lib/d3/admin/add.rb in depot3-3.0.15 vs lib/d3/admin/add.rb in depot3-3.0.20
- old
+ new
@@ -22,90 +22,88 @@
module D3
module Admin
### The Admin::Add modile contains constants and methods related to
### adding packages to d3 via d3admin.
module Add
extend self
### These are the symbols representing all the possible commandline options
### used for defining new packages.
- version
- revision
- package_name
- description
- filename
- category
- oses
- cpu_type
- reboot
- removable
- remove_first
- prohibiting_processes
- auto_groups
- excluded_groups
- pre_install
- post_install
- pre_remove
- post_remove
- expiration
- expiration_paths
- source_path
- }.map{|i| i.to_sym}
+ version
+ revision
+ package_name
+ description
+ filename
+ category
+ oses
+ cpu_type
+ reboot
+ removable
+ remove_first
+ prohibiting_processes
+ auto_groups
+ excluded_groups
+ pre_install
+ post_install
+ pre_remove
+ post_remove
+ expiration
+ expiration_paths
+ source_path
+ ).freeze
### If we need to build the pkg, these options are needed
- BUILD_OPTIONS = [:workspace, :package_build_type]
+ BUILD_OPTIONS = [:workspace, :package_build_type].freeze
### If we are building a .pkg these options are needed
- PKG_OPTIONS = [:pkg_identifier, :pkg_preserve_owners]
+ PKG_OPTIONS = [:pkg_identifier, :pkg_preserve_owners, :signing_identity, :signing_options].freeze
### Continuously loop through displaying the add-package menu, and getting
### new values, until the user types 'x'.
### @param options[OpenStruct] the starting values to offer the user
### @return [OpenStruct] the new_package_options with validated data
- def loop_thru_add_walkthru (options)
+ def loop_thru_add_walkthru(options)
+ inherited_line = options.inherited_from ? "with values inherited from '#{options.inherited_from}'" : 'with global default values'
- inherited_line = options.inherited_from ? "with values inherited from '#{options.inherited_from}'" : "with global default values"
choice = nil
# loop until the user types an x
- while choice != "x"
+ while choice != 'x'
walkthru_menu_header = <<-END_HEADER
-Adding pilot d3 package '#{options.edition or options.basename}'
+Adding pilot d3 package '#{options.edition || options.basename}'
menu_options = NEW_PKG_OPTIONS
- if options.source_path and get_package_type_from_source(options.source_path) == :root_folder
+ if options.source_path && get_package_type_from_source(options.source_path) == :root_folder
menu_options += BUILD_OPTIONS
menu_options += PKG_OPTIONS if options.package_build_type == :pkg
- choice = D3::Admin::Interactive.get_menu_choice( walkthru_menu_header, walkthru_menu_lines(menu_options, options) )
+ choice = D3::Admin::Interactive.get_menu_choice(walkthru_menu_header, walkthru_menu_lines(menu_options, options))
if choice == 'x'
(options, errors) = validate_all_new_package_options options
if errors.empty?
break # while
- puts "***** ERRORS *****"
+ puts '***** ERRORS *****'
puts errors.join "\n"
- puts "*****"
- puts "Type return to continue, ^c to exit"
+ puts '*****'
+ puts 'Type return to continue, ^c to exit'
choice = 'not x'
end # if errors empty
@@ -113,14 +111,13 @@
chosen_opt = menu_options[choice]
# Here the value we're actually editing
current_opt_value = options[chosen_opt]
# if we're editing version or revision, and the current pkg or filenames are
# based on them then make a note to update the names when we get the new values
- if chosen_opt == :basename or chosen_opt == :version or chosen_opt == :revision
+ if chosen_opt == :basename || chosen_opt == :version || chosen_opt == :revision
update_edition = true
update_pkg_name = options.package_name.start_with? options.edition
update_filename = options.filename.start_with? options.edition
update_edition = false
@@ -128,20 +125,20 @@
update_filename = false
# if editing the source or the buildtype, we might have to update the
# names as well
- if chosen_opt == :source_path or chosen_opt == :package_build_type
+ if chosen_opt == :source_path || chosen_opt == :package_build_type
update_pkg_name = options.package_name =~ /\.(m?pkg|dmg)$/
update_filename = true
# prompt for a new value and put it in place
options[chosen_opt] = D3::Admin::Interactive.get_value(chosen_opt, current_opt_value, nil)
# if we changed the version, reset the revision to 1 and update values as needed
- if chosen_opt == :version and options[chosen_opt] != current_opt_value
+ if chosen_opt == :version && options[chosen_opt] != current_opt_value
options[:revision] = 1
update_edition = true
update_pkg_name = options.package_name.start_with? options.edition
update_filename = options.filename.start_with? options.edition
@@ -150,28 +147,27 @@
options.edition = "#{options.basename}-#{options.version}-#{options.revision}" if update_edition
options.package_name = "#{options.edition}.#{options.package_build_type}" if update_pkg_name
options.filename = "#{options.edition}.#{options.package_build_type}" if update_filename
# if we edited the source path, we might need to update the names and the pkg build type
- if chosen_opt == :source_path and options.source_path.extname =~ /\.(m?pkg|dmg)$/
+ if chosen_opt == :source_path && options.source_path.extname =~ /\.(m?pkg|dmg)$/
options.package_name.sub(/\.(m?pkg|dmg)$/, options.source_path.extname)
options.filename.sub(/\.(m?pkg|dmg)$/, options.source_path.extname)
- options.package_build_type = options.source_path.extname == ".dmg" ? :dmg : :pkg
+ options.package_build_type = options.source_path.extname == '.dmg' ? :dmg : :pkg
# ditto if we edited the package_build_type
if chosen_opt == :package_build_type
options.package_name.sub(/\.(m?pkg|dmg)$/, options.package_build_type.to_s)
options.filename.sub(/\.(m?pkg|dmg)$/, options.package_build_type.to_s)
- end #if choice == x
+ end # if choice == x
end # while choice not x
# return the options
end # loop_thru_add_walkthru
### Regenerate the walkthru menu lines
### @param menu_options[Array<Symbol>] the option keys that will be in
@@ -179,25 +175,25 @@
### @param current_options[OpenStruct] the current option values
### @return [Array<String>] the lines of the walkthru menu
- def walkthru_menu_lines (menu_options, current_options)
+ def walkthru_menu_lines(menu_options, current_options)
display_lines = []
menu_options.each_index do |i|
# the option symbol, like :reboot
- #opt = NEW_PKG_OPTIONS[i]
+ # opt = NEW_PKG_OPTIONS[i]
opt = menu_options[i]
opt_def = D3::Admin::OPTIONS[opt]
label = opt_def[:label]
value = current_options[opt]
converter = opt_def[:display_conversion]
value_display = converter ? : value
display_lines[i] = "#{label}: #{value_display}"
- return display_lines
+ display_lines
end # def walkthru_menu_lines
### Validate commandline options when adding a package without walkthru
### using defaults as needed.
### Some values will be prompted for if needed, since they
@@ -208,21 +204,21 @@
### @param new_package_options[OpenStruct] the repository for the
### validated data
### @return [OpenStruct] the new_package_options with validated data
- def add_pilot_cli (cli_options)
- (new_package_options, errors) = validate_all_new_package_options (cli_options)
+ def add_pilot_cli(cli_options)
+ (new_package_options, errors) = validate_all_new_package_options(cli_options)
if errors.empty?
return new_package_options
- puts "***** ERRORS *****"
+ puts '***** ERRORS *****'
puts errors.join "\n"
- puts "*****"
- raise ArgumentError, "Errors in commandline options, see above."
+ puts '*****'
+ raise ArgumentError, 'Errors in commandline options, see above.'
end # if errors empty
- end #validate_cli_add_pilot
+ end # validate_cli_add_pilot
### Validate all possible options for making a new pkg.
### This is used for both walkthru's and cli-specified options.
### Even though the walkthru validates options as they are entered,
@@ -233,15 +229,14 @@
### either from a walkthru or the command line
### @return [Array<OpenStruct, Array>] An array with two items: the possibly-validated options
### and an array of error messages, which should be empty if all options are valid.
- def validate_all_new_package_options (options_from_user)
+ def validate_all_new_package_options(options_from_user)
# what do we need to check
opts_to_check = NEW_PKG_OPTIONS
- if options_from_user.source_path and get_package_type_from_source(options_from_user.source_path) == :root_folder
+ if options_from_user.source_path && get_package_type_from_source(options_from_user.source_path) == :root_folder
opts_to_check += BUILD_OPTIONS
opts_to_check += PKG_OPTIONS if options_from_user.package_build_type == :pkg
# gather the errors in here to be reported all at once
@@ -271,20 +266,20 @@
options_from_user.edition = new_edition
# group overlaps
- D3::Package::Validate.validate_non_overlapping_groups options_from_user[:auto_groups], options_from_user[:excluded_groups]
+ D3::Package::Validate.validate_non_overlapping_groups options_from_user[:auto_groups], options_from_user[:excluded_groups]
rescue JSS::InvalidDataError
- errors << "Auto and Excluded group-lists can't contain groups in common."
+ errors << "Auto and Excluded group-lists can't contain groups in common."
# expiration path if expiration
if options_from_user[:expiration] > 0
- errors << "expiration path cannot be empty if expiration is > 0 ." unless options_from_user[:expiration_paths]
+ errors << 'expiration path cannot be empty if expiration is > 0 .' unless options_from_user[:expiration_paths]
- return [options_from_user, errors]
+ [options_from_user, errors]
end # validate_all_new_package_options
### Figure out the default values for all options for creating a new package
### @param basename[String] the basename for the new pkg
@@ -294,11 +289,11 @@
def get_default_options(basename, no_inherit)
dft_opts =
# first populate the opts from the defined defaults for anything that's still nil
- D3::Admin::OPTIONS.each {|opt, settings| dft_opts[opt] = settings[:default]}
+ D3::Admin::OPTIONS.each { |opt, settings| dft_opts[opt] = settings[:default] }
dft_opts.basename = basename
# next we grab stuff from the most recent pkg with this baseneme
# and apply anything there, if a basename was given
@@ -311,11 +306,11 @@
end # if basename
# edition if available
- if dft_opts.version and dft_opts.revision
+ if dft_opts.version && dft_opts.revision
dft_opts.edition = "#{dft_opts.basename}-#{dft_opts.version}-#{dft_opts.revision}"
dft_opts.edition = nil
@@ -328,19 +323,20 @@
# then: any values stored in the admin prefs are applied...
# use the workspace from the prefs if it exists
dft_opts.workspace = D3::Admin::Prefs.prefs[:workspace]
dft_opts.workspace ||= D3::Admin::DFT_WORKSPACE
# use the pkg_identifier_prefix from the prefs
pfx = D3::Admin::Prefs.prefs[:apple_pkg_id_prefix]
pfx ||= D3::Admin::DFT_PKG_ID_PREFIX
dft_opts.pkg_identifier ||= "#{pfx}.#{basename}".gsub(/\.+/, '.')
# We now have our defaults for a new pkg
- return dft_opts
+ dft_opts.signing_identity = D3::Admin::Prefs.prefs[:signing_identity] || ''
+ dft_opts.signing_options = D3::Admin::Prefs.prefs[:signing_options] || ''
+ dft_opts
end # populate_default_options
### Get default values from an existing d3 package, and use them to
### override the defined defaults
@@ -350,11 +346,10 @@
### populated
### @return [OpenStruct] an ostruct with the default values
def default_options_from_package(pkg, dft_opts =
# populate the opts from the pkg, if the pkg has a value
D3::Admin::OPTIONS.keys.each do |opt|
next unless pkg.respond_to?(opt)
pkg_val = pkg.send(opt)
next if pkg_val.nil?
@@ -368,11 +363,11 @@
dft_opts.package_name = nil
dft_opts.filename = nil
# grab the first pkg-id if it exists
# we might use it to if making a new pkg
- if pkg.apple_receipt_data and pkg.apple_receipt_data[0] and pkg.apple_receipt_data[0][:apple_pkg_id]
+ if pkg.apple_receipt_data && pkg.apple_receipt_data[0] && pkg.apple_receipt_data[0][:apple_pkg_id]
dft_opts.pkg_identifier = pkg.apple_receipt_data[0][:apple_pkg_id]
end # default_values_from_package(pkg)
@@ -384,80 +379,89 @@
### @param source_path[Pathname] the path to check
### @return [Symbol] :dmg, :pkg, or :root_folder
def get_package_type_from_source (source_path)
- if source_path.to_s.end_with? ".dmg"
- return :dmg
+ if source_path.to_s.end_with? '.dmg'
+ :dmg
elsif source_path.to_s =~ /\.m?pkg$/
- return :pkg
+ :pkg
- return :root_folder
- end # if .source_path.to_s.end_with? ".dmg"
+ :root_folder
+ end # if .source_path.to_s.end_with? '.dmg'
### Add the new pkg to d3
### @param new_package_options[OpenStruct] the verified options for the new package.
### @return [Integer] the JSS id of the new package
- def add_new_package (new_package_options)
+ def add_new_package(new_package_options)
# new_package_options should now have all the validated data we need to make a new pkg
- new_pilot = => :new,
- :basename => new_package_options.basename,
- :name => new_package_options.package_name,
- :version => new_package_options.version,
- :revision => new_package_options.revision,
- :filename => new_package_options.filename,
- :admin => ENV["USER"])
+ new_pilot =
+ id: :new,
+ basename: new_package_options.basename,
+ name: new_package_options.package_name,
+ version: new_package_options.version,
+ revision: new_package_options.revision,
+ filename: new_package_options.filename,
+ admin: ENV['USER']
+ )
D3::Admin::Add::NEW_PKG_OPTIONS.each do |opt|
setter = "#{opt}=".to_sym
new_pilot.send setter, new_package_options.send(opt) if new_pilot.respond_to? setter
# do we need to build the pkg?
unless new_package_options.source_path.extname =~ /\.(m?pkg|dmg)$/
if new_package_options.package_build_type == :pkg
- puts "Building .pkg..."
- new_pkg_path = JSS::Composer.mk_pkg(new_package_options.package_name,
+ puts 'Building .pkg...'
+ new_pkg_path = JSS::Composer.mk_pkg(
+ new_package_options.package_name,
- :pkg_id => new_package_options.pkg_identifier,
- :out_dir => new_package_options.workspace,
- :preserve_ownership => new_package_options.pkg_preserve_owners )
+ pkg_id: new_package_options.pkg_identifier,
+ out_dir: new_package_options.workspace,
+ preserve_ownership: new_package_options.pkg_preserve_owners,
+ signing_identity: new_package_options.signing_identity,
+ signing_options: new_package_options.signing_options
+ )
new_package_options.source_path = new_pkg_path
elsif new_package_options.package_build_type == :dmg
- puts "Building .dmg..."
- new_pkg_path = JSS::Composer.mk_dmg(new_package_options.package_name,
+ puts 'Building .dmg...'
+ new_pkg_path = JSS::Composer.mk_dmg(
+ new_package_options.package_name,
- new_package_options.workspace)
+ new_package_options.workspace
+ )
new_package_options.source_path = new_pkg_path
end # if new_package_options.package_build_type
end # unless
# save to d3
puts "Saving new pilot #{new_package_options.edition} to the server..."
new_pkg_id =
- puts "Indexing..."
+ puts 'Indexing...'
# make the index - all d3 pkgs are indexed in the JSS
- new_pilot.mk_index :local_filepath => new_package_options.source_path
+ new_pilot.mk_index local_filepath: new_package_options.source_path
# upload to dist point
# if its a .pkg, the apple rcpt data is updated during the upload
- puts "Uploading to the Master Distribution Point..."
+ puts 'Uploading to the Master Distribution Point...'
new_pilot.upload_master_file new_package_options.source_path, D3::Admin::Auth.rw_credentials(:dist)[:password]
- return new_pkg_id
+ new_pkg_id
end # add_new_package
end # module Add
end # module Admin
end # module D3