lib/determinator.rb in determinator-0.12.1 vs lib/determinator.rb in determinator-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -2,42 +2,93 @@
require 'determinator/control'
require 'determinator/feature'
require 'determinator/target_group'
require 'determinator/retrieve/routemaster'
require 'determinator/retrieve/null_retriever'
+require 'determinator/cache/fetch_wrapper'
module Determinator
- # @param :retrieval [Determinator::Retrieve::Routemaster] A retrieval instance for Features
- # @param :errors [#call, nil] a proc, accepting an error, which will be called with any errors which occur while determinating
- # @param :missing_feature [#call, nil] a proc, accepting a feature name, which will be called any time a feature is requested but isn't available
- def self.configure(retrieval:, errors: nil, missing_feature: nil)
- @error_logger = errors if errors.respond_to?(:call)
- @missing_feature_logger = missing_feature if missing_feature.respond_to?(:call)
- @instance = retrieval)
- end
+ class << self
+ # @param :retrieval [Determinator::Retrieve::Routemaster] A retrieval instance for Features
+ # @param :errors [#call, nil] a proc, accepting an error, which will be called with any errors which occur while determinating
+ # @param :missing_feature [#call, nil] a proc, accepting a feature name, which will be called any time a feature is requested but isn't available
+ # @param :feature_cache [#call, nil] a caching proc, accepting a feature name, which will return the named feature or yield (and store) if not available
+ def configure(retrieval:, errors: nil, missing_feature: nil, feature_cache: nil)
+ self.on_error_logger(&errors) if errors
+ self.on_missing_feature(&missing_feature) if missing_feature
+ @feature_cache = feature_cache if feature_cache.respond_to?(:call)
+ @instance = retrieval)
+ end
- # @return [Determinator::Control] The currently active instance of determinator.
- # @raises [RuntimeError] If no Determinator instance is set up (with `.configure`)
- def self.instance
- raise "No singleton Determinator instance defined" unless @instance
- @instance
- end
+ # Returns the currently configured Determinator::Control instance
+ #
+ # @return [Determinator::Control] The currently active instance of determinator.
+ # @raises [RuntimeError] If no Determinator instance is set up (with `.configure`)
+ def instance
+ raise "No singleton Determinator instance defined" unless @instance
+ @instance
+ end
- # Returns the feature with the given name as Determinator uses it. This is useful for
- # debugging issues with the retrieval mechanism which delivers features to Determinator.
- # @returns [Determinator::Feature,nil] The feature details Determinator would use for a determination right now.
- def self.feature_details(name)
- instance.retrieval.retrieve(name)
- end
+ # Defines how errors that shouldn't break your application should be logged
+ def on_error(&block)
+ @error_logger = block
+ end
- def self.notice_error(error)
- return unless @error_logger
+ # Defines how to record the moment when a feature which doesn't exist is requested.
+ # If this happens a lot it indicates poor set up, so can be useful for tracking.
+ def on_missing_feature(&block)
+ @missing_feature_logger = block
+ end
- end
+ # Defines code that should execute when a determination is completed. This is particularly
+ # helpful for preparing or sending events to record that an actor has seen a particular experiment variant.
+ #
+ # Please note that this block will be executed _synchronously_ before delivering the determination to the callsite.
+ #
+ # @yield [id, guid, feature, determination] Will be called when a determination was requested for the
+ # specified `feature`, for the actor with `id` and `guid`, and received the determination `determination`.
+ # @yieldparam id [String, nil] The ID that was used to request the determination
+ # @yieldparam guid [String, nil] The GUID that was used to request the determination
+ # @yieldparam feature [Determinator::Feature] The feature that was requested
+ # @yieldparam determination [String,Boolean] The result of the determination
+ def on_determination(&block)
+ @determination_callback = block
+ end
- def self.missing_feature(name)
- return unless @missing_feature_logger
+ # Returns the feature with the given name as Determinator uses it. This is useful for
+ # debugging issues with the retrieval mechanism which delivers features to Determinator.
+ # @returns [Determinator::Feature,nil] The feature details Determinator would use for a determination right now.
+ def feature_details(name)
+ with_retrieval_cache(name) { instance.retrieval.retrieve(name) }
+ end
+ # Allows Determinator to track that an error has happened with determination
+ # @api private
+ def notice_error(error)
+ return unless @error_logger
+ error = unless error.is_a?(StandardError)
+ end
+ # Allows Determinator to track that a feature was requested but was missing
+ # @api private
+ def notice_missing_feature(name)
+ return unless @missing_feature_logger
+ end
+ def notice_determination(id, guid, feature, determination)
+ return unless @determination_callback
+, guid, feature, determination)
+ end
+ # Allows access to the chosen caching mechanism for any retrieval plugin.
+ # @api private
+ def with_retrieval_cache(name)
+ return yield unless @feature_cache.respond_to?(:call)
+ { yield }
+ end