lib/dm-serializer/to_yaml.rb in dm-serializer-1.1.0 vs lib/dm-serializer/to_yaml.rb in dm-serializer-1.2.0.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,69 +1,160 @@
require 'dm-serializer/common'
module DataMapper
module Serializer
+ TAG_NAME = "ruby/DataMapper,#{DataMapper::VERSION}".freeze
+ # Include a callback to register the YAML output
+ #
+ # @param [DataMapper::Model] descendant
+ #
+ # @return [undefined]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ def self.included(descendant)
+ YAML.add_domain_type(TAG_NAME, do |_tag, values|
+ values
+ end
+ end
# Serialize a Resource to YAML
- # @return [YAML]
- # A YAML representation of this Resource.
- def to_yaml(opts_or_emitter = {})
- unless opts_or_emitter.is_a?(Hash)
- emitter = opts_or_emitter
- opts = {}
- else
- emitter = {}
- opts = opts_or_emitter
+ # @example
+ # yaml = resource.to_yaml # => a valid YAML string
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] options
+ #
+ # @return [String]
+ #
+ # @api public
+ def to_yaml(options = {})
+ YAML.quick_emit(object_id, options) do |out|
+, to_yaml_style) do |map|
+ encode_with(map, options.kind_of?(Hash) ? options : {})
+ end
+ end unless YAML.const_defined?(:ENGINE) && !YAML::ENGINE.syck?
- YAML.quick_emit(object_id,emitter) do |out|
-,to_yaml_style) do |map|
- properties_to_serialize(opts).each do |property|
- value = __send__(
- map.add(, value.is_a?(Class) ? value.to_s : value)
- end
+ # A callback to encode the resource in the YAML stream
+ #
+ # @param [#add] coder
+ # handles adding the values to the output
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] options
+ # optional Hash configuring the output
+ #
+ # @return [undefined]
+ #
+ # @api public
+ def encode_with(coder, options = {})
+ coder.tag = to_yaml_type if coder.respond_to?(:tag=)
+ = to_yaml_style if coder.respond_to?(:style=)
- # add methods
- Array(opts[:methods]).each do |meth|
- if respond_to?(meth)
- map.add(meth.to_sym, __send__(meth))
- end
- end
+ methods = []
- if (additions = instance_variable_get("@yaml_addes"))
- additions.each { |k,v| map.add(k.to_s,v) }
- end
- end
+ methods.concat properties_to_serialize(options).map { |property| }
+ methods.concat Array(options[:methods])
+ methods.each do |method|
+ coder.add(method.to_s, __send__(method))
+ private
+ # Return the YAML type to use for the output
+ #
+ # @return [String]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ def to_yaml_type
+ "!#{TAG_NAME}:#{}"
+ end
+ # Return the YAML style to use for the output
+ #
+ # @return [Integer]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ def to_yaml_style
+ Psych::Nodes::Mapping::ANY
+ end if YAML.const_defined?(:ENGINE) && YAML::ENGINE.yamler == 'psych'
module ValidationErrors
module ToYaml
+ # Serialize the errors to YAML
+ #
+ # @example
+ # yaml = errors.to_yaml # => a valid YAML string
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] options
+ #
+ # @return [String]
+ #
+ # @api public
def to_yaml(*args)
- DataMapper::Ext::Array.to_hash(errors).to_yaml(*args)
+ Hash[errors].to_yaml(*args)
- end
- end
- end
+ # A callback to encode the errors in the YAML stream
+ #
+ # @param [#add] coder
+ # handles adding the values to the output
+ #
+ # @return [undefined]
+ #
+ # @api public
+ def encode_with(coder)
+ = Hash[errors]
+ end
- class Collection
- def to_yaml(opts_or_emitter = {})
- unless opts_or_emitter.is_a?(Hash)
- to_a.to_yaml(opts_or_emitter)
- else
- # FIXME: Don't double handle the YAML (remove the YAML.load)
- to_a.collect { |x| YAML.load(x.to_yaml(opts_or_emitter)) }.to_yaml
- end
- end
- end
+ end # module ToYaml
+ end # module ValidationErrors
- if Serializer.dm_validations_loaded?
+ module Collection
+ module ToYaml
+ # Serialize the collection to YAML
+ #
+ # @example
+ # yaml = collection.to_yaml # => a valid YAML string
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] options
+ #
+ # @return [String]
+ #
+ # @api public
+ def to_yaml(*args)
+ to_a.to_yaml(*args)
+ end
+ # A callback to encode the collection in the YAML stream
+ #
+ # @param [#add] coder
+ # handles adding the values to the output
+ #
+ # @return [undefined]
+ #
+ # @api public
+ def encode_with(coder)
+ coder.seq = to_a
+ end
+ end # module ToYaml
+ end # module Collection
+ end # module Serializer
+ class Collection
+ include Serializer::Collection::ToYaml
+ end # class Collection
+ if const_defined?(:Validations)
module Validations
class ValidationErrors
include DataMapper::Serializer::ValidationErrors::ToYaml
- end
- end
+ end # class ValidationErrors
+ end # module Validations
+end # module DataMapper