lib/docman/cli.rb in docman-0.0.96 vs lib/docman/cli.rb in docman-0.0.97
- old
+ new
@@ -71,16 +71,18 @@
desc 'bump', 'Bump version'
method_option :next, :type => :boolean, :aliases => '-n', :desc => 'Automatically use next version number'
method_option :branch, :type => :string, :aliases => '-b', :desc => 'Bump release on specific branch'
+ method_option :tag, :type => :string, :aliases => '-t', :desc => 'Set specific tag for release bump'
method_option :skip, :type => :boolean, :aliases => '-s', :desc => 'Skip CI with commit message'
#option :state
#option :skip
def bump(state = nil)
bump_params = []
bump_params.push("--branch=#{options[:branch]}") if options[:branch]
- bump_params.push('--next') if options[:next]
+ bump_params.push("--tag=#{options[:tag]}") if options[:tag]
+ bump_params.push('--next') if options[:next] and (not options.has_kay? :tag or options[:tag].empty?)
bump_params.push('--skip') if options[:skip]
system "#{Application::bin}/ #{bump_params.join(' ')} #{state}"
say('Complete!', :green)
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