in decidim-enhanced_textwork-1.0.0 vs in decidim-enhanced_textwork-1.0.1

- old
+ new

@@ -1,13 +1,19 @@ # Decidim::EnhancedTextwork The EnhancedTextwork module allows users to contribute to a participatory process with text work by creating paragraphs. +This module is based on decidim-proposals and was developed to improve the existing participatory_texts functionality to better suite specific needs we found in Austria. + ## Usage -EnhancedTextwork will be available as a Component for a Participatory Process. +EnhancedTextwork is available as a Component for a Participatory Process. +We also extended some javascript code using webpacker. + +That means it needs at least **Decidim v0.25.0** to work. + ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby @@ -18,10 +24,89 @@ ```bash bundle ``` +## Improvements + +Within the scope of our project we improved a few parts of the feature called “participatory_text”, wich is part of the core module “decidim-proposals”. +Unfortunately after finishing our work the decidim core team in Barcelona did not have available resources to integrate our results in the decidim core. For this reason we created a new module based on “decidim-proposals” including our participatory_text enhancements. + +We named the base model for participatory texts `Paragraph` (instead of Proposal). + +Our improvements span 3 areas described in the following sections: + +* [Participatory Text Frontend](#participatory-text-frontend) +* [Participatory Text Result Export](#participatory-text-result-export) +* [Participatory Text Import](#participatory-text-import) + +### Participatory Text Frontend + +To make working with a participatory text easier and more user friendly we rebuilt the design for the overview page and created a sidebar. + +#### Sidebar + +We called the page including the sidebar “overview” and added it to the routes of the proposals module: + +[lib/decidim/enhanced_textwork/engine.rb](lib/decidim/enhanced_textwork/engine.rb#L21) + +#### Comments + +To change the style of the comments to better fit the sidebar and to improve user experience we created a new class `Decidim::EnhancedTextwork::CommentsCell` that derives from the global `Decidim::Comments::CommentsCell`. +That allowed us to overwrite the global comments cell view while still using most of the other views of the global `CommentsCell`. + +* [comments_cell.rb](app/cells/decidim/enhanced_textwork/comments_cell.rb) +* [show.erb](app/cells/decidim/enhanced_textwork/comments/show.erb) + + +#### Adding component settings + +We added a setting to allow hiding proposal titles, because numbered titles did not make sense for long texts. In our new module we enable this setting by default. + +In Decidim every component (module) allows you to define settings that get then displayed automatically in the components edit view using the localized texts configured for example under `` + +```rb +settings.attribute :hide_participatory_text_titles_enabled, type: :boolean, default: true +``` + +[see component.rb](lib/decidim/enhanced_textwork/component.rb#L50) + +## Participatory Text Result Export + +Because `enhanced_textwork` is based on `proposals`, the `Paragraph` model is based on the `Proposal` model. For this reason all the features existing for proposals can also be used on enhanced_textwork. One of those features is the export of results. Until now exporting results was optimized for proposals and didn’t make a lot of sense for exporting the results of collaborative work on a big text document consisting of many sections. + +Existing export formats for proposals were defined in [decidim-core]( + +* CSV +* Excel +* JSON + +We decided to add a new Word/docx export exclusively in the enhanced_textwork module: + +[lib/decidim/exporters/word.rb](lib/decidim/exporters/word.rb) + +To enable it, the export formats need to be defined in the component configuration: + +[lib/decidim/proposals/component.rb](lib/decidim/enhanced_textwork/component.rb#L144) + +To export in docx format we decided to use a more recent fork of the [caracal]( gem by commonlit. + +## Participatory Text Import + +To add a new page for importing text directly from a rich text editor we had to add some routes in the [admin_engine](lib/decidim/enhanced_textwork/admin_engine.rb#L33) + +Decidim already uses the [quill]( richt text editor in many places, so we decided to also use it. + +We created a new [HtmlToMarkdown](lib/decidim/enhanced_textwork/html_to_markdown.rb) class that uses the [kramdown]( gem to convert the html output of the quill editor to markdown, which is already the supported format for importing documents. + +The new class had to be autoloaded from the [proposals component](lib/decidim/enhanced_textwork.rb#L21) + +### Allow to delete single drafts + +After importing text it was not possible to delete single proposals/paragraphs of the draft. You could only delete all proposals together. +Therefore we added a delete button to each draft and added a new [command](app/commands/decidim/enhanced_textwork/destroy_paragraph.rb) and a [destroy_draft controller action](app/controllers/decidim/enhanced_textwork/admin/paragraphs_controller.rb#L147) that we also added to the [routes in the admin_engine](lib/decidim/enhanced_textwork/admin_engine.rb#L25 ): + ### Configuring Similarity `pg_trgm` is a PostgreSQL extension providing simple fuzzy string matching used in the Paragraph wizard to find similar published paragraphs (title and the body). Create config variables in your app's `/config/initializers/decidim-enhanced_textwork.rb`: @@ -55,10 +140,10 @@ - Subsection: the rest of the titles become subsections. - Article: paragraphs become articles. ## Contributing -See [Decidim]( +Feel free to use the issues and pull requests to contribute to this module. ## License -See [Decidim]( +AGPL-3.0