in docker-api-1.22.3 vs in docker-api-1.22.4
- old
+ new
@@ -102,16 +102,19 @@
require 'docker'
# => true
+# docker command for reference: docker version
# => { 'Version' => '0.5.2', 'GoVersion' => 'go1.1' }
+# docker command for reference: docker info
# => { "Debug" => false, "Containers" => 187, "Images" => 196, "NFd" => 10, "NGoroutines" => 9, "MemoryLimit" => true }
+# docker command for reference: docker login
Docker.authenticate!('username' => 'docker-fan-boi', 'password' => 'i<3docker', 'email' => '')
# => true
## Images
@@ -120,56 +123,73 @@
require 'docker'
# => true
-# Create an Image.
-image = Docker::Image.create('fromImage' => 'base')
+# Pull an Image.
+# docker command for reference: docker pull ubuntu:14.04
+image = Docker::Image.create('fromImage' => 'ubuntu:14.04')
# => Docker::Image { :id => ae7ffbcd1, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }
# Insert a local file into an Image.
image.insert_local('localPath' => 'Gemfile', 'outputPath' => '/')
# => Docker::Image { :id => 682ea192f, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }
# Insert multiple local files into an Image.
image.insert_local('localPath' => [ 'Gemfile', 'Rakefile' ], 'outputPath' => '/')
# => Docker::Image { :id => eb693ec80, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }
-# Tag an Image.
+# Add a repo name to Image.
+# docker command for reference: docker tag <IMAGE.ID> base2
image.tag('repo' => 'base2', 'force' => true)
-# => nil
+# => ["base2"]
+# Add a repo name and tag an Image.
+# docker command for reference: docker tag <IMAGE.ID> base2:latest
+image.tag('repo' => 'base2', 'tag' => 'latest', force: true)
+# => ["base2:latest"]
# Get more information about the Image.
+# docker command for reference: docker inspect <IMAGE.ID>
# => {"id"=>"67859327bf22ef8b5b9b4a6781f72b2015acd894fa03ce07e0db7af170ba468c", "comment"=>"Imported from -", "created"=>"2013-06-19T18:42:58.287944526-04:00", "container_config"=>{"Hostname"=>"", "User"=>"", "Memory"=>0, "MemorySwap"=>0, "CpuShares"=>0, "AttachStdin"=>false, "AttachStdout"=>false, "AttachStderr"=>false, "PortSpecs"=>nil, "Tty"=>false, "OpenStdin"=>false, "StdinOnce"=>false, "Env"=>nil, "Cmd"=>nil, "Dns"=>nil, "Image"=>"", "Volumes"=>nil, "VolumesFrom"=>""}, "docker_version"=>"0.4.0", "architecture"=>"x86_64"}
# View the history of the Image.
# => [{"Id"=>"67859327bf22", "Created"=>1371681778}]
# Push the Image to the Docker registry. Note that you have to login using
# `Docker.authenticate!` and tag the Image first.
+# docker command for reference: docker push <IMAGE.ID>
-# => true
+# => Docker::Image { @connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} }, @info = { "id" => eb693ec80, "RepoTags" => ["base2", "base2/latest"]} }
+# Push individual tag to the Docker registry.
+image.push(nil, tag: "tag_name")
+image.push(nil, repo_tag: 'registry/repo_name:tag_name')
# Given a command, create a new Container to run that command in the Image.
+# docker command for reference: docker run -ti <IMAGE.ID> ls -l'ls -l')
# => Docker::Container { id => aaef712eda, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }
# Remove the Image from the server.
+# docker command for reference: docker rmi -f <IMAGE.ID>
image.remove(:force => true)
# => true
# Export a single Docker Image to a file
+# docker command for reference: docker save <IMAGE.ID> my_export.tar'my_export.tar')
# => Docker::Image { :id => 66b712aef, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }
# Return the raw image binary data
# => "abiglongbinarystring"
# Given a Container's export, creates a new Image.
+# docker command for reference: docker import some-export.tar
# => Docker::Image { :id => 66b712aef, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }
# `Docker::Image.import` can also import from a URI
@@ -184,39 +204,45 @@
# Create an Image from a Dockerfile as a String."from base\nrun touch /test")
# => Docker::Image { :id => b750fe79269d2ec9a3c593ef05b4332b1d1a02a62b4accb2c21d589ff2f5f2dc, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }
# Create an Image from a Dockerfile.
+# docker command for reference: docker build .
# => Docker::Image { :id => 1266dc19e, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }
# Create an Image from a tar file.
+# docker command for reference: docker build - < docker_image.tar
Docker::Image.build_from_tar('docker_image.tar', 'r'))
# => Docker::Image { :id => 1266dc19e, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }
# Load all Images on your Docker server.
+# docker command for reference: docker images
# => [Docker::Image { :id => b750fe79269d2ec9a3c593ef05b4332b1d1a02a62b4accb2c21d589ff2f5f2dc, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }, Docker::Image { :id => 8dbd9e392a964056420e5d58ca5cc376ef18e2de93b5cc90e868a1bbc8318c1c, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }]
# Get Image from the server, with id
+# docker command for reference: docker images <IMAGE.ID>
# => Docker::Image { :id => eb693ec80, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }
# Check if an image with a given id exists on the server.
# => true
# Export multiple images to a single tarball
+# docker command for reference: docker save my_image1 my_image2:not_latest > my_export.tar
names = %w( my_image1 my_image2:not_latest ), 'my_export.tar')
# => nil
# Return the raw image binary data
names = %w( my_image1 my_image2:not_latest )
# => "abiglongbinarystring"
# Search the Docker registry.
+# docker command for reference: docker search sshd'term' => 'sshd')
# => [Docker::Image { :id => cespare/sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }, Docker::Image { :id => johnfuller/sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }, Docker::Image { :id => dhrp/mongodb-sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }, Docker::Image { :id => rayang2004/sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }, Docker::Image { :id => dhrp/sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }, Docker::Image { :id => toorop/daemontools-sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }, Docker::Image { :id => toorop/daemontools-sshd-nginx, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }, Docker::Image { :id => toorop/daemontools-sshd-nginx-php-fpm, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }, Docker::Image { :id => mbkan/lamp, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }, Docker::Image { :id => toorop/golang, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }, Docker::Image { :id => wma55/u1210sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }, Docker::Image { :id => jdswinbank/sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }, Docker::Image { :id => vgauthier/sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => tcp://localhost, :options => {:port=>2375} } }]
## Containers