Rakefile in dbrady-webrat- vs Rakefile in dbrady-webrat-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
# require 'rubygems'
require "rake/gempackagetask"
require 'rake/rdoctask'
require "rake/clean"
+gem "rspec", "1.2.6"
require 'spec'
require 'spec/rake/spectask'
require 'spec/rake/verify_rcov'
require File.expand_path('./lib/webrat.rb')
@@ -83,14 +84,51 @@
desc "Generate RDoc"
task :docs => :clobber_docs do
system "hanna --title 'Webrat #{Webrat::VERSION} API Documentation'"
-desc "Run specs using jruby"
-task "spec:jruby" do
+desc "Run everything against multiruby"
+task :multiruby do
+ result = system "multiruby -S rake spec"
+ raise "Multiruby tests failed" unless result
result = system "jruby -S rake spec"
raise "JRuby tests failed" unless result
+ Dir.chdir "spec/integration/rails" do
+ result = system "multiruby -S rake test_unit:rails"
+ raise "Rails integration tests failed" unless result
+ result = system "jruby -S rake test_unit:rails"
+ raise "Rails integration tests failed" unless result
+ end
+ Dir.chdir "spec/integration/merb" do
+ result = system "multiruby -S rake spec"
+ raise "Merb integration tests failed" unless result
+ result = system "jruby -S rake spec"
+ raise "Rails integration tests failed" unless result
+ end
+ Dir.chdir "spec/integration/sinatra" do
+ result = system "multiruby -S rake test"
+ raise "Sinatra integration tests failed" unless result
+ result = system "jruby -S rake test"
+ raise "Sinatra integration tests failed" unless result
+ end
+ Dir.chdir "spec/integration/rack" do
+ result = system "multiruby -S rake test"
+ raise "Rack integration tests failed" unless result
+ result = system "jruby -S rake test"
+ raise "Rack integration tests failed" unless result
+ end
+ puts
+ puts "Multiruby OK!"
desc "Run each spec in isolation to test for dependency issues"
task :spec_deps do
Dir["spec/**/*_spec.rb"].each do |test|
@@ -104,11 +142,11 @@
system "ln -s ../../../../.. ./spec/integration/rails/vendor/plugins/webrat"
namespace :spec do
desc "Run the integration specs"
- task :integration => ["integration:rails", "integration:merb", "integration:sinatra"]
+ task :integration => ["integration:rails", "integration:merb", "integration:sinatra", "integration:rack"]
namespace :integration do
desc "Run the Rails integration specs"
task :rails => ['rails:webrat'] #,'rails:selenium'] currently not running selenium as it doesn't pass.
@@ -138,18 +176,24 @@
desc "Run the Sinatra integration specs"
task :sinatra do
Dir.chdir "spec/integration/sinatra" do
result = system "rake test"
- raise "Sinatra tntegration tests failed" unless result
+ raise "Sinatra integration tests failed" unless result
+ desc "Run the Sinatra integration specs"
+ task :rack do
+ Dir.chdir "spec/integration/rack" do
+ result = system "rake test"
+ raise "Rack integration tests failed" unless result
+ end
+ end
task :default => :spec
-task :precommit => ["spec", "spec:jruby", "spec:integration"]
desc 'Removes trailing whitespace'
task :whitespace do
sh %{find . -name '*.rb' -exec sed -i '' 's/ *$//g' {} \\;}
\ No newline at end of file