test/unit/router_tests.rb in deas-0.37.1 vs test/unit/router_tests.rb in deas-0.38.0
- old
+ new
@@ -29,37 +29,48 @@
@base_url = a_base_url = [Factory.url, nil].choice
@router = @router_class.new{ base_url a_base_url }
subject{ @router }
- should have_readers :request_types, :urls, :routes
+ should have_readers :request_types, :urls, :routes, :definitions
should have_readers :escape_query_value_proc
should have_imeths :view_handler_ns, :escape_query_value
should have_imeths :base_url, :set_base_url, :prepend_base_url
should have_imeths :url, :url_for
should have_imeths :default_request_type_name, :add_request_type
should have_imeths :request_type_name
should have_imeths :get, :post, :put, :patch, :delete
- should have_imeths :route, :redirect
+ should have_imeths :route, :redirect, :not_found
+ should have_imeths :apply_definitions!, :validate!
should "default its settings" do
router = @router_class.new
assert_nil router.view_handler_ns
assert_nil router.base_url
assert_empty router.request_types
assert_empty router.urls
assert_empty router.routes
+ assert_empty router.definitions
exp = @router_class::DEFAULT_REQUEST_TYPE_NAME
assert_equal exp, router.default_request_type_name
value = "#%&?"
exp = Rack::Utils.escape(value)
assert_equal exp, router.escape_query_value_proc.call(value)
+ should "instance eval any given block" do
+ ns = Factory.string
+ router = Deas::Router.new do
+ view_handler_ns ns
+ end
+ assert_equal ns, router.view_handler_ns
+ end
should "set a view handler namespace" do
subject.view_handler_ns(exp = Factory.string)
assert_equal exp, subject.view_handler_ns
@@ -69,10 +80,104 @@
assert_equal escape_proc, subject.escape_query_value_proc
assert_raises(ArgumentError){ subject.escape_query_value }
+ should "add get, post, put, patch and delete route definitions" do
+ path = Factory.path
+ args = [Factory.string]
+ [:get, :post, :put, :patch, :delete].each do |meth|
+ subject.send(meth, path, *args)
+ d = DefinitionSpy.new(*subject.definitions.last)
+ assert_equal :route, d.type
+ assert_equal [meth, path, *args], d.args
+ assert_equal nil, d.block
+ end
+ end
+ should "add redirect definitions" do
+ from_path = Factory.path
+ to_path = Factory.path
+ block = proc{}
+ subject.redirect(from_path, to_path, &block)
+ d = DefinitionSpy.new(*subject.definitions.last)
+ assert_equal :redirect, d.type
+ assert_equal [from_path, to_path], d.args
+ assert_equal block, d.block
+ subject.redirect(from_path, to_path)
+ d = DefinitionSpy.new(*subject.definitions.last)
+ assert_equal :redirect, d.type
+ assert_equal [from_path, to_path], d.args
+ assert_equal nil, d.block
+ subject.redirect(from_path)
+ d = DefinitionSpy.new(*subject.definitions.last)
+ assert_equal :redirect, d.type
+ assert_equal [from_path, nil], d.args
+ assert_equal nil, d.block
+ end
+ should "add not found definitions" do
+ from_path = Factory.path
+ body = Factory.string
+ subject.not_found(from_path, body)
+ args = [404, {}, body]
+ d = DefinitionSpy.new(*subject.definitions.last)
+ assert_equal :respond_with, d.type
+ assert_equal [from_path, args], d.args
+ assert_equal nil, d.block
+ end
+ should "add a route for every definition when applying defintions" do
+ subject.set_base_url(nil)
+ path1 = Factory.path
+ path2 = Factory.path
+ subject.get(path1)
+ subject.redirect(path1, path2)
+ subject.not_found(path1)
+ assert_not_empty subject.definitions
+ assert_empty subject.routes
+ subject.apply_definitions!
+ assert_equal 3, subject.routes.size
+ assert_empty subject.definitions
+ get = subject.routes[0]
+ assert_equal path1, get.path
+ redir = subject.routes[1]
+ assert_equal path1, redir.path
+ nf = subject.routes[2]
+ assert_equal path1, nf.path
+ end
+ should "apply definitions and validate each route when validating" do
+ subject.get('/something', 'EmptyViewHandler')
+ subject.apply_definitions!
+ route = subject.routes.last
+ proxy = route.handler_proxies[subject.default_request_type_name]
+ apply_def_called = false
+ Assert.stub(subject, :apply_definitions!){ apply_def_called = true }
+ assert_false apply_def_called
+ assert_nil proxy.handler_class
+ subject.validate!
+ assert_true apply_def_called
+ assert_equal EmptyViewHandler, proxy.handler_class
+ end
should "set a base url" do
subject.base_url(exp = Factory.url)
assert_equal exp, subject.base_url
@@ -95,32 +200,45 @@
should "prepend the base url when adding routes" do
url = Factory.url
subject.base_url url
path = Factory.path
- route = subject.get(path, Object)
+ subject.get(path); subject.apply_definitions!
+ route = subject.routes.last
exp_path = subject.prepend_base_url(path)
assert_equal exp_path, route.path
should "prepend the base url when adding redirects" do
url = Factory.url
subject.base_url url
path1 = Factory.path
path2 = Factory.path
- redirect = subject.redirect(path1, path2)
+ subject.redirect(path1, path2); subject.apply_definitions!
+ redirect = subject.routes.last
exp = subject.prepend_base_url(path1)
assert_equal exp, redirect.path
proxy = redirect.handler_proxies[subject.default_request_type_name]
handler = test_handler(proxy.handler_class)
exp = subject.prepend_base_url(path2)
assert_equal exp, handler.redirect_path
+ should "prepend the base url when adding not founds" do
+ url = Factory.url
+ subject.base_url url
+ path = Factory.path
+ subject.not_found(path); subject.apply_definitions!
+ route = subject.routes.last
+ exp_path = subject.prepend_base_url(path)
+ assert_equal exp_path, route.path
+ end
should "set a default request type name" do
subject.default_request_type_name(exp = Factory.string)
assert_equal exp, subject.default_request_type_name
@@ -148,32 +266,10 @@
exp = subject.default_request_type_name
assert_equal exp, subject.request_type_name(Factory.string)
- should "add get, post, put, patch and delete routes" do
- Assert.stub(subject, :route){ |*args| RouteSpy.new(*args) }
- path = Factory.path
- args = [Factory.string]
- [:get, :post, :put, :patch, :delete].each do |meth|
- route = subject.send(meth, path, *args)
- assert_equal meth, route.method
- assert_equal path, route.path
- assert_equal args, route.args
- end
- end
- should "instance eval any given block" do
- ns = Factory.string
- router = Deas::Router.new do
- view_handler_ns ns
- end
- assert_equal ns, router.view_handler_ns
- end
class RouteTests < InitTests
setup do
@method = Factory.string
@@ -184,11 +280,11 @@
should "add a Route with the given method and path" do
assert_empty subject.routes
- subject.route(@method, @path1)
+ subject.route(@method, @path1); subject.apply_definitions!
assert_not_empty subject.routes
route = subject.routes.last
assert_instance_of Deas::Route, route
assert_equal @method, route.method
@@ -199,19 +295,19 @@
assert_empty proxies
assert_equal subject.default_request_type_name, proxies.default_type
should "proxy any handler class given for the default request type" do
- subject.route(@method, @path1, @handler_class_name1)
+ subject.route(@method, @path1, @handler_class_name1); subject.apply_definitions!
route = subject.routes.last
proxy = route.handler_proxies[subject.default_request_type_name]
assert_kind_of Deas::RouteProxy, proxy
assert_equal @handler_class_name1, proxy.handler_class_name
subject.route(@method, @path1, @handler_class_name1, {
subject.default_request_type_name => @handler_class_name2
- })
+ }); subject.apply_definitions!
route = subject.routes.last
proxy = route.handler_proxies[subject.default_request_type_name]
assert_kind_of Deas::RouteProxy, proxy
assert_not_nil proxy
assert_equal @handler_class_name2, proxy.handler_class_name
@@ -219,11 +315,11 @@
should "proxy handler classes for their specified request types" do
subject.route(@method, @path1, {
'1' => @handler_class_name1,
'2' => @handler_class_name2,
- })
+ }); subject.apply_definitions!
route = subject.routes.last
proxy = route.handler_proxies['1']
assert_kind_of Deas::RouteProxy, proxy
assert_equal @handler_class_name1, proxy.handler_class_name
@@ -232,11 +328,11 @@
assert_kind_of Deas::RouteProxy, proxy
assert_equal @handler_class_name2, proxy.handler_class_name
should "add redirect routes" do
- subject.redirect(@path1, @path2)
+ subject.redirect(@path1, @path2); subject.apply_definitions!
route = subject.routes.last
assert_instance_of Deas::Route, route
assert_equal :get, route.method
assert_equal subject.prepend_base_url(@path1), route.path
@@ -248,10 +344,34 @@
handler = test_handler(proxy.handler_class)
exp = subject.prepend_base_url(@path2)
assert_equal exp, handler.redirect_path
+ should "add not found routes" do
+ subject.not_found(@path1); subject.apply_definitions!
+ route = subject.routes.last
+ assert_instance_of Deas::Route, route
+ assert_equal :get, route.method
+ assert_equal subject.prepend_base_url(@path1), route.path
+ proxy = route.handler_proxies[subject.default_request_type_name]
+ assert_kind_of Deas::RespondWithProxy, proxy
+ assert_equal 'Deas::RespondWithHandler', proxy.handler_class_name
+ handler = test_handler(proxy.handler_class)
+ assert_equal [404, {}, 'Not Found'], handler.halt_args
+ body = Factory.string
+ subject.not_found(@path1, body); subject.apply_definitions!
+ route = subject.routes.last
+ proxy = route.handler_proxies[subject.default_request_type_name]
+ handler = test_handler(proxy.handler_class)
+ assert_equal [404, {}, body], handler.halt_args
+ end
class NamedUrlTests < InitTests
setup do
@router.url('get_info', '/info/:for')
@@ -298,27 +418,58 @@
assert_raises ArgumentError do
subject.url_for(:get_all_info, 'now')
- should "complain if redirecting to a named url that hasn't been defined" do
+ should "complain if routing a named url that hasn't been defined" do
assert_raises ArgumentError do
+ subject.route(:get, :not_defined_url, 'GetInfo')
+ subject.apply_definitions!
+ end
+ end
+ should "route using a url name instead of a path" do
+ subject.route(:get, :get_info, 'GetInfo'); subject.apply_definitions!
+ url = subject.urls[:get_info]
+ route = subject.routes.last
+ exp = subject.prepend_base_url(url.path)
+ assert_equal exp, route.path
+ end
+ should "complain if redirecting to/from a named url that hasn't been defined" do
+ assert_raises ArgumentError do
subject.redirect('/somewhere', :not_defined_url)
+ subject.apply_definitions!
+ assert_raises ArgumentError do
+ subject.redirect(:not_defined_url, '/somewhere')
+ subject.apply_definitions!
+ end
should "redirect using a url name instead of a path" do
- subject.redirect(:get_info, '/somewhere')
+ subject.redirect(:get_info, '/somewhere'); subject.apply_definitions!
url = subject.urls[:get_info]
route = subject.routes.last
exp = subject.prepend_base_url(url.path)
assert_equal exp, route.path
- should "route using a url name instead of a path" do
- subject.route(:get, :get_info, 'GetInfo')
+ should "complain if adding a not found with a named url that hasn't been defined" do
+ assert_raises ArgumentError do
+ subject.not_found(:not_defined_url)
+ subject.apply_definitions!
+ end
+ end
+ should "add a not found using a url name instead of a path" do
+ subject.not_found(:get_info); subject.apply_definitions!
url = subject.urls[:get_info]
route = subject.routes.last
exp = subject.prepend_base_url(url.path)
assert_equal exp, route.path
@@ -388,11 +539,7 @@
assert_true subject.empty?
- class RouteSpy < Struct.new(:method, :path, :args)
- def initialize(method, path, *args)
- super(method, path, args)
- end
- end
+ DefinitionSpy = Struct.new(:type, :args, :block)