ddtrace.gemspec in ddtrace-1.0.0 vs ddtrace.gemspec in ddtrace-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -37,10 +37,16 @@
'.rubocop_todo.yml', '.simplecov', 'Appraisals', 'Gemfile', 'Rakefile', 'docker-compose.yml', '.pryrc', '.yardopts'].include?(f)
spec.executables = ['ddtracerb']
spec.require_paths = ['lib']
+ # Important note: This `if` ONLY works for development. When packaging up the gem, Ruby runs this code, and hardcodes
+ # the output in the `.gem` file that gets uploaded to rubygems. So the decision here gets hardcoded, we don't actually
+ # pick a version depending on the Ruby customers are running, as it may appear.
+ # For more context, see the discussion in
+ # * https://github.com/DataDog/dd-trace-rb/pull/1739
+ # * https://github.com/DataDog/dd-trace-rb/pull/1336
if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.2.0'
spec.add_dependency 'msgpack'
# msgpack 1.4 fails for Ruby 2.1: https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-ruby/issues/205
spec.add_dependency 'msgpack', '< 1.4'
@@ -48,12 +54,15 @@
# Used by the profiler native extension to support older Rubies (see NativeExtensionDesign.md for notes)
# Because we only use this for older Rubies, and we consider it "feature-complete" for those older Rubies,
# we're pinning it at the latest available version and will manually bump the dependency as needed.
- spec.add_dependency 'debase-ruby_core_source', '<= 0.10.15'
+ spec.add_dependency 'debase-ruby_core_source', '<= 0.10.16'
# Used by appsec
- spec.add_dependency 'libddwaf', '~>'
+ spec.add_dependency 'libddwaf', '~>'
- spec.extensions = ['ext/ddtrace_profiling_native_extension/extconf.rb']
+ # Used by profiling
+ spec.add_dependency 'libddprof', '~>'
+ spec.extensions = ['ext/ddtrace_profiling_native_extension/extconf.rb', 'ext/ddtrace_profiling_loader/extconf.rb']