lib/ziya/ziya_helper.rb in derailed-ziya-2.0.6 vs lib/ziya/ziya_helper.rb in derailed-ziya-2.0.8
- old
+ new
@@ -9,21 +9,26 @@
module Ziya
module Helper
# generates a javascript tag to include the js script to create object and
# embed tags
- def ziya_javascript_include_tag
+ def ziya_javascript_include_tag( opts={} )
+ options = { :swf_path => chart_path,
+ :major_vers => 9,
+ :minor_vers => 0,
+ :req_vers => 45 }.merge!( opts )
js = <<-JS
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
AC_FL_RunContent = 0;
DetectFlashVer = 0;
- <script src="/charts/AC_RunActiveContent.js" language="javascript"></script>
+ <script src="#{options[:swf_path]}/AC_RunActiveContent.js" language="javascript"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
- var requiredMajorVersion = 9;
- var requiredMinorVersion = 0;
- var requiredRevision = 45;
+ var requiredMajorVersion = #{options[:major_vers]};
+ var requiredMinorVersion = #{options[:minor_vers]};
+ var requiredRevision = #{options[:req_vers]};
# generates necessary object and embed tags to display a flash movie on various
@@ -50,11 +55,11 @@
setup_wmode( options )
# setup width and height
setup_movie_size( options )
- flash_vars = url ? charts_swf : charts_swf_no_src
+ flash_vars = url ? charts_swf : charts_swf_base
xml_swf_path = flash_vars % [options[:swf_path], escape_url(url)]
xml_swf_path << "&chart_id=#{options[:id]}"
xml_swf_path << "×tamp=#{}" if options[:cache] == false
xml_swf_path << "&timeout=#{options[:timeout]}&retry=#{options[:retry]}" if options[:timeout]
xml_swf_path << "&stage_width=#{options[:width]}&stage_height=#{options[:height]}" if options[:use_stage] == true
@@ -133,32 +138,40 @@
:use_cache => false,
:timeout => nil,
:use_stage => false
- flash_vars = url ? charts_swf : charts_swf_no_src
+ flash_vars = url ? charts_swf : charts_swf_base
generate_flash_tag( url, flash_vars, "charts.swf", options )
# flash chart library path
- def gen_composite_path( swf_chart_dir, url )
- composite_url % [swf_chart_dir, swf_chart_dir, escape_url( url )]
+ def gen_composite_path( swf_chart_dir, url, chart_id=null )
+ buff = ""
+ if url
+ buff = composite_url % [swf_chart_dir, swf_chart_dir, escape_url( url )]
+ else
+ buff = composite_base_url % [swf_chart_dir, swf_chart_dir]
+ end
+ buff << "&chart_id=#{chart_id}" if chart_id
+ buff
# =========================================================================
# private
# Const accessors...
- def mime() "application/x-shockwave-flash"; end
- def composite_url() "%s/charts.swf?library_path=%s/charts_library&xml_source=%s" end
- def charts_swf_no_src() "library_path=%s/charts_library"; end
- def charts_swf() "#{charts_swf_no_src}&xml_source=%s"; end
- def plugin_url() ""; end
- def gauges_swf() "%s/gauge.swf?xml_source=%s"; end
- def gauge_path() "/gauges"; end
- def chart_path() "/charts"; end
- def class_id() "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" end
- def codebase() ",0,45,0"; end
+ def mime() "application/x-shockwave-flash"; end
+ def composite_base_url() "%s/charts.swf?library_path=%s/charts_library" end
+ def composite_url() "#{composite_base_url}&xml_source=%s" end
+ def charts_swf_base() "library_path=%s/charts_library"; end
+ def charts_swf() "#{charts_swf_base}&xml_source=%s"; end
+ def plugin_url() ""; end
+ def gauges_swf() "%s/gauge.swf?xml_source=%s"; end
+ def gauge_path() "/gauges"; end
+ def chart_path() "/charts"; end
+ def class_id() "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" end
+ def codebase() ",0,45,0"; end
# generates swf path
def gen_swf_path( path_directive, swf_dir, url )
path_directive % [swf_dir, escape_url( url )]