in devise_ldap_authenticatable-0.4.4 vs in devise_ldap_authenticatable-0.4.5
- old
+ new
@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@
- An LDAP server (tested on OpenLDAP)
-- Rails 3.0.0.rc
+- Rails 3.0.0
These gems are dependencies of the gem:
-- Devise 1.1.1
+- Devise 1.1.2
- net-ldap 0.1.1
@@ -29,34 +29,40 @@
This will *only* work for Rails 3 applications.
In the Gemfile for your application:
- gem "devise", "1.1.1"
- gem "devise_ldap_authenticatable", "0.4.4"
+ gem "devise", "1.1.2"
+ gem "devise_ldap_authenticatable", "0.4.5"
To get the latest version, pull directly from github instead of the gem:
gem "devise_ldap_authenticatable", :git => "git://"
-Run the rails generator
+Run the rails generators for devise (please check the [devise]( documents for further instructions)
+ rails generate devise:install
+ rails generate devise MODEL_NAME
+Run the rails generator for devise_ldap_authenticatable
rails generate devise_ldap_authenticatable:install [options]
This will install the sample.yml, update the devise.rb initializer, and update your user model. There are some options you can pass to it:
- [--user-model=USER_MODEL] # Model to update
- # Default: user
- [--update-model] # Update model to change from database_authenticatable to ldap_authenticatable
- # Default: true
- [--add-rescue] # Update Application Controller with resuce_from for DeviseLdapAuthenticatable::LdapException
- # Default: true
- [--advanced] # Add advanced config options to the devise initializer
+ [--user-model=USER_MODEL] # Model to update
+ # Default: user
+ [--update-model] # Update model to change from database_authenticatable to ldap_authenticatable
+ # Default: true
+ [--add-rescue] # Update Application Controller with resuce_from for DeviseLdapAuthenticatable::LdapException
+ # Default: true
+ [--advanced] # Add advanced config options to the devise initializer