config/locales/eu.yml in decidim-decidim_awesome-0.7.0 vs config/locales/eu.yml in decidim-decidim_awesome-0.7.2
- old
+ new
@@ -15,11 +15,13 @@
intergram_intro_message: First message when the user opens the chat for the first time
intergram_require_login: Only for logged users
intergram_title_closed: Closed chat title
intergram_title_open: Opened chat title
intergram_use_floating_button: If checked, the closed chat is always a button instead of a text
- scoped_styles: 'Custom styles #%{id}'
+ proposal_custom_fields: Custom fields %{id}
+ scoped_admins: Scoped admins group %{id}
+ scoped_styles: Custom styles %{id}
use_markdown_editor: Use a Markdown editor instead of the HTML editor
component_id: or specifically in
component_manifest: Only in components of type
participatory_space_manifest: Apply to participatory spaces of type
@@ -28,10 +30,12 @@
position: Position
raw_label: Label
target: Opens in
url: URL
visibility: Visibility
+ proposal:
+ proposal_custom_fields: Custom fields
decidim_awesome: Decidim awesome
@@ -82,42 +86,71 @@
CSS: Head does not contain the required <link> stylesheet entries. To solve it, you can manually add it to your custom _head.html.erb
JavaScript: Head does not contain the required <script> Javascript entries. To solve it, you can manually add it to your custom admin/_header.html.erb
head_tags: Awesome tags included in the application header
title: System compatibility checks
+ caution: 'NOTE: This feature heavily modifies some default behaviours that might lead to unexpected results. Use it with caution!'
add_condition: Add case
always: Always
+ cannot_be_destroyed: Sorry, this cannot be deleted. This configuration needs at least one constraint.
delete: Ezabatu
edit: Editatu
title: 'Applicable only in these cases:'
+ create_proposal_custom_field:
+ error: Error creating a new "custom field" box! %{error}
+ success: '"custom field" box %{key} created successfully'
+ create_scoped_admin:
+ error: Error creating a new Admin group! %{error}
+ success: Admin group %{key} created successfully
error: Error creating a new CSS box! %{error}
success: CSS box %{key} created successfully
+ destroy_proposal_custom_field:
+ error: Error removing "custom field" box! %{error}
+ success: '"custom field" box %{key} removed successfully'
+ destroy_scoped_admin:
+ error: Error removing Admin group! %{error}
+ success: Admin group %{key} removed successfully
error: Error removing CSS box! %{error}
success: CSS box %{key} removed successfully
- experimental: Experimental options
+ edit_label: Rename label
incorrect_css: 'CSS in box #%{key} is invalid'
+ incorrect_json: 'JSON definition in box #%{key} is invalid'
allow_images_in_full_editor: This will add an image uploader icon in all the editors WYSIWYG with the full toolbar enabled.
allow_images_in_markdown_editor: This will allow markdown editor to upload images by copy & paste or drag & drop.
allow_images_in_proposals: This will allow to upload images in the proposals editor, available to any user
allow_images_in_small_editor: This will add an image uploader icon in all the editors WYSIWYG with minimal options in the toolbar enabled.
auto_save_forms: This will use LocalStorage to automatically save data introduced by users in surveys and other forms while they are filling it. Data will be restored in a future visit with the same browser in case the form is not submitted. If the form is submitted, data will be removed. If users remove their LocalStorage data, data won't be restored either.
drag_and_drop_supported: When uploading images, Drag & Drop is supported. Images will be uploaded to the server and inserted as external resources (it doesn't use base64 inline encoding).
intergram_about: Intergram uses Telegram messenger to handle a live support chat widget embedded in the bottom of the page.
intergram_config: 'Invite the <a href="">@Intergram bot</a> to your group or start a chat with it directly. <a href="">+ info</a>'
+ proposal_custom_fields: Create custom proposal fields that applies only in certain parts of the public web (use the restrictions editor for that)
+ proposal_custom_fields_example: Data is stored in a XML object using compatible HTML attributes (dl,dt,dd elements) replacing the "body" in a normal proposal.
+ proposal_custom_fields_translations: "Labels, help text, placeholders and default values can use your application custom translations. \nFor that, instead of using a string literal, use the i18n key (it must containt at least one dot).\nFor instance:\n- \"activemodel.attributes.proposal.title\" instead of \"Title\"\n- \"activemodel.attributes.proposal.address\" instead of \"Address\"\nOr use your own keys in combination with other tools to define translations (eg: using the module Term Customizer):\n - \"\" instead of \"Biography\""
+ scoped_admins: Promote regular user to admins that can only administrate certain parts of the public web (use the restrictions editor for that). Note that users who already have regular admin permissions will be ignored.
scoped_styles: Create custom CSS that applies only in certain parts of the public web (use the restrictions editor for that)
scoped_styles_variables: 'You can use the following CSS variables for organization customized colors:'
- use_markdown_editor: This will substitute the Quill WYSIWYG editor, use a Markdown editor instead. Text will be rendered as HTML in the public pages (text in database will be saved as markdown text)
- form_styles:
+ use_markdown_editor: This will substitute the Quill WYSIWYG editor, use a Markdown editor instead. Text will be saved as HTML in the database.
+ form_proposal_custom_fields:
+ new: Add a new "custom fields" box
+ remove: Remove this "custom fields" box
+ sure_to_remove: Are you sure you want to destroy this fields box?
+ form_scoped_admins:
+ new: Add a new "Scoped Admins" group
+ remove: Remove this "Scoped Admins" group
+ sure_to_remove: Are you sure you want to destroy this "Scoped Admins" group?
+ form_scoped_styles:
new: Add a new CSS box
remove: Remove this CSS box
sure_to_remove: Are you sure you want to destroy this CSS box?
+ none: "⛔ Never! - Deactivate any other constraint"
+ process_groups: Process groups
rich_text_editor_in_public_views: 'NOTE: "Rich text editor for participants" is enabled, this option won''t apply. Use the editors hacks instead to enable images in proposals.'
title: Tweaks for %{setting}
update: Update configuration
system: Everywhere except participatory spaces
@@ -143,14 +176,16 @@
save: Save
error: Error updating condition case
success: Condition case updated successfully
+ admins: Scoped Admins
checks: System compatibility
editors: Editor hacks
livechat: Live Chat
menu_hacks: Menu tweaks
+ proposal_custom_fields: Proposals Custom Fields
proposals: Proposals hacks
styles: Custom styles
surveys: Surveys & forms
@@ -191,10 +226,34 @@
auto_no_response: It seems that no one is available to answer right now. Please tell us how we can contact you, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
auto_response: Looking for the first available admin (It might take a minute)
intro_message: Hello! How can we help you?
title_closed: Click to chat!
title_open: Let's chat!
+ content_blocks:
+ map:
+ collapse: Start with collapsed menu
+ map_center: Map center (Latitude, Longitude)
+ map_center_help: 'Use decimal points (ie: 41.38879, 2.15899). Leave it empty to automatically fit all the markers'
+ map_height: Map height (px)
+ map_settings: Map settings
+ map_zoom: Zoom (any number betwen 0 and 18)
+ map_zoom_help: Only applies if a map center is defined
+ menu_amendments: Show amendments
+ menu_meetings: Show meetings
+ name: Awesome Map
+ show_accepted: Show accepted proposals
+ show_evaluating: Show evaluating proposals
+ show_not_answered: Show not answered proposals
+ show_rejected: Show rejected proposals
+ show_withdrawn: Show withdrawn proposals
+ text_settings: Text settings
+ title: Title
+ truncate: Maximum characters for popup descriptions
credits: Decidim Awesome %{version} · Made with ♥ by Platoniq
+ custom_fields:
+ errors:
+ invalid_fields: Content couldn't be parsed but has been assigned to the field '%{field}'
+ invalid_xml: 'Content couldn''t be parsed: DL/DD elements not found in the XML'
error: Error uploading image!
success: Image uploaded successfully