in dnnbundler-0.1.5 vs in dnnbundler-0.1.6
- old
+ new
@@ -23,37 +23,53 @@
## Usage
To configure packaging create a json config with the following schema:
- "name": "",
- "entries": [
- "path_to_file",
- "path_to_directory", // real path in file system to file or directory
+ "packages": [
- "type": "file", // type of entry, if absent will be treated as 'file'
- "name": "test.json", // real path in file system to file or directory
- "path": "new_path_in_zip" // optional
- },
- {
- "type": "zip", // nested zip archive
- "name": "", // name of nested zip archive, can include directories. 'path' property is being ignored for this kind of entries
- "ignoreEntries": [ ... ] // local array of entries to ignore
- "entries": [ // array of entries for nested zip file, same format as above
- "file",
- "dir",
- ...
+ "name": "out.[PACKAGE_VERSION].zip", // [PACKAGE_VERSION] is a placeholder for package version which will be taken from manifest file
+ "entries": [
+ "path_to_file",
+ "path_to_directory", // real path in file system to file or directory
+ {
+ "type": "file", // type of entry, if absent will be treated as 'file'
+ "name": "test.json", // real path in file system to file or directory
+ "path": "new_path_in_zip" // optional
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "zip", // nested zip archive
+ "name": "", // name of nested zip archive, can include directories. 'path' property is being ignored for this kind of entries
+ "ignoreEntries": [ ... ] // local array of entries to ignore
+ "entries": [ // array of entries for nested zip file, same format as above
+ "file",
+ "dir",
+ ...
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "ignoreEntries": [
+ ".DS_Store"
- "ignoreEntries": [
- ".DS_Store"
+ "manifests": [
+ "path_to_dnn_manifest" // dnn manifest file
to create package run:
- dnnbundler path_to_config.json
+ dnnbundler build path_to_config.json
+it is possible to increment build or sprint numbers:
+ dnnbundler build path_to_config.json --bumpBuild
+ dnnbundler build path_to_config.json --bumpSprint
+it is also possible to specify custom version number:
+ dnnbundler build path_to_config.json --targetVersion 2017.08.0004
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.