misc/README.md.erb in debug-1.3.1 vs misc/README.md.erb in debug-1.3.2

- old
+ new

@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ * Fast: No performance penalty on non-stepping mode and non-breakpoints. * [Remote debugging](#remote-debugging): Support remote debugging natively. * UNIX domain socket * TCP/IP - * Integeration with rich debugger frontend + * Integration with rich debugger frontend * VSCode/DAP ([VSCode rdbg Ruby Debugger - Visual Studio Marketplace](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=KoichiSasada.vscode-rdbg)) * Chrome DevTools * Extensible: application can introduce debugging support with several ways: * By `rdbg` command * By loading libraries with `-r` command line option @@ -338,11 +338,11 @@ $ RUBY_DEBUG_PORT=12345 ruby target.rb ``` ### Integration with external debugger frontend -You can attach with external debuger frontend with VSCode and Chrome. +You can attach with external debugger frontend with VSCode and Chrome. ``` $ rdbg --open=[frontend] target.rb ``` @@ -350,11 +350,11 @@ Also `open` command allows opening the debug port. #### VSCode integration -If you don't run a debuggee Ruby process on VSCode, you can attach with VSCode later with the fowllowing steps. +If you don't run a debuggee Ruby process on VSCode, you can attach with VSCode later with the following steps. `rdbg --open=vscode` opens the debug port and tries to invoke the VSCode (`code` command). ``` $ rdbg --open=vscode target.rb @@ -362,10 +362,10 @@ DEBUGGER: wait for debugger connection... Launching: code /tmp/ruby-debug-vscode-20211014-27706-gd7e85/ /tmp/ruby-debug-vscode-20211014-27706-gd7e85/README.rb DEBUGGER: Connected. ``` -And it tris to invoke the new VSCode window and VSCode starts attaching to the debuggee Ruby program automatically. +And it tries to invoke the new VSCode window and VSCode starts attaching to the debuggee Ruby program automatically. You can also use `open vscode` command in REPL. ``` $ rdbg target.rb