test/cases/calculations_test.rb in db2-2.6.2 vs test/cases/calculations_test.rb in db2-2.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
require "cases/helper"
require 'models/company'
+require "models/contract"
require 'models/topic'
require 'models/edge'
require 'models/club'
require 'models/organization'
@@ -21,10 +22,22 @@
def test_should_average_field
value = Account.average(:credit_limit)
assert_equal 53.0, value
+ def test_should_return_decimal_average_of_integer_field
+ return if current_adapter?(:IBM_DBAdapter) #average cannot be a decimal value when applied on integer field
+ value = Account.average(:id)
+ assert_equal 3.5, value
+ end
+ def test_should_return_integer_average_if_db_returns_such
+ Account.connection.stubs :select_value => 3
+ value = Account.average(:id)
+ assert_equal 3, value
+ end
def test_should_return_nil_as_average
assert_nil NumericData.average(:bank_balance)
def test_type_cast_calculated_value_should_convert_db_averages_of_fixnum_class_to_decimal
@@ -53,10 +66,23 @@
def test_should_group_by_field
c = Account.sum(:credit_limit, :group => :firm_id)
[1,6,2].each { |firm_id| assert c.keys.include?(firm_id) }
+ def test_should_group_by_multiple_fields
+ c = Account.count(:all, :group => ['firm_id', :credit_limit])
+ [ [nil, 50], [1, 50], [6, 50], [6, 55], [9, 53], [2, 60] ].each { |firm_and_limit| assert c.keys.include?(firm_and_limit) }
+ end
+ def test_should_group_by_multiple_fields_having_functions
+ c = Topic.group(:author_name, 'COALESCE(type, title)').count(:all)
+ assert_equal 1, c[["Carl", "The Third Topic of the day"]]
+ assert_equal 1, c[["Mary", "Reply"]]
+ assert_equal 1, c[["David", "The First Topic"]]
+ assert_equal 1, c[["Carl", "Reply"]]
+ end
def test_should_group_by_summed_field
c = Account.sum(:credit_limit, :group => :firm_id)
assert_equal 50, c[1]
assert_equal 105, c[6]
assert_equal 60, c[2]
@@ -83,10 +109,55 @@
c = Account.sum(:credit_limit, :conditions => "firm_id IS NOT NULL",
:group => :firm_id, :order => "firm_id", :limit => 2, :offset => 1)
assert_equal [2, 6], c.keys.compact
+ def test_limit_should_apply_before_count
+ accounts = Account.limit(3).where('firm_id IS NOT NULL')
+ assert_equal 3, accounts.count(:firm_id)
+ assert_equal 3, accounts.select(:firm_id).count
+ end
+ def test_count_should_shortcut_with_limit_zero
+ accounts = Account.limit(0)
+ assert_no_queries { assert_equal 0, accounts.count }
+ end
+ def test_limit_is_kept
+ return if current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter, :IBM_DBAdapter)
+ queries = assert_sql { Account.limit(1).count }
+ assert_equal 1, queries.length
+ assert_match(/LIMIT/, queries.first)
+ end
+ def test_offset_is_kept
+ return if current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter,:IBM_DBAdapter)
+ queries = assert_sql { Account.offset(1).count }
+ assert_equal 1, queries.length
+ assert_match(/OFFSET/, queries.first)
+ end
+ def test_limit_with_offset_is_kept
+ return if current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter,:IBM_DBAdapter)
+ queries = assert_sql { Account.limit(1).offset(1).count }
+ assert_equal 1, queries.length
+ assert_match(/LIMIT/, queries.first)
+ assert_match(/OFFSET/, queries.first)
+ end
+ def test_no_limit_no_offset
+ queries = assert_sql { Account.count }
+ assert_equal 1, queries.length
+ assert_no_match(/LIMIT/, queries.first)
+ assert_no_match(/OFFSET/, queries.first)
+ end
def test_should_group_by_summed_field_having_condition
c = Account.sum(:credit_limit, :group => :firm_id,
:having => 'sum(credit_limit) > 50')
assert_nil c[1]
assert_equal 105, c[6]
@@ -99,10 +170,17 @@
assert_nil c[1]
assert_equal 105, c[6]
assert_equal 60, c[2]
+ def test_should_group_by_summed_field_having_condition_from_select
+ c = Account.select("MIN(credit_limit) AS min_credit_limit").group(:firm_id).having("MIN(credit_limit) > 50").sum(:credit_limit)
+ assert_nil c[1]
+ assert_equal 60, c[2]
+ assert_equal 53, c[9]
+ end
def test_should_group_by_summed_association
c = Account.sum(:credit_limit, :group => :firm)
assert_equal 50, c[companies(:first_firm)]
assert_equal 105, c[companies(:rails_core)]
assert_equal 60, c[companies(:first_client)]
@@ -164,15 +242,11 @@
assert_equal 2, c[companies(:rails_core)]
assert_equal 1, c[companies(:first_client)]
def test_should_group_by_association_with_non_numeric_foreign_key
- if( ActiveRecord::Base.connection.respond_to?(:pstmt_support_on) && ActiveRecord::Base.connection.pstmt_support_on == true )
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.expects(:prepared_select).returns([{"count_all" => 1, "firm_id" => "ABC"}])
- else
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.expects(:select_all).returns([{"count_all" => 1, "firm_id" => "ABC"}])
- end
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.expects(:select_all).returns([{"count_all" => 1, "firm_id" => "ABC"}])
firm = mock()
@@ -252,19 +326,30 @@
def test_should_count_selected_field_with_include
assert_equal 6, Account.count(:distinct => true, :include => :firm)
assert_equal 4, Account.count(:distinct => true, :include => :firm, :select => :credit_limit)
+ def test_should_not_perform_joined_include_by_default
+ assert_equal Account.count, Account.includes(:firm).count
+ queries = assert_sql { Account.includes(:firm).count }
+ assert_no_match(/join/i, queries.last)
+ end
+ def test_should_perform_joined_include_when_referencing_included_tables
+ joined_count = Account.includes(:firm).where(:companies => {:name => '37signals'}).count
+ assert_equal 1, joined_count
+ end
def test_should_count_scoped_select
Account.update_all("credit_limit = NULL")
assert_equal 0, Account.scoped(:select => "credit_limit").count
def test_should_count_scoped_select_with_options
Account.update_all("credit_limit = NULL")
- Account.last.update_attribute('credit_limit', 49)
- Account.first.update_attribute('credit_limit', 51)
+ Account.last.update_column('credit_limit', 49)
+ Account.first.update_column('credit_limit', 51)
assert_equal 1, Account.scoped(:select => "credit_limit").count(:conditions => ['credit_limit >= 50'])
def test_should_count_manual_select_with_include
@@ -319,10 +404,14 @@
assert_equal Account.sum(:credit_limit), Account.sum(:credit_limit, :from => 'accounts')
assert_equal Account.sum(:credit_limit, :conditions => "credit_limit > 50"),
Account.sum(:credit_limit, :from => 'accounts', :conditions => "credit_limit > 50")
+ def test_sum_array_compatibility
+ assert_equal Account.sum(:credit_limit), Account.sum(&:credit_limit)
+ end
def test_average_with_from_option
assert_equal Account.average(:credit_limit), Account.average(:credit_limit, :from => 'accounts')
assert_equal Account.average(:credit_limit, :conditions => "credit_limit > 50"),
Account.average(:credit_limit, :from => 'accounts', :conditions => "credit_limit > 50")
@@ -338,11 +427,11 @@
assert_equal Account.maximum(:credit_limit, :conditions => "credit_limit > 50"),
Account.maximum(:credit_limit, :from => 'accounts', :conditions => "credit_limit > 50")
def test_from_option_with_specified_index
- if Edge.connection.adapter_name == 'MySQL'
+ if Edge.connection.adapter_name == 'MySQL' or Edge.connection.adapter_name == 'Mysql2'
assert_equal Edge.count(:all), Edge.count(:all, :from => 'edges USE INDEX(unique_edge_index)')
assert_equal Edge.count(:all, :conditions => 'sink_id < 5'),
Edge.count(:all, :from => 'edges USE INDEX(unique_edge_index)', :conditions => 'sink_id < 5')
@@ -356,7 +445,38 @@
approved_topics_count = Topic.group(:approved).count(:author_name)[true]
assert_equal approved_topics_count, 3
# Count the number of distinct authors for approved Topics
distinct_authors_for_approved_count = Topic.group(:approved).count(:author_name, :distinct => true)[true]
assert_equal distinct_authors_for_approved_count, 2
+ end
+ def test_pluck
+ assert_equal [1,2,3,4], Topic.order(:id).pluck(:id)
+ end
+ def test_pluck_type_cast
+ topic = topics(:first)
+ relation = Topic.where(:id => topic.id)
+ assert_equal [ topic.approved ], relation.pluck(:approved)
+ assert_equal [ topic.last_read ], relation.pluck(:last_read)
+ assert_equal [ topic.written_on ], relation.pluck(:written_on)
+ end
+ def test_pluck_and_uniq
+ assert_equal [50, 53, 55, 60], Account.order(:credit_limit).uniq.pluck(:credit_limit)
+ end
+ def test_pluck_in_relation
+ company = Company.first
+ contract = company.contracts.create!
+ assert_equal [contract.id], company.contracts.pluck(:id)
+ end
+ def test_pluck_with_serialization
+ t = Topic.create!(:content => { :foo => :bar })
+ assert_equal [{:foo => :bar}], Topic.where(:id => t.id).pluck(:content)
+ end
+ def test_pluck_with_qualified_column_name
+ assert_equal [1,2,3,4], Topic.order(:id).pluck("topics.id")