lib/dim.rb in dim-1.0.0 vs lib/dim.rb in dim-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -27,15 +27,18 @@
module Dim
# Thrown when a service cannot be located by name.
- class MissingServiceError < StandardError; end
+ MissingServiceError =
# Thrown when a duplicate service is registered.
- class DuplicateServiceError < StandardError; end
+ DuplicateServiceError =
+ # Thrown by register_env when a suitable ENV variable can't be found
+ EnvironmentVariableNotFound =
# Dim::Container is the central data store for registering services
# used for dependency injuction. Users register services by
# providing a name and a block used to create the service. Services
# may be retrieved by asking for them by name (via the [] operator)
# or by selector (via the method_missing technique).
@@ -57,9 +60,16 @@
def register(name, &block)
if @services[name]
fail DuplicateServiceError, "Duplicate Service Name '#{name}'"
@services[name] = block
+ end
+ # Lookup a service from ENV variables; fall back to searching the provided hash
+ # if the
+ def register_env(name,default = nil)
+ value = ENV[name.to_s.upcase] || default || raise(EnvironmentVariableNotFound, "Cannot find any ENV variable named #{name}")
+ register(name) { value }
# Lookup a service by name. Throw an exception if no service is
# found.
def [](name)