in docker-api-0.1.0 vs in docker-api-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -68,31 +68,20 @@
Docker.authenticate!('username' => 'docker-fan-boi', 'password' => 'i<3docker', 'email' => '')
# => true
## Images
-Just about every method here has a one-to-one mapping with the [Images]( section of the API. If an API call accepts query parameters, these can be passed as an Hash to it's corresponding method.
+Just about every method here has a one-to-one mapping with the [Images]( section of the API. If an API call accepts query parameters, these can be passed as an Hash to it's corresponding method. Also, note that `` is a private method, so you must use `.create`, `.build`, `.build_from_dir`, or `.import` to make an instance.
require 'docker'
# => true
-# Instantiate a new Image. Note that this does NOT create the Image.
-image =
-# => Docker::Image { :id => , :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }
-# Test if the Image is created.
-# => false
-# Create the Image.
-image.create!('fromRepo' => 'base')
+# Create an Image.
+Docker::Image.create('fromRepo' => 'base')
# => Docker::Image { :id => ae7ffbcd1, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }
-# => true
# Insert a file into an Image. Returns a new Image that contains that file.
image.insert('path' => '/google', 'url' => '')
# => Docker::Image { :id => 11ef6c882, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }
# Tag an Image.
@@ -110,59 +99,49 @@
# Push the Image to the Docker registry. Note that you have to login using
# `Docker.authenticate!` and tag the Image first.
# => true
+# Given a command, create a new Container to run that command in the Image.'ls -l')
+# => Docker::Container { id => aaef712eda, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }
# Remove the Image from the server.
# => true
-# => false
# Given a Container's export, creates a new Image.
# => Docker::Image { :id => 66b712aef, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }
-# Load all Images on your Docker server.
-# => [Docker::Image { :id => b750fe79269d2ec9a3c593ef05b4332b1d1a02a62b4accb2c21d589ff2f5f2dc, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => 8dbd9e392a964056420e5d58ca5cc376ef18e2de93b5cc90e868a1bbc8318c1c, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }]
-# Search the Docker registry.'term' => 'sshd')
-# => [Docker::Image { :id => cespare/sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => johnfuller/sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => dhrp/mongodb-sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => rayang2004/sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => dhrp/sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => toorop/daemontools-sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => toorop/daemontools-sshd-nginx, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => toorop/daemontools-sshd-nginx-php-fpm, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => mbkan/lamp, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => toorop/golang, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => wma55/u1210sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => jdswinbank/sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => vgauthier/sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }]
# Create an Image from a Dockerfile as a String."from base\nrun touch /test")
# => Docker::Image { :id => b750fe79269d2ec9a3c593ef05b4332b1d1a02a62b4accb2c21d589ff2f5f2dc, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }
# Create an Image from a Dockerfile.
# => Docker::Image { :id => 1266dc19e, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }
+# Load all Images on your Docker server.
+# => [Docker::Image { :id => b750fe79269d2ec9a3c593ef05b4332b1d1a02a62b4accb2c21d589ff2f5f2dc, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => 8dbd9e392a964056420e5d58ca5cc376ef18e2de93b5cc90e868a1bbc8318c1c, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }]
+# Search the Docker registry.'term' => 'sshd')
+# => [Docker::Image { :id => cespare/sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => johnfuller/sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => dhrp/mongodb-sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => rayang2004/sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => dhrp/sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => toorop/daemontools-sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => toorop/daemontools-sshd-nginx, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => toorop/daemontools-sshd-nginx-php-fpm, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => mbkan/lamp, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => toorop/golang, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => wma55/u1210sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => jdswinbank/sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }, Docker::Image { :id => vgauthier/sshd, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }]
## Containers
-Much like the Images, this object also has a one-to-one mapping with the [Containers]( section of the API.
+Much like the Images, this object also has a one-to-one mapping with the [Containers]( section of the API. Also like Images, `.new` is a private method, so you must use `.create` to make an instance.
require 'docker'
-# Instantiate a new Container.
-container =
-# => Docker::Container { :id => , :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }
-# Test if the has been created.
-# => false
-# Create the Container.
-container.create!('Cmd' => ['ls'], 'Image' => 'base')
+# Create a Container.
+Docker::Container.create('Cmd' => ['ls'], 'Image' => 'base')
# => Docker::Container { :id => 492510dd38e4, :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }
-# => true
# Get more information about the Container.
# => {"Id"=>"492510dd38e4da7703f36dfccd013de672b8250f57f59d1555ced647766b5e82", "Created"=>"2013-06-20T10:46:02.897548-04:00", "Path"=>"ls", "Args"=>[], "Config"=>{"Hostname"=>"492510dd38e4", "User"=>"", "Memory"=>0, "MemorySwap"=>0, "CpuShares"=>0, "AttachStdin"=>false, "AttachStdout"=>false, "AttachStderr"=>false, "PortSpecs"=>nil, "Tty"=>false, "OpenStdin"=>false, "StdinOnce"=>false, "Env"=>nil, "Cmd"=>["ls"], "Dns"=>nil, "Image"=>"base", "Volumes"=>nil, "VolumesFrom"=>""}, "State"=>{"Running"=>false, "Pid"=>0, "ExitCode"=>0, "StartedAt"=>"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Ghost"=>false}, "Image"=>"b750fe79269d2ec9a3c593ef05b4332b1d1a02a62b4accb2c21d589ff2f5f2dc", "NetworkSettings"=>{"IpAddress"=>"", "IpPrefixLen"=>0, "Gateway"=>"", "Bridge"=>"", "PortMapping"=>nil}, "SysInitPath"=>"/usr/bin/docker", "ResolvConfPath"=>"/etc/resolv.conf", "Volumes"=>nil}
# Start running the Container.
@@ -195,10 +174,11 @@
# Wait for the current command to finish executing.
# => {'StatusCode'=>0}
# Attach to the Container. Currently, the below options are the only valid ones.
+# By default, :stream and :stdout are set.
container.attach(:stream => true, :stdout => true, :stderr => true, :logs => true)
# => "bin\nboot\ndev\netc\nhome\nlib\nlib64\nmedia\nmnt\nopt\nproc\nroot\nrun\nsbin\nselinux\nsrv\nsys\ntmp\nusr\nvar"
# Create an Image from a Container's changes.
@@ -209,22 +189,15 @@
# => [Docker::Container { :id => , :connection => Docker::Connection { :url => http://localhost, :options => {:port=>4243} } }]
## Connecting to Multiple Servers
-By default, each object connects to the connection specified by `Docker.connection`. If you need to connect to multiple servers, you can do so by specifying the connection on `#new` or in the utilizing class method. Examples:
+By default, each object connects to the connection specified by `Docker.connection`. If you need to connect to multiple servers, you can do so by specifying the connection on `#new` or in the utilizing class method. For example:
require 'docker' => => ''))
Docker::Container.all({}, => ''))
- => => ''))
-Docker::Image.all({}, => ''))'from base', => ''))
-Docker::Image.build_from_dir('.', => '')){ :term => 'sshd' }, => ''))
## Known Issues
- `Docker::Container#attach` cannot attach to STDIN