app/cells/decidim/comments/comment_cell.rb in decidim-comments-0.23.6 vs app/cells/decidim/comments/comment_cell.rb in decidim-comments-0.24.0.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,22 +1,156 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Decidim
module Comments
- # This cell renders the comment card for an instance of a Comment
- # the default size is the Medium Card (:m)
+ # A cell to display a single comment.
class CommentCell < Decidim::ViewModel
- include CommentCellsHelper
- include Cell::ViewModel::Partial
+ include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper
+ include Decidim::IconHelper
+ include Decidim::ResourceHelper
- def show
- cell card_size, model, options
+ delegate :current_user, :user_signed_in?, to: :controller
+ property :root_commentable
+ property :created_at
+ property :alignment
+ property :translated_body
+ property :comment_threads
+ property :accepts_new_comments?
+ def alignment_badge
+ return unless [-1, 1].include?(alignment)
+ render :alignment_badge
+ def votes
+ return unless root_commentable.comments_have_votes?
+ render :votes
+ end
- def card_size
- "decidim/comments/comment_m"
+ def decidim_comments
+ Decidim::Comments::Engine.routes.url_helpers
+ end
+ def comment_body
+ Decidim::ContentProcessor.render(translated_body)
+ end
+ def replies
+ SortedComments.for(model, order_by: order)
+ end
+ def order
+ options[:order] || "older"
+ end
+ def reply_id
+ "comment#{}-reply"
+ end
+ def can_reply?
+ user_signed_in? && accepts_new_comments? &&
+ root_commentable.user_allowed_to_comment?(current_user)
+ end
+ def author_presenter
+ if &&
+ elsif model.user_group
+ model.user_group.presenter
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ def comment_classes
+ classes = ["comment"]
+ if nested?
+ classes << "comment--nested"
+ classes << "comment--nested--alt" if nested_level_even?
+ end
+ classes.join(" ")
+ end
+ def alignment_badge_classes
+ classes = %w(label alignment)
+ case alignment
+ when 1
+ classes << "success"
+ when -1
+ classes << "alert"
+ end
+ classes.join(" ")
+ end
+ def alignment_badge_label
+ if alignment == 1
+ I18n.t("decidim.components.comment.alignment.in_favor")
+ else
+ I18n.t("decidim.components.comment.alignment.against")
+ end
+ end
+ def votes_up_classes
+ classes = ["comment__votes--up"]
+ classes << "is-vote-selected" if voted_up?
+ classes << "is-vote-notselected" if voted_down?
+ classes.join(" ")
+ end
+ def votes_down_classes
+ classes = ["comment__votes--down"]
+ classes << "is-vote-selected" if voted_down?
+ classes << "is-vote-notselected" if voted_up?
+ classes.join(" ")
+ end
+ def commentable_path(params = {})
+ if root_commentable.is_a?(Decidim::Budgets::Project)
+ resource_locator([root_commentable.budget, root_commentable]).path(params)
+ else
+ resource_locator(root_commentable).path(params)
+ end
+ end
+ def up_votes_count
+ model.up_votes.count
+ end
+ def down_votes_count
+ model.down_votes.count
+ end
+ def root_depth
+ options[:root_depth] || 0
+ end
+ def depth
+ model.depth - root_depth
+ end
+ def voted_up?
+ model.up_voted_by?(current_user)
+ end
+ def voted_down?
+ model.down_voted_by?(current_user)
+ end
+ def nested?
+ depth.positive?
+ end
+ def nested_level_even?
+ depth.even?
+ end
+ def has_replies?
+ model.comment_threads.any?