lib/dcell.rb in dcell-0.0.0 vs lib/dcell.rb in dcell-0.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,5 +1,95 @@
-require "dcell/version"
+require 'celluloid'
+require 'celluloid/zmq'
+require 'dcell/version'
+require 'dcell/actor_proxy'
+require 'dcell/directory'
+require 'dcell/mailbox_proxy'
+require 'dcell/messages'
+require 'dcell/node'
+require 'dcell/global'
+require 'dcell/responses'
+require 'dcell/router'
+require 'dcell/server'
+require 'dcell/registries/redis_adapter'
+require 'dcell/application'
+require 'dcell/celluloid_ext'
+# Distributed Celluloid
module DCell
- # Your code goes here...
+ DEFAULT_PORT = 7777 # Default DCell port
+ ZMQ_POOL_SIZE = 1 # DCell uses a fixed-size 0MQ thread pool
+ @zmq_context =
+ @config_lock =
+ class << self
+ attr_reader :me, :registry, :zmq_context
+ # Configure DCell with the following options:
+ #
+ # * id: to identify the local node, defaults to hostname
+ # * addr: 0MQ address of the local node (e.g. tcp://
+ # *
+ def setup(options = {})
+ # Stringify keys :/
+ options = options.inject({}) { |h,(k,v)| h[k.to_s] = v; h }
+ @config_lock.synchronize do
+ @configuration = {
+ 'id' => generate_node_id,
+ 'addr' => "tcp://{DEFAULT_PORT}",
+ 'registry' => {'adapter' => 'redis', 'server' => 'localhost'}
+ }.merge(options)
+ @me = @configuration['id'], @configuration['addr']
+ registry_adapter = @configuration['registry'][:adapter] || @configuration['registry']['adapter']
+ raise ArgumentError, "no registry adapter given in config" unless registry_adapter
+ registry_class_name = registry_adapter.split("_").map(&:capitalize).join << "Adapter"
+ begin
+ registry_class = DCell::Registry.const_get registry_class_name
+ rescue NameError
+ raise ArgumentError, "invalid registry adapter: #{@configuration['registry']['adapter']}"
+ end
+ @registry =['registry'])
+ addr = @configuration['public'] || @configuration['addr']
+ DCell::Directory.set @configuration['id'], addr
+ end
+ me
+ end
+ # Obtain the local node ID
+ def id; @configuration['id']; end
+ # Obtain the 0MQ address to the local mailbox
+ def addr; @configuration['addr']; end
+ alias_method :address, :addr
+ # Attempt to generate a unique node ID for this machine
+ def generate_node_id
+ `hostname`.strip # Super creative I know
+ end
+ # Run the DCell application
+ def run
+ end
+ # Run the DCell application in the background
+ def run!
+ end
+ # Start combines setup and run! into a single step
+ def start(options = {})
+ setup options
+ run!
+ end
+ end