spec/helper.rb in delayed_job-4.1.9 vs spec/helper.rb in delayed_job-4.1.10
- old
+ new
@@ -45,11 +45,24 @@
Delayed::Worker.backend = :test
-# Add this directory so the ActiveSupport autoloading works
-ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths << File.dirname(__FILE__)
+if ActiveSupport::VERSION::MAJOR < 7
+ require 'active_support/dependencies'
+ # Add this directory so the ActiveSupport autoloading works
+ ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths << File.dirname(__FILE__)
+ # Rails 7 dropped classic dependency auto-loading. This does a basic
+ # zeitwerk setup to test against zeitwerk directly as the Rails zeitwerk
+ # setup is intertwined in the application boot process.
+ require 'zeitwerk'
+ loader = Zeitwerk::Loader.new
+ loader.push_dir File.dirname(__FILE__)
+ loader.setup
# Used to test interactions between DJ and an ORM
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection :adapter => 'sqlite3', :database => ':memory:'
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Delayed::Worker.logger
ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false