./share/scripts/toolchain in docker-utils-0.1.7 vs ./share/scripts/toolchain in docker-utils-0.1.8
- old
+ new
@@ -1,47 +1,79 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-toolchain_image = 'bexio/toolchain:latest'
-toolchain_subcommand_args = ARGV
+require 'optparse'
require 'pathname'
-host_repo_root = `git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null`.chomp
-if host_repo_root.empty?
- $stderr.puts "docker toolchain only operates inside a git repository"
- Kernel.exit 1
+options = {}
+options[:toolchain_image] = 'bexio/toolchain:latest'
+toolchain_docker_args = []
+toolchain_subcommand_args = ARGV[0..-1]
+if subcommand_delim_pos = toolchain_subcommand_args.index('--')
+ toolchain_own_args, toolchain_subcommand_args = toolchain_subcommand_args.partition.each_with_index{ |x, i| i <= subcommand_delim_pos }
+ ARGV.concat(toolchain_own_args[0..-2])
-host_repo_root = Pathname.new(host_repo_root)
-host_cwd = Pathname.pwd
+OptionParser.new do |opts|
+ opts.on("-i", "--image", "Run within the specified toolchain image") do |image_name|
+ options[:toolchain_image] = image_name
+ end
-rel_cwd = host_cwd.relative_path_from(host_repo_root)
+ opts.on("-b", "--[no-]bind-net", "Run the command in the host's network namespace") do |v|
+ options[:bind_net] = v
+ end
-guest_repo_root = Pathname.new('/app')
-guest_cwd = guest_repo_root + rel_cwd
+toolchain_image = (options[:toolchain_image].split(':') + ['latest'])[0, 2].join(':')
toolchain_available = system 'docker', 'inspect', '-f', '{{.Id}}', toolchain_image, out: '/dev/null', err: '/dev/null'
-unless toolchain_available
- system 'docker', 'pull', toolchain_image
+unless toolchain_available or system('docker', 'pull', toolchain_image)
+ $stderr.puts "could not locate toolchain image '#{toolchain_image}'; aborting"
+ Kernel.exit 1
-expunge_env_keys = [
-host_env_keys = ENV.keys
+# mount options
+host_cwd = Pathname.pwd
+host_repo_root = `git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null`.chomp
+host_repo_root = nil if host_repo_root.empty?
+if host_repo_root
+ host_repo_root = Pathname.new(host_repo_root)
+ rel_cwd = host_cwd.relative_path_from(host_repo_root)
+ guest_repo_root = Pathname.new('/src')
+ guest_cwd = guest_repo_root + rel_cwd
+ toolchain_docker_args.concat([
+ '-v', "#{host_repo_root}:#{guest_repo_root}",
+ '-w', guest_cwd.to_s
+ ])
+# interactivity options
+if $stdin.tty? and $stdout.tty?
+ toolchain_docker_args.concat(['-i', '-t'])
+# environment options
+exposed_env_keys = ENV.keys - EXPUNGE_ENV_KEYS
container_env_keys = `docker inspect -f '{{.Config.Env}}' #{toolchain_image}`.chomp[1..-2].split(' ').map{ |pair| pair.split('=').first }
+toolchain_docker_args.concat((exposed_env_keys - container_env_keys).map{ |k| ['-e', k] }.flatten)
-share_env_keys = host_env_keys - container_env_keys - expunge_env_keys
-share_env_args = share_env_keys.map{ |k| ['-e', k] }.flatten
+# network options
+if options[:bind_net]
+ toolchain_docker_args.push '--net=host'
-interaction_args = ($stdin.tty? && $stdout.tty?) ? ['-i', '-t'] : []
docker_bin_path = `which docker`.chomp
Kernel.exec docker_bin_path, 'run', '--rm',
- *interaction_args,
- '-v', "#{host_repo_root}:#{guest_repo_root}",
- '-w', guest_cwd.to_s,
- *share_env_args,
+ *toolchain_docker_args,