test/unit/router_tests.rb in deas-0.31.0 vs test/unit/router_tests.rb in deas-0.32.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,156 +1,224 @@
require 'assert'
require 'deas/router'
+require 'deas/exceptions'
+require 'deas/route'
+require 'test/support/view_handlers'
class Deas::Router
class UnitTests < Assert::Context
desc "Deas::Router"
setup do
- @router = Deas::Router.new
+ @router_class = Deas::Router
+ subject{ @router_class }
+ should "know its default request type name" do
+ assert_equal 'default', subject::DEFAULT_REQUEST_TYPE_NAME
+ end
+ end
+ class InitTests < UnitTests
+ desc "when init"
+ setup do
+ @router = @router_class.new
+ end
subject{ @router }
- should have_accessors :urls, :routes
+ should have_readers :request_types, :urls, :routes
should have_imeths :view_handler_ns, :base_url, :prepend_base_url
should have_imeths :url, :url_for
+ should have_imeths :default_request_type_name, :add_request_type
+ should have_imeths :request_type_name
should have_imeths :get, :post, :put, :patch, :delete
should have_imeths :route, :redirect
- should "have no view_handler_ns, base_url, urls, or routes by default" do
+ should "default its settings" do
assert_nil subject.view_handler_ns
assert_nil subject.base_url
+ assert_empty subject.request_types
assert_empty subject.urls
assert_empty subject.routes
+ exp = @router_class::DEFAULT_REQUEST_TYPE_NAME
+ assert_equal exp, subject.default_request_type_name
- should "add a GET route using #get" do
- subject.get('/things', 'ListThings')
+ should "set a view handler namespace" do
+ subject.view_handler_ns(exp = Factory.string)
+ assert_equal exp, subject.view_handler_ns
+ end
- route = subject.routes[0]
- assert_instance_of Deas::Route, route
- assert_equal :get, route.method
- assert_equal '/things', route.path
- assert_equal 'ListThings', route.route_proxy.handler_class_name
+ should "set a base url" do
+ subject.base_url(exp = Factory.url)
+ assert_equal exp, subject.base_url
- should "add a POST route using #post" do
- subject.post('/things', 'CreateThing')
+ should "prepend the base url to any url path" do
+ url_path = Factory.path
+ base_url = Factory.url
- route = subject.routes[0]
- assert_instance_of Deas::Route, route
- assert_equal :post, route.method
- assert_equal '/things', route.path
- assert_equal 'CreateThing', route.route_proxy.handler_class_name
+ assert_equal url_path, subject.prepend_base_url(url_path)
+ subject.base_url base_url
+ assert_equal "#{base_url}#{url_path}", subject.prepend_base_url(url_path)
- should "add a PUT route using #put" do
- subject.put('/things/:id', 'UpdateThing')
+ should "prepend the base url when adding routes" do
+ url = Factory.url
+ subject.base_url url
+ path = Factory.path
+ route = subject.get(path, Object)
- route = subject.routes[0]
- assert_instance_of Deas::Route, route
- assert_equal :put, route.method
- assert_equal '/things/:id', route.path
- assert_equal 'UpdateThing', route.route_proxy.handler_class_name
+ exp_path = subject.prepend_base_url(path)
+ assert_equal exp_path, route.path
- should "add a PATCH route using #patch" do
- subject.patch('/things/:id', 'UpdateThing')
+ should "prepend the base url when adding redirects" do
+ url = Factory.url
+ subject.base_url url
+ path = Factory.path
+ redirect = subject.redirect(path, Factory.path)
- route = subject.routes[0]
- assert_instance_of Deas::Route, route
- assert_equal :patch, route.method
- assert_equal '/things/:id', route.path
- assert_equal 'UpdateThing', route.route_proxy.handler_class_name
+ exp_path = subject.prepend_base_url(path)
+ assert_equal exp_path, redirect.path
- should "add a DELETE route using #delete" do
- subject.delete('/things/:id', 'DeleteThing')
+ should "set a default request type name" do
+ subject.default_request_type_name(exp = Factory.string)
+ assert_equal exp, subject.default_request_type_name
+ end
- route = subject.routes[0]
- assert_instance_of Deas::Route, route
- assert_equal :delete, route.method
- assert_equal '/things/:id', route.path
- assert_equal 'DeleteThing', route.route_proxy.handler_class_name
+ should "add request types" do
+ assert_empty subject.request_types
+ name, proc = Factory.string, Proc.new{}
+ subject.add_request_type(name, &proc)
+ assert_not_empty subject.request_types
+ rt = subject.request_types.last
+ assert_equal name, rt.name
+ assert_equal proc, rt.proc
- should "allow defining any kind of route using #route" do
- subject.route(:options, '/get_info', 'GetInfo')
+ should "lookup request type names" do
+ request = Factory.string
+ name = Factory.string
+ proc = Proc.new{ |r| r == request }
+ subject.add_request_type(name, &proc)
+ subject.add_request_type(Factory.string, &proc)
- route = subject.routes[0]
- assert_instance_of Deas::Route, route
- assert_equal :options, route.method
- assert_equal '/get_info', route.path
- assert_equal 'GetInfo', route.route_proxy.handler_class_name
+ exp = name
+ assert_equal exp, subject.request_type_name(request)
+ exp = subject.default_request_type_name
+ assert_equal exp, subject.request_type_name(Factory.string)
- should "set a view handler namespace and use it when defining routes" do
- subject.view_handler_ns 'MyStuff'
- assert_equal 'MyStuff', subject.view_handler_ns
+ should "add get, post, put, patch and delete routes" do
+ Assert.stub(subject, :route){ |*args| RouteSpy.new(*args) }
+ path = Factory.path
+ args = [Factory.string]
- # should use the ns
- route = subject.route(:get, '/ns_test', 'NsTest')
- assert_equal 'MyStuff::NsTest', route.route_proxy.handler_class_name
+ [:get, :post, :put, :patch, :delete].each do |meth|
+ route = subject.send(meth, path, *args)
+ assert_equal meth, route.method
+ assert_equal path, route.path
+ assert_equal args, route.args
+ end
+ end
- # should ignore the ns when the leading colons are present
- route = subject.route(:post, '/no_ns_test', '::NoNsTest')
- assert_equal '::NoNsTest', route.route_proxy.handler_class_name
+ should "instance eval any given block" do
+ ns = Factory.string
+ router = Deas::Router.new do
+ view_handler_ns ns
+ end
+ assert_equal ns, router.view_handler_ns
- should "set a base url" do
- url = Factory.url
- subject.base_url url
+ end
- assert_equal url, subject.base_url
+ class RouteTests < InitTests
+ setup do
+ @method = Factory.string
+ @path1 = Factory.path
+ @path2 = Factory.path
+ @handler_class_name1 = Factory.string
+ @handler_class_name2 = Factory.string
- should "prepend the base url to any url path" do
- url_path = Factory.path
- base_url = Factory.url
+ should "add a Route with the given method and path" do
+ assert_empty subject.routes
- assert_equal url_path, subject.prepend_base_url(url_path)
+ subject.route(@method, @path1)
+ assert_not_empty subject.routes
- subject.base_url base_url
- assert_equal "#{base_url}#{url_path}", subject.prepend_base_url(url_path)
+ route = subject.routes.last
+ assert_instance_of Deas::Route, route
+ assert_equal @method, route.method
+ assert_equal @path1, route.path
+ proxies = route.handler_proxies
+ assert_kind_of HandlerProxies, proxies
+ assert_empty proxies
+ assert_equal subject.default_request_type_name, proxies.default_type
- should "prepend the base url when adding routes" do
- url = Factory.url
- subject.base_url url
- path = Factory.path
- route = subject.get(path, Object)
+ should "proxy any handler class given for the default request type" do
+ subject.route(@method, @path1, @handler_class_name1)
+ route = subject.routes.last
+ proxy = route.handler_proxies[subject.default_request_type_name]
+ assert_kind_of Deas::RouteProxy, proxy
+ assert_equal @handler_class_name1, proxy.handler_class_name
- exp_path = subject.prepend_base_url(path)
- assert_equal exp_path, route.path
+ subject.route(@method, @path1, @handler_class_name1, {
+ subject.default_request_type_name => @handler_class_name2
+ })
+ route = subject.routes.last
+ proxy = route.handler_proxies[subject.default_request_type_name]
+ assert_kind_of Deas::RouteProxy, proxy
+ assert_not_nil proxy
+ assert_equal @handler_class_name2, proxy.handler_class_name
- should "add a redirect route using #redirect" do
- subject.redirect('/invalid', '/assets')
+ should "proxy handler classes for their specified request types" do
+ subject.route(@method, @path1, {
+ '1' => @handler_class_name1,
+ '2' => @handler_class_name2,
+ })
+ route = subject.routes.last
- route = subject.routes[0]
- assert_instance_of Deas::Route, route
- assert_equal :get, route.method
- assert_equal '/invalid', route.path
- assert_equal 'Deas::RedirectHandler', route.route_proxy.handler_class_name
+ proxy = route.handler_proxies['1']
+ assert_kind_of Deas::RouteProxy, proxy
+ assert_equal @handler_class_name1, proxy.handler_class_name
- route.validate!
- assert_not_nil route.handler_class
+ proxy = route.handler_proxies['2']
+ assert_kind_of Deas::RouteProxy, proxy
+ assert_equal @handler_class_name2, proxy.handler_class_name
- should "instance eval any given block" do
- router = Deas::Router.new do
- get('/things', 'ListThings')
- end
+ should "add redirect routes" do
+ subject.redirect(@path1, @path2)
- assert_equal 1, router.routes.size
- assert_instance_of Deas::Route, router.routes.first
+ route = subject.routes.last
+ assert_instance_of Deas::Route, route
+ assert_equal :get, route.method
+ assert_equal @path1, route.path
+ proxy = route.handler_proxies[subject.default_request_type_name]
+ assert_kind_of Deas::RedirectProxy, proxy
+ assert_equal 'Deas::RedirectHandler', proxy.handler_class_name
- class NamedUrlTests < UnitTests
- desc "when using named urls"
+ class NamedUrlTests < InitTests
setup do
@router.url('get_info', '/info/:for')
should "define a url given a name and a path" do
@@ -218,6 +286,65 @@
assert_equal exp_path, subject.url_for(:base_get_info)
+ class HandlerProxiesTests < UnitTests
+ desc "HandlerProxies"
+ setup do
+ @default_type = Factory.string
+ @other_type = Factory.string
+ @proxies = {
+ @default_type => Factory.string,
+ @other_type => Factory.string
+ }
+ @handler_proxies = HandlerProxies.new(@proxies, @default_type)
+ end
+ subject{ @handler_proxies }
+ should have_reader :default_type
+ should have_imeths :[], :each, :empty?
+ should "know its default type" do
+ assert_equal @default_type, subject.default_type
+ end
+ should "find the proxy for the given type" do
+ assert_equal @proxies[@other_type], subject[@other_type]
+ end
+ should "find the default proxy if there is no proxy for the given type" do
+ assert_equal @proxies[subject.default_type], subject[Factory.string]
+ end
+ should "complain if there is no proxy for the given type and no default proxy" do
+ handler_proxies = HandlerProxies.new({}, @default_type)
+ assert_raises(Deas::HandlerProxyNotFound) do
+ handler_proxies[Factory.string]
+ end
+ end
+ should "demeter its given proxies each method" do
+ exp = ''
+ @proxies.each{ |k, v| exp << v }
+ act = ''
+ subject.each{ |k, v| act << v }
+ assert_equal exp, act
+ end
+ should "demeter its given proxies empty? method" do
+ Assert.stub(@proxies, :empty?){ false }
+ assert_false subject.empty?
+ Assert.stub(@proxies, :empty?){ true }
+ assert_true subject.empty?
+ end
+ end
+ class RouteSpy < Struct.new(:method, :path, :args)
+ def initialize(method, path, *args)
+ super(method, path, args)
+ end
+ end