README.markdown in deface-0.3.0 vs README.markdown in deface-0.4.0
- old
+ new
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Deface is a library that allows you to customize ERB views in a Rails application without editing the underlying view.
-It allows you to easily target html & erb elements as the hooks for customization using both CSS and XPath selectors as supported by Nokogiri.
+It allows you to easily target html & erb elements as the hooks for customization using CSS selectors as supported by Nokogiri.
-Deface temporarily converts ERB files into a pseudo HTML markup that can be parsed and queired by Nokogiri, using the following approach:
+Demo & Testing
+You can play with Deface and see it's parsing in action at [](
- <%= some ruby code %>
- becomes
- <code erb-loud> some ruby code </code>
- <% other ruby code %>
- becomes
- <code erb-silent> other ruby code </code>
-Deface overrides have full access to all variables accessible to the view being customized.
A new instance of the Deface::Override class is initialized for each customization you wish to define. When initializing a new override you must supply only one Target, Action & Source parameter and any number of Optional parameters. Note, the source parameter is not required when the "remove" action is specified.
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* <tt>:insert_after</tt> - Inserts after all elements that match the supplied selector
* <tt>:insert_before</tt> - Inserts before all elements that match the supplied selector
+* <tt>:insert_top</tt> - Inserts inside all elements that match the supplied selector, as the first child.
+* <tt>:insert_bottom</tt> - Inserts inside all elements that match the supplied selector, as the last child.
* <tt>:text</tt> - String containing markup
* <tt>:partial</tt> - Relative path to a partial
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Removes any instance of `<%= helper_method %>` in the `posts/new.html.erb" template: => "posts/new",
:name => "example-4",
:remove => "code[erb-loud]:contains('helper_method')" )
+Deface temporarily converts ERB files into a pseudo HTML markup that can be parsed and queired by Nokogiri, using the following approach:
+ <%= some ruby code %>
+ becomes
+ <code erb-loud> some ruby code </code>
+ <% other ruby code %>
+ becomes
+ <code erb-silent> other ruby code </code>
+ERB that is contained inside a HTML tag definition is converted slightly differently to ensure a valid HTML document that Nokogiri can parse:
+ <p id="<%= dom_id @product %>" <%= "style='display:block';" %>>
+ becomes
+ <p data-erb-id="<%= dom_id @product %>" data-erb-0="<%= "style='display:block';" %>">
+Deface overrides have full access to all variables accessible to the view being customized.
+Due to the use of the Nokogiri library for parsing HTML / view files you need to ensure that your layout views include doctype, html, head and body tags in a single file, as Nokogiri will create such elements if it detects any of these tags have been incorrectly nested.
+Parsing will fail and result in invalid output if ERB blocks are responsible for closing a HTML tag what was opened normally, i.e. don't do this:
+ <div <%= ">" %>