else
- puts "Missing file config/database.yml"
- end
- restore_options
def run_command(command)
dokku_command = "ssh -t dokku@#{domain} #{command}"