spec/support/rails_app/config/initializers/devise.rb in devise-token_authenticatable-0.5.3 vs spec/support/rails_app/config/initializers/devise.rb in devise-token_authenticatable-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -46,10 +46,15 @@
config.strip_whitespace_keys = [ :email ]
# Tell if authentication through request.params is enabled. True by default.
# config.params_authenticatable = true
- # Tell if authentication through HTTP Basic Auth is enabled. False by default.
+ # Tell if authentication through HTTP Auth is enabled. False by default.
+ # It can be set to an array that will enable http authentication only for the
+ # given strategies, for example, `config.http_authenticatable = [:database]` will
+ # enable it only for database authentication. The supported strategies are:
+ # :database = Support basic authentication with authentication key + password
+ # :token = Support token authentication
config.http_authenticatable = true
# If http headers should be returned for AJAX requests. True by default.
# config.http_authenticatable_on_xhr = true