Gemfile in dm-is-predefined-0.3.0 vs Gemfile in dm-is-predefined-0.3.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,97 +1,142 @@
-source ''
-dm = 'git://'
+# If you're working on more than one datamapper gem at a time, then it's
+# recommended to create a local Gemfile and use this instead of the git
+# sources. This will make sure that you are developing against your
+# other local datamapper sources that you currently work on. Gemfile.local
+# will behave identically to the standard Gemfile apart from the fact that
+# it fetches the datamapper gems from local paths. This means that you can
+# use the same environment variables, like ADAPTER(S) or PLUGIN(S) when
+# running
+# bundle commands. Gemfile.local is added to .gitignore, so you don't need
+# to worry about accidentally checking local development paths into git.
+# In order to create a local Gemfile, all you need to do is run:
+# bundle exec rake local_gemfile
+# This will give you a Gemfile.local file that points to your local clones
+# of the various datamapper gems. It's assumed that all datamapper repo
+# clones reside in the same directory. You can use the Gemfile.local like
+# so for running any bundle command:
+# BUNDLE_GEMFILE=Gemfile.local bundle foo
+# You can also specify which adapter(s) should be part of the bundle by
+# setting an environment variable. This of course also works when using the
+# Gemfile.local
+# bundle foo # dm-sqlite-adapter
+# ADAPTER=mysql bundle foo # dm-mysql-adapter
+# ADAPTERS=sqlite,mysql bundle foo # dm-sqlite-adapter, dm-mysql-adapter
+# Of course you can also use the ADAPTER(S) variable when using the
+# Gemfile.local and running specs against selected adapters.
+# For easily working with adapters supported on your machine, it's
+# recommended that you first install all adapters that you are planning to
+# use or work on by doing something like
+# ADAPTERS=sqlite,mysql,postgres bundle install
+# This will clone the various repositories and make them available to
+# bundler. Once you have them installed you can easily switch between
+# adapters for the various development tasks. Running something like
+# ADAPTER=mysql bundle exec rake spec
+# will make sure that the dm-mysql-adapter is part of the bundle, and will
+# be used when running the specs.
+# You can also specify which plugin(s) should be part of the bundle by
+# setting an environment variable. This also works when using the
+# Gemfile.local
+# bundle foo # dm-migrations
+# PLUGINS=dm-validations bundle foo # dm-migrations,
+# # dm-validations
+# PLUGINS=dm-validations,dm-types bundle foo # dm-migrations,
+# # dm-validations,
+# # dm-types
+# Of course you can combine the PLUGIN(S) and ADAPTER(S) env vars to run
+# specs for certain adapter/plugin combinations.
+# Finally, to speed up running specs and other tasks, it's recommended to
+# run
+# bundle lock
+# after running 'bundle install' for the first time. This will make
+# 'bundle exec' run a lot faster compared to the unlocked version. With an
+# unlocked bundle you would typically just run 'bundle install' from time
+# to time to fetch the latest sources from upstream. When you locked your
+# bundle, you need to run
+# bundle install --relock
+# to make sure to fetch the latest updates and then lock the bundle again.
+# Gemfile.lock is added to the .gitignore file, so you don't need to worry
+# about accidentally checking it into version control.
-group :runtime do
- # We bundle both AS and extlib while extlib compatibility needs to be kept
- # around. require 'dm-core' will ensure that only one is activated at any
- # time though. This is done by trying to require AS components and
- # fallback to requiring extlib in case a LoadError was rescued when
- # requiring AS code.
- #
- # Due to bundle exec activating all groups in the Gemfile, it's
- # recommended to run
- #
- # bundle install --without quality
- #
- # to have a development environment that is able to run the specs.
- # The problem is that metric_fu activates active_support=2.2.3 if we
- # comment out the gem 'activesupport' declaration - have a look below for
- # why we would want to do that (and a bit later, for why that's actually
- # not *strictly* necessary, but recommended)
- #
- # To run the specs using AS, leave this Gemfile as it is and just run:
- #
- # bundle install --without qality
- # ADAPTERS=sqlite3 bundle exec rake spec # or whatever adapter
- #
- # To run the specs using extlib, comment out the: gem 'activesupport' line
- # and run:
- #
- # bundle install --without quality
- # ADAPTERS=sqlite3 bundle exec rake spec # or whatever adapter
- #
- # If you want to run the quality tasks as provided by metric_fu and
- # related gems, you have to run:
- #
- # bundle install
- # bundle exec rake metrics:all
- #
- # Switch back to a bundle without quality gems before trying to run the
- # specs again:
- #
- # bundle install --without quality
- # ADAPTERS=sqlite3 bundle exec rake spec # or whatever adapter
- #
- # It was mentioned above that all this is not *strictly* necessary, and
- # this is true. Currently dm-core does the following as the first require
- # when checking for AS:
- #
- # require 'active_support/core_ext/object/singleton_class'
- #
- # Because this method is not present in activesupport <= 3.0.0.beta,
- # dm-core's feature detection will actually do the "right thing" and fall
- # back to extlib. However, since this is not the case for all dm-more gems
- # as well, the safest thing to do is to respect the more tedious workflow
- # for now, as it will at least be guaranteed to work the same for both
- # dm-core and dm-more.
- #
- # Note that this won't be an issue anymore once we dropped support for
- # extlib completely, or bundler folks decide to support something like
- # "bundle exec --without=foo rake spec" (which probably is not going to
- # happen anytime soon).
- #
+source :rubygems
- if ENV['EXTLIB']
- gem 'extlib', '~> 0.9.15'
- else
- gem 'activesupport', '~> 3.0.0.beta3', :require => 'active_support'
- end
+DM_VERSION = '~> 1.0'
+DO_VERSION = '~> 0.10.2'
+DM_DO_ADAPTERS = %w[sqlite postgres mysql oracle sqlserver]
+RAILS = ''
- gem 'dm-core', '~> 1.0.0'
+ gem 'extlib', '~> 0.9.15', :git => "#{DATAMAPPER}/extlib.git",
+ :require => nil
+ gem 'activesupport', '~> 3.0.4', :require => nil
+ gem 'i18n', '~> 0.5.0'
+gem 'dm-core', DM_VERSION, :git => "#{DATAMAPPER}/dm-core.git"
group :development do
- gem 'rake', '~> 0.8.7'
- gem 'jeweler', '~> 1.4.0', :git => 'git://'
+ gem 'rake', '~> 0.8.7'
+ gem 'ore-tasks', '~> 0.4'
+ gem 'rspec', '~> 2.4'
+ gem 'kramdown', '~> 0.12.0'
+ gem 'yard', '~> 0.6.0'
-group :doc do
- when 'java'
- gem 'maruku', '~> 0.6.0'
- else
- gem 'rdiscount', '~> 1.6.3'
+group :datamapper do
+ # We need this because we want to pin these dependencies to their git
+ # master sources
+ adapters = ENV['ADAPTER'] || ENV['ADAPTERS']
+ adapters =',', ' ').split.uniq - %w[ in_memory ]
+ if (do_adapters = DM_DO_ADAPTERS & adapters).any?
+ options = {}
+ options[:git] = "#{DATAMAPPER}/do.git" if ENV['DO_GIT'] == 'true'
+ gem 'data_objects', DO_VERSION, options.dup
+ do_adapters.each do |adapter|
+ adapter = 'sqlite3' if adapter == 'sqlite'
+ gem "do_#{adapter}", DO_VERSION, options.dup
+ end
+ gem 'dm-do-adapter', DM_VERSION, :git => "#{DATAMAPPER}/dm-do-adapter.git"
- gem 'yard', '~> 0.5.3'
+ adapters.each do |adapter|
+ gem "dm-#{adapter}-adapter", DM_VERSION, :git => "#{DATAMAPPER}/dm-#{adapter}-adapter.git"
+ end
-group :test do
- gem 'data_objects', '~> 0.10.2'
- gem 'do_sqlite3', '~> 0.10.2'
- gem 'dm-do-adapter', '~> 1.0.0'
- gem 'dm-sqlite-adapter', '~> 1.0.0'
- gem 'dm-migrations', '~> 1.0.0'
+ plugins = ENV['PLUGINS'] || ENV['PLUGIN']
+ plugins =',', ' ').split.push('dm-migrations').uniq
-gem 'rspec', '~> 1.3.0', :group => [:development, :test]
+ plugins.each do |plugin|
+ gem plugin, DM_VERSION, :git => "#{DATAMAPPER}/#{plugin}.git"
+ end