lib/docface/cli.rb in docface-0.0.3 vs lib/docface/cli.rb in docface-0.0.4
- old
+ new
@@ -25,16 +25,17 @@
docface (options)\r
banner <<-EOS.gsub(/^ {10}/, '').color(:cyan)
- Example Usage: docface -d ~/git/chef -o ~/my_build
+ Example Usage: docface -d ~/git/chef/cookbooks ~/git/chef/site-cookbooks -o ~/my_build
For help use: docface --help
- opt :dir, "The directories to scan for markdown files", :short => "d", :type => :strings, :required => true
+ opt :dir, "The directories to scan for markdown files. For multiple directories, separate each directory with a space.", :short => "d", :type => :strings, :required => true
opt :output, "The directory to write the generated output to", :short => "o", :type => :string
opt :title, "The title of the page", :short => "t", :type => :string
- opt :description, "A custom description for the page", :short => "D", :type => :string
+ opt :summary, "A custom summary for the page", :short => "s", :type => :string
+ opt :wide, "Pass this parameter if you need a wider nav", :short => "w"
opts = Trollop::with_standard_exception_handling p do
raise Trollop::HelpNeeded if ARGV.empty? # show help screen
p.parse ARGV