lib/docusign_rest/client.rb in docusign_rest-0.3.1 vs lib/docusign_rest/client.rb in docusign_rest-0.3.2
- old
+ new
@@ -328,28 +328,46 @@
def get_signers(signers, options={})
doc_signers = []
signers.each_with_index do |signer, index|
doc_signer = {
- email: signer[:email],
- name: signer[:name],
accessCode: '',
addAccessCodeToEmail: false,
customFields: signer[:custom_fields],
- iDCheckConfigurationName: nil,
- iDCheckInformationInput: nil,
+ idCheckConfigurationName: signer[:id_check_configuration_name],
+ idCheckInformationInput: nil,
inheritEmailNotificationConfiguration: false,
- note: '',
+ note: signer[:note],
phoneAuthentication: nil,
recipientAttachment: nil,
- recipientId: "#{index + 1}",
- requireIdLookup: false,
+ requireIdLookup: signer[:require_id_lookup],
roleName: signer[:role_name],
routingOrder: signer[:routing_order] || index + 1,
socialAuthentications: nil
+ recipient_id = signer[:recipient_id] || index + 1
+ doc_signer[:recipientId] = recipient_id
+ doc_signer[:clientUserId] = recipient_id if signer[:embedded_signing]
+ if signer[:id_check_information_input]
+ doc_signer[:idCheckInformationInput] =
+ get_id_check_information_input(signer[:id_check_information_input])
+ end
+ if signer[:phone_authentication]
+ doc_signer[:phoneAuthentication] =
+ get_phone_authentication(signer[:phone_authentication])
+ end
+ if signer[:signing_group_id]
+ doc_signer[:signingGroupId] = signer[:signing_group_id]
+ else
+ doc_signer[:email] = signer[:email]
+ doc_signer[:name] = signer[:name]
+ end
if signer[:email_notification]
doc_signer[:emailNotification] = signer[:email_notification]
if signer[:embedded]
@@ -727,11 +745,17 @@
# statusDateTime - The date/time the envelope was created
# uri - The relative envelope uri
def create_envelope_from_document(options={})
ios = create_file_ios(options[:files])
file_params = create_file_params(ios)
+ recipients = if options[:certified_deliveries].nil? || options[:certified_deliveries].empty?
+ { signers: get_signers(options[:signers]) }
+ else
+ { certifiedDeliveries: get_signers(options[:certified_deliveries]) }
+ end
post_hash = {
emailBlurb: "#{options[:email][:body] if options[:email]}",
emailSubject: "#{options[:email][:subject] if options[:email]}",
documents: get_documents(ios),
recipients: {
@@ -1157,10 +1181,31 @@
generate_log(request, response, uri)
+ # Public retrieves a png of a page of a document in an envelope
+ #
+ # envelope_id - ID of the envelope from which the doc will be retrieved
+ # document_id - ID of the document to retrieve
+ # page_number - page number to retrieve
+ #
+ # Returns the png as a bytestream
+ def get_page_image(options={})
+ envelope_id = options[:envelope_id]
+ document_id = options[:document_id]
+ page_number = options[:page_number]
+ uri = build_uri("/accounts/#{acct_id}/envelopes/#{envelope_id}/documents/#{document_id}/pages/#{page_number}/page_image")
+ http = initialize_net_http_ssl(uri)
+ request =, headers)
+ response = http.request(request)
+ generate_log(request, response, uri)
+ response.body
+ end
# Public retrieves the attached file from a given envelope
# envelope_id - ID of the envelope from which the doc will be retrieved
# document_id - ID of the document to retrieve
# local_save_path - Local absolute path to save the doc to including the
@@ -1516,11 +1561,11 @@
post_body = {
"status" =>"voided",
"voidedReason" => options[:voided_reason] || "No reason provided."
- uri = build_uri("/accounts/#{acct_id}/envelopes/#{options[:folder_id]}")
+ uri = build_uri("/accounts/#{acct_id}/envelopes/#{options[:envelope_id]}")
http = initialize_net_http_ssl(uri)
request =, headers(content_type))
request.body = post_body
response = http.request(request)
@@ -1654,21 +1699,208 @@
def add_recipient_tabs(options={})
content_type = {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}
content_type.merge(options[:headers]) if options[:headers]
uri = build_uri("/accounts/#{@acct_id}/envelopes/#{options[:envelope_id]}/recipients/#{options[:recipient_id]}/tabs")
- post_body = options[:tabs].to_json
+ tabs = options[:tabs]
+ index = options[:recipient_id] - 1
+ post_body = {
+ approveTabs: nil,
+ checkboxTabs: nil,
+ companyTabs: nil,
+ dateSignedTabs: get_tabs(tabs[:date_signed_tabs], options, index),
+ dateTabs: nil,
+ declineTabs: nil,
+ emailTabs: nil,
+ envelopeIdTabs: nil,
+ fullNameTabs: nil,
+ listTabs: nil,
+ noteTabs: nil,
+ numberTabs: nil,
+ radioGroupTabs: nil,
+ initialHereTabs: get_tabs(tabs[:initial_here_tabs], options.merge!(initial_here_tab: true), index),
+ signHereTabs: get_tabs(tabs[:sign_here_tabs], options.merge!(sign_here_tab: true), index),
+ signerAttachmentTabs: nil,
+ ssnTabs: nil,
+ textTabs: nil,
+ titleTabs: nil,
+ zipTabs: nil
+ }.to_json
http = initialize_net_http_ssl(uri)
request =, headers(content_type))
request.body = post_body
response = http.request(request)
generate_log(request, response, uri)
+ # Public method - Creates Signing group
+ # group_name: The display name for the signing group. This can be a maximum of 100 characters.
+ # users: An array of group members for the signing group. (see example below)
+ # It is composed of two elements:
+ # name – The name for the group member. This can be a maximum of 100 characters.
+ # email – The email address for the group member. This can be a maximum of 100 characters.
+ # [
+ # {name: 'test1', email: ''}
+ # {name: 'test2', email: ''}
+ # ]
+ #
+ #
+ # The response returns a success or failure with any error messages.
+ # For successes DocuSign generates a signingGroupId for each group, which is included in the response.
+ # The response also includes information about when the group was created and modified,
+ # including the account user that created and modified the group.
+ def create_signing_group(options={})
+ content_type = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }
+ content_type.merge(options[:headers]) if options[:headers]
+ group_users = []
+ if options[:users]
+ options[:users].each do |user|
+ group_users << {
+ userName: user[:name],
+ email: user[:email]
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ post_body = {
+ groups: [
+ {
+ groupName: options[:group_name],
+ groupType: 'sharedSigningGroup',
+ users: group_users
+ }
+ ]
+ }.to_json
+ uri = build_uri("/accounts/#{@acct_id}/signing_groups")
+ http = initialize_net_http_ssl(uri)
+ request =, headers(content_type))
+ request.body = post_body
+ response = http.request(request)
+ JSON.parse(response.body)
+ end
+ # Public method - deletes a signing group
+ # See
+ #
+ # signingGroupId - ID of the signing group to delete
+ #
+ # Returns the success or failure of each group being deleted. Failed operations on array elements will add the "errorDetails"
+ # structure containing an error code and message. If "errorDetails" is null, then
+ # the operation was successful for that item.
+ def delete_signing_groups(options={})
+ content_type = {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}
+ content_type.merge!(options[:headers]) if options[:headers]
+ uri = build_uri("/accounts/#{@acct_id}/signing_groups")
+ groups = options[:groups]
+ groups.each{|h| h[:signingGroupId] = h.delete(:signing_group_id) if h.key?(:signing_group_id)}
+ post_body = {
+ groups: groups
+ }.to_json
+ http = initialize_net_http_ssl(uri)
+ request =, headers(content_type))
+ request.body = post_body
+ response = http.request(request)
+ JSON.parse(response.body)
+ end
+ # Public method - updates signing group users
+ # See
+ #
+ # signingGroupId - ID of the signing group to update
+ #
+ # Returns the success or failure of each user being updated. Failed operations on array elements will add the "errorDetails"
+ # structure containing an error code and message. If "errorDetails" is null, then
+ # the operation was successful for that item.
+ def update_signing_group_users(options={})
+ content_type = {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}
+ content_type.merge!(options[:headers]) if options[:headers]
+ uri = build_uri("/accounts/#{@acct_id}/signing_groups/#{options[:signing_group_id]}/users")
+ users = options[:users]
+ users.each do |user|
+ user[:userName] = user.delete(:user_name) if user.key?(:user_name)
+ end
+ post_body = {
+ users: users
+ }.to_json
+ http = initialize_net_http_ssl(uri)
+ request =, headers(content_type))
+ request.body = post_body
+ response = http.request(request)
+ JSON.parse(response.body)
+ end
+ # Public: Retrieves a list of available signing groups
+ def get_signing_groups
+ uri = build_uri("/accounts/#{@acct_id}/signing_groups")
+ http = initialize_net_http_ssl(uri)
+ request =, headers({ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }))
+ JSON.parse(http.request(request).body)
+ end
+ # Public: Update envelope recipients
+ def update_envelope_recipients(options={})
+ content_type = {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}
+ content_type.merge(options[:headers]) if options[:headers]
+ resend = options[:resend].present?
+ uri = build_uri("/accounts/#{@acct_id}/envelopes/#{options[:envelope_id]}/recipients?resend_envelope=#{resend}")
+ signers = options[:signers]
+ signers.each do |signer|
+ signer[:recipientId] = signer.delete(:recipient_id) if signer.key?(:recipient_id)
+ signer[:clientUserId] = signer.delete(:client_user_id) if signer.key?(:client_user_id)
+ end
+ post_body = {
+ signers: signers
+ }.to_json
+ http = initialize_net_http_ssl(uri)
+ request =, headers(content_type))
+ request.body = post_body
+ response = http.request(request)
+ JSON.parse(response.body)
+ end
+ # Public: Add recipients to envelope
+ def add_envelope_recipients(options={})
+ content_type = {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}
+ content_type.merge(options[:headers]) if options[:headers]
+ uri = build_uri("/accounts/#{@acct_id}/envelopes/#{options[:envelope_id]}/recipients?resend_envelope=true")
+ post_body = {
+ signers: get_signers(options[:signers])
+ }.to_json
+ http = initialize_net_http_ssl(uri)
+ request =, headers(content_type))
+ request.body = post_body
+ response = http.request(request)
+ JSON.parse(response.body)
+ end
# Private: Generates a standardized log of the request and response pair
# to and from DocuSign for logging and API Certification.
# and resulting list is set to the publicly accessible: @previous_call_log
@@ -1687,8 +1919,60 @@
log << '--DocuSign RESPONSE--'
log << "HTTP/#{response.http_version} #{response.code} #{response.msg}"
response.each_capitalized{ |k,v| log << "#{k}: #{v}" }
log << "Body: #{response.body}"
@previous_call_log = log
+ end
+ def get_id_check_information_input(input)
+ {
+ addressInformationInput: get_address_information_input(
+ input.dig(:address_information_input, :address_information)),
+ ssn4InformationInput: get_ssn4_information_input(input[:ssn4_information_input]),
+ dobInformationInput: get_dob_information_input(input[:dob_information_input])
+ }
+ end
+ def get_address_information_input(input)
+ return {} unless input
+ {
+ addressInformation:{
+ street1: input[:street1],
+ city: input[:city],
+ state: input[:state],
+ zip: input[:zip],
+ zipPlus4: input[:zip_plus4],
+ },
+ displayLevelCode: 'DoNotDisplay',
+ receiveInResponse: true,
+ }
+ end
+ def get_phone_authentication(input)
+ return {} unless input
+ {
+ recipMayProvideNumber: true,
+ validateRecipProvidedNumber: true,
+ recordVoicePrint: true,
+ senderProvidedNumbers: input[:sender_provided_numbers],
+ }
+ end
+ def get_ssn4_information_input(input)
+ return {} unless input
+ {
+ ssn4: input[:ssn4],
+ displayLevelCode: 'DoNotDisplay',
+ receiveInResponse: true,
+ }
+ end
+ def get_dob_information_input(input)
+ return {} unless input
+ {
+ dateOfBirth: input[:date_of_birth],
+ displayLevelCode: 'DoNotDisplay',
+ receiveInResponse: true,
+ }