lib/mongo_mapper/associations.rb in djsun-mongo_mapper- vs lib/mongo_mapper/associations.rb in djsun-mongo_mapper-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,28 +1,135 @@
module MongoMapper
module Associations
module ClassMethods
- def belongs_to(association_id, options = {})
- create_association(:belongs_to, association_id, options, self)
+ ##
+ # This macro allows you define a "belongs-to" relationship between one
+ # document and some other document.
+ #
+ # == Requirements
+ #
+ # Usage of this macro requires that your document define a key that can
+ # be used to store the ID of the target document that is the parent of
+ # this document.
+ #
+ # == Conventions
+ #
+ # The following is a list of the conventions used by MongoMapper in
+ # defining a belongs-to relationship. Each can likely be overridden via
+ # the +options+ parameter.
+ #
+ # * The name of your belongs-to association is the lowercase, singular
+ # name of the target class
+ # * A key with the name of your association exists with an "_id" suffix
+ # to store the ID of the target of this relationship
+ #
+ # @param [Symbol] association_id The name of this association
+ # @param [Hash] options Optional parameters that define the
+ # characteristics of this relationship. These are often used to
+ # override MongoMapper conventions.
+ # @option options [Boolean] :polymorphic (false) Set this option to
+ # <code>true</code> to define a relationship that can be between this
+ # document and any other type of document. Note that you *must* also
+ # have a key on your document to store the type of document in this
+ # relationship.
+ # @option options [String] :class_name If your relationship doesn't use
+ # the name of some class, you *must* use this option to indicate the
+ # target class for this relationship.
+ # @option options [Symbol] :foreign_key Use this option to specify a
+ # non-conventional key that stores the ID of the parent in this
+ # relationship
+ #
+ # @example Conventional, and simple, usage of <code>belongs_to</code>
+ # class Novel
+ # include MongoMapper::Document
+ #
+ # key :author_id, String # our "foreign key"
+ #
+ # belongs_to :author
+ # end
+ #
+ # @example Using :foreign_key and :class_name
+ # class Pet
+ # include MongoMapper::Document
+ #
+ # key :person_id, String
+ #
+ # belongs_to :owner,
+ # :foreign_key => :person_id,
+ # :class_name => "Person"
+ # end
+ #
+ # @example Defining a polymorphic belongs-to relationship
+ # class Vehicle
+ # include MongoMapper::Document
+ #
+ # key :owner_id, String
+ # key :owner_type, String
+ #
+ # belongs_to :owner,
+ # :polymorphic => true
+ # end
+ #
+ # @example Non-standard polymorphic belongs-to relationship
+ # class Vehicle
+ # include MongoMapper::Document
+ #
+ # key :person_id, String
+ # key :person_type, String
+ #
+ # belongs_to :owner,
+ # :polymorphic => true,
+ # :foreign_key => "person_id",
+ # :type_key_name => "person_type"
+ # end
+ def belongs_to(association_id, options={}, &extension)
+ create_association(:belongs_to, association_id, options, &extension)
- def many(association_id, options = {})
- create_association(:many, association_id, options, self)
+ ##
+ # This macro allows you to define a "has-many" relationship between a
+ # document, and numerous child documents.
+ #
+ # == Conventions
+ #
+ # The following is a list of the conventions used by MongoMapper in
+ # defining this relationship. Each can likely be overridden via the
+ # +options+ parameter.
+ #
+ # * The name of your association is the lowercase, *plural* name of the
+ # target class
+ # * Your target class must have a "foreign key" bearing the name of this
+ # class suffixed by "_id"
+ #
+ # @param [Symbol] association_id The name of this association
+ # @param [Hash] options Optional parameters that define the
+ # characteristics of this relationship. These are often used to
+ # override MongoMapper conventions.
+ # @option options [String] :class_name If your relationship doesn't use
+ # the name of some class, you *must* use this option to indicate the
+ # target class for this relationship.
+ # @option options [Symbol] :foreign_key Use this option to specify a
+ # non-conventional key that stores the ID of the parent in this
+ # relationship
+ # @option options [#to_s] :as Used when the target relationship is
+ # polymorphic (i.e. the +belongs_to+ has set <tt>:polymorphic</tt> to
+ # +true+). See examples for usage.
+ def many(association_id, options={}, &extension)
+ create_association(:many, association_id, options, &extension)
def associations
@associations ||= self.superclass.respond_to?(:associations) ?
self.superclass.associations :
- def create_association(type, name, options, scope)
- options[:scope] = scope
- association =, name, options)
+ def create_association(type, name, options, &extension)
+ association =, name, options, &extension)
associations[] = association
@@ -58,10 +165,9 @@
module InstanceMethods
def get_proxy(association)
unless proxy = self.instance_variable_get(association.ivar)