spec/auth/user_spec.rb in ddr-models-1.17.1 vs spec/auth/user_spec.rb in ddr-models-2.0.0.pre.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,90 +1,6 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-module Ddr
- module Auth
- RSpec.describe User, type: :model do
- subject { FactoryGirl.build(:user) }
- describe "delegation to ability" do
- it "should delegate `can`" do
- expect(subject.ability).to receive(:can).with(:edit, "foo")
- subject.can :edit, "foo"
- end
- it "should delegate `cannot`" do
- expect(subject.ability).to receive(:cannot).with(:edit, "foo")
- subject.cannot :edit, "foo"
- end
- it "should delegate `can?`" do
- expect(subject.ability).to receive(:can?).with(:edit, "foo")
- subject.can? :edit, "foo"
- end
- it "should delegate `cannot?`" do
- expect(subject.ability).to receive(:cannot?).with(:edit, "foo")
- subject.cannot? :edit, "foo"
- end
- end
- describe "#member_of?" do
- before do
- allow(subject).to receive(:groups) { [Group.new("foo"), Group.new("bar")] }
- end
- it "should return true if the user is a member of the group" do
- expect(subject).to be_member_of("foo")
- expect(subject).to be_member_of(Group.new("foo"))
- end
- it "should return false if the user is not a member of the group" do
- expect(subject).not_to be_member_of("baz")
- expect(subject).not_to be_member_of(Group.new("baz"))
- end
- end
- describe "#authorized_to_act_as_superuser?" do
- it "should return false if the superuser group is not defined (nil)" do
- allow(Ddr::Auth).to receive(:superuser_group) { nil }
- expect(subject).not_to be_authorized_to_act_as_superuser
- end
- it "should return false if the user is not a member of the superuser group" do
- allow(subject).to receive(:groups) { [ Group.new("normal") ] }
- expect(subject).not_to be_authorized_to_act_as_superuser
- end
- it "should return true if the user is a member of the superuser group" do
- allow(subject).to receive(:groups) { [ Groups::Superusers ] }
- expect(subject).to be_authorized_to_act_as_superuser
- end
- end
- describe "#principal_name" do
- it "should return the principal name for the user" do
- expect(subject.principal_name).to eq(subject.user_key)
- end
- end
- describe "#agents" do
- it "should be a array of the user's groups and the user's person agent" do
- allow(subject).to receive(:groups) { Groups.new([Group.new("foo"), Group.new("bar")]) }
- expect(subject.agents).to contain_exactly("foo", "bar", subject.agent)
- end
- end
- describe "#to_agent" do
- it "should return the agent representation of the user" do
- expect(subject.to_agent).to eq(subject.principal_name)
- end
- describe "aliases" do
- its(:agent) { is_expected.to eq(subject.to_agent) }
- end
- end
- describe "#to_s" do
- it "should return the user's principal name (user_key)" do
- expect(subject.to_s).to eq(subject.principal_name)
- expect(subject.to_s).to eq(subject.eppn)
- expect(subject.to_s).to eq(subject.name)
- expect(subject.to_s).to eq(subject.user_key)
- end
- end
- end
+module Ddr::Auth
+ RSpec.describe User, type: :model do
+ subject { FactoryGirl.build(:user) }
+ its(:to_s) { should eq(subject.user_key) }