bin/dbox in dbox-0.1.0 vs bin/dbox in dbox-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,17 +3,29 @@
$:.unshift File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib"))
require "dbox"
# usage line
def usage
- "Usage:
- dbox authorize
- export DROPBOX_AUTH_KEY=abcdef012345678
- export DROPBOX_AUTH_SECRET=876543210fedcba
- dbox create <remote_path> [<local_path>]
- dbox clone <remote_path> [<local_path>]
- dbox pull
- dbox push"
+ <<_EOF
+Usage: dbox <commond> [<args>]
+ authorize Generate auth keys
+ create <remote_path> [<local_path>] Create a new Dropbox folder
+ clone <remote_path> [<local_path>] Clone an existing Dropbox folder
+ pull [<local_path>] Pull chonges from Dropbox
+ push [<local_path>] Push changes to Dropbox
+Environment varables needed for everything:
+ export DROPBOX_APP_KEY=cmlrrjd3j0gbend
+ export DROPBOX_APP_SECRET=uvuulp75xf9jffl
+Environment varables needed for everything other than authorize:
+ export DROPBOX_AUTH_KEY=v4d7l1rez1czksn
+ export DROPBOX_AUTH_SECRET=pqej9rmnj0i1gcxr4
+See for examples and more information
def print_usage_and_quit; puts usage; exit 1; end
# ensure that push/pull arg was given
print_usage_and_quit unless ARGV.size >= 1