in dockly-1.5.8 vs in dockly-1.5.9
- old
+ new
@@ -14,10 +14,12 @@
Once a `deb` block has been defined by the DSL below, dockly is invoked by either `bundle exec dockly build #{deb block name}` or `bundle exec rake dockly:deb:#{deb block name}`.
+If looking to just build a `docker` block, run either `bundle exec dockly docker #{docker block name}` or `bundle exec rake dockly:docker:#{docker block name}`.
+To build without exporting, run add either `--no-export` or `:noexport` to the CLI program or Rake task
The DSL is broken down into multiple objects, all of which conform to a specific format. Each object starts with the name of the section,
@@ -140,9 +142,21 @@
- description: the excon timeout for read and write when talking to docker through docker-api
- `build_caches`
- required: `false`
- default: `[]`
- description: a listing of references to build caches to run
+- `s3_bucket`
+ - required: `false`
+ - default: `nil`
+ - description: S3 bucket for where the docker image is exported
+- `s3_object_prefix`
+ - required: `false`
+ - default: `nil`
+ - description: prefix to be added to S3 exported docker images
+- `tar_diff`
+ - required: `false`
+ - default: `false`
+ - description: after docker export, performs a diff between the base image and the new image
In addition to the above attributes, `docker` has the following references:
- `build_cache`
- required: `false`