Rakefile in dawnscanner-1.2.99 vs Rakefile in dawnscanner-1.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
require 'cucumber'
require 'cucumber/rake/task'
require 'fileutils'
-require "codesake/dawn/utils"
-require "codesake/dawn/knowledge_base"
+require "dawn/utils"
+require "dawn/knowledge_base"
Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:features) do |t|
t.cucumber_opts = "features --format pretty -x"
t.fork = false
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@
# end
desc "Create a new CVE test"
task :cve, :name do |t,args|
name = args.name
- SRC_DIR = "./lib/codesake/dawn/kb/"
+ SRC_DIR = "./lib/dawn/kb/"
SPEC_DIR = "./spec/lib/kb/"
- raise "### It seems that #{name} is already in Dawn knowledge base" unless Codesake::Dawn::KnowledgeBase.find(nil, name).nil?
+ raise "### It seems that #{name} is already in Dawn knowledge base" unless Dawn::KnowledgeBase.find(nil, name).nil?
raise "### Invalid CVE title: #{name}" if name.nil? or name.empty? or /CVE-\d{4}-\d{4}/.match(name).nil?
raise "### No target directory: #{SRC_DIR}" unless Dir.exists?(SRC_DIR)
raise "### No rspec directory: #{SPEC_DIR}" unless Dir.exists?(SPEC_DIR)
puts "Adding #{name} to knowledge base..."
@@ -46,12 +46,11 @@
rb_filename = SRC_DIR+name.downcase.gsub("-", "_")+".rb"
spec_filename = SPEC_DIR+name.downcase.gsub("-", "_")+"_spec.rb"
class_name = name.gsub("-", "_")
open(rb_filename, "w") do |file|
- file.puts "module Codesake"
- file.puts "\tmodule Dawn"
+ file.puts "module Dawn"
file.puts "\t\tmodule Kb"
file.puts "\t\t\t# Automatically created with rake on #{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}"
file.puts "\t\t\tclass #{class_name}"
file.puts "\t\t\t\t# Include the testing skeleton for this CVE"
file.puts "\t\t\t\t# include PatternMatchCheck"
@@ -60,61 +59,59 @@
file.puts ""
file.puts "\t\t\t\tdef initialize"
file.puts "\t\t\t\tend"
file.puts "\t\t\tend"
file.puts "\t\tend"
- file.puts "\tend"
file.puts "end"
puts "#{rb_filename} created"
open(spec_filename, "w") do |file|
file.puts "require 'spec_helper'"
file.puts "describe \"The #{name} vulnerability\" do"
file.puts "\tbefore(:all) do"
- file.puts "\t\t@check = Codesake::Dawn::Kb::#{class_name}.new"
+ file.puts "\t\t@check = Dawn::Kb::#{class_name}.new"
file.puts "\t\t# @check.debug = true"
file.puts "\tend"
file.puts "\tit \"is reported when...\""
file.puts "end"
puts "#{spec_filename} created"
- puts "*** PLEASE IMPLEMENT TEST FOR #{name} IN spec/lib/dawn/codesake_knowledgebase_spec.rb in order to reflect changes"
- puts "*** PLEASE ADD THIS CODE IN lib/codesake/dawn/knowledge_base.rb in order to reflect changes"
- puts "require \"codesake/dawn/kb/#{class_name.downcase}\""
+ puts "*** PLEASE IMPLEMENT TEST FOR #{name} IN spec/lib/dawn/knowledgebase_spec.rb in order to reflect changes"
+ puts "*** PLEASE ADD THIS CODE IN lib/dawn/knowledge_base.rb in order to reflect changes"
+ puts "require \"dawn/kb/#{class_name.downcase}\""
puts "it \"must have test for #{name}\" do"
puts " sc = kb.find(\"#{name}\")"
puts " sc.should_not be_nil"
- puts " sc.class.should == Codesake::Dawn::Kb::#{class_name}"
+ puts " sc.class.should == Dawn::Kb::#{class_name}"
puts "end"
desc "Create a new Generic security check"
task :check, :name do |t,args|
name = args.name
- SRC_DIR = "./lib/codesake/dawn/kb/"
+ SRC_DIR = "./lib/dawn/kb/"
SPEC_DIR = "./spec/lib/kb/"
- raise "### It seems that #{name} is already in Dawn knowledge base" unless Codesake::Dawn::KnowledgeBase.find(nil, name).nil?
+ raise "### It seems that #{name} is already in Dawn knowledge base" unless Dawn::KnowledgeBase.find(nil, name).nil?
raise "### No target directory: #{SRC_DIR}" unless Dir.exists?(SRC_DIR)
raise "### No rspec directory: #{SPEC_DIR}" unless Dir.exists?(SPEC_DIR)
puts "Adding #{name} to knowledge base..."
rb_filename = SRC_DIR+name.downcase.gsub("-", "_")+".rb"
spec_filename = SPEC_DIR+name.downcase.gsub("-", "_")+"_spec.rb"
class_name = name.gsub("-", "_")
open(rb_filename, "w") do |file|
- file.puts "module Codesake"
- file.puts "\tmodule Dawn"
+ file.puts "module Dawn"
file.puts "\t\tmodule Kb"
file.puts "\t\t\t# Automatically created with rake on #{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}"
file.puts "\t\t\tclass #{class_name}"
file.puts "\t\t\t\t# Include the testing skeleton for this Security Check"
file.puts "\t\t\t\t# include PatternMatchCheck"
@@ -123,56 +120,55 @@
file.puts ""
file.puts "\t\t\t\tdef initialize"
file.puts "\t\t\t\tend"
file.puts "\t\t\tend"
file.puts "\t\tend"
- file.puts "\tend"
file.puts "end"
puts "#{rb_filename} created"
open(spec_filename, "w") do |file|
file.puts "require 'spec_helper'"
file.puts "describe \"The #{name} vulnerability\" do"
file.puts "\tbefore(:all) do"
- file.puts "\t\t@check = Codesake::Dawn::Kb::#{class_name}.new"
+ file.puts "\t\t@check = Dawn::Kb::#{class_name}.new"
file.puts "\t\t# @check.debug = true"
file.puts "\tend"
file.puts "\tit \"is reported when...\""
file.puts "end"
puts "#{spec_filename} created"
- puts "*** PLEASE IMPLEMENT TEST FOR #{name} IN spec/lib/dawn/codesake_knowledgebase_spec.rb in order to reflect changes"
- puts "*** PLEASE ADD THIS CODE IN lib/codesake/dawn/knowledge_base.rb in order to reflect changes"
- puts "require \"codesake/dawn/kb/#{class_name.downcase}\""
+ puts "*** PLEASE IMPLEMENT TEST FOR #{name} IN spec/lib/dawn/knowledgebase_spec.rb in order to reflect changes"
+ puts "*** PLEASE ADD THIS CODE IN lib/dawn/knowledge_base.rb in order to reflect changes"
+ puts "require \"dawn/kb/#{class_name.downcase}\""
puts "it \"must have test for #{name}\" do"
puts " sc = kb.find(\"#{name}\")"
puts " sc.should_not be_nil"
- puts " sc.class.should == Codesake::Dawn::Kb::#{class_name}"
+ puts " sc.class.should == Dawn::Kb::#{class_name}"
puts "end"
namespace :kb do
desc 'Check information lint'
task :lint do
- Codesake::Dawn::KnowledgeBase.new.all.each do |check|
+ Dawn::KnowledgeBase.new.all.each do |check|
l = check.lint
puts "check #{check.name} has this attribute(s) with a nil value: #{l.to_s}" unless l.size == 0
desc 'Creates a KnowledgeBase.md file'
task :create do
- checks = Codesake::Dawn::KnowledgeBase.new.all
+ checks = Dawn::KnowledgeBase.new.all
open("KnowledgeBase.md", "w") do |file|
- file.puts "# Codesake::Dawn Knowledge base"
- file.puts "\nThe knowledge base library for Codesake::Dawn version #{Codesake::Dawn::VERSION} contains #{checks.count} security checks."
+ file.puts "# Dawn Knowledge base"
+ file.puts "\nThe knowledge base library for Dawn version #{Dawn::VERSION} contains #{checks.count} security checks."
file.puts "---"
checks.each do |c|
file.puts "* [#{c.name}](#{c.cve_link}): #{c.message}" if c.name.start_with?('CVE')
file.puts "* [#{c.name}](#{c.osvdb_link}): #{c.message}" if c.name.start_with?('OSVDB')
file.puts "* #{c.name}: #{c.message}" unless c.name.start_with?('CVE')
@@ -183,38 +179,38 @@
puts "KnowledgeBase.md file successfully generated"
-require 'digest/sha2'
+require 'digest/sha1'
namespace :checksum do
desc 'Calculate gem checksum'
task :calculate do
system 'mkdir -p checksum > /dev/null'
- built_gem_path = "pkg/codesake-dawn-#{Codesake::Dawn::VERSION}.gem"
- checksum = Digest::SHA512.new.hexdigest(File.read(built_gem_path))
- checksum_path = "checksum/codesake-dawn-#{Codesake::Dawn::VERSION}.gem.sha512"
+ built_gem_path = "pkg/dawnscanner-#{Dawn::VERSION}.gem"
+ checksum = Digest::SHA1.new.hexdigest(File.read(built_gem_path))
+ checksum_path = "checksum/dawnscanner-#{Dawn::VERSION}.gem.sha1"
File.open(checksum_path, 'w' ) {|f| f.write(checksum) }
puts "#{checksum_path}: #{checksum}"
desc 'Add and commit latest checksum'
task :commit do
- checksum_path = "checksum/codesake-dawn-#{Codesake::Dawn::VERSION}.gem.sha512"
+ checksum_path = "checksum/dawnscanner-#{Dawn::VERSION}.gem.sha1"
system "git add #{checksum_path}"
- system "git commit -v #{checksum_path} -m \"Adding #{Codesake::Dawn::VERSION} checksum to repo\""
+ system "git commit -v #{checksum_path} -m \"Adding #{Dawn::VERSION} checksum to repo\""
# ruby-advisory-rb integration
namespace :rubysec do
- desc 'Find new CVE bulletins to add to Codesake::Dawn'
+ desc 'Find new CVE bulletins to add to Dawn'
task :find do
git_url = 'git@github.com:rubysec/ruby-advisory-db.git'
target_dir = './tmp/'
system "mkdir -p #{target_dir}"
system "rm -rf #{target_dir}ruby-advisory-db"
@@ -230,18 +226,18 @@
# CVE-2013-1876 is a duplicate of CVE-2013-2615 that is in knowledge base
exclusion = ["CVE-2007-6183", "CVE-2013-1876", "CVE-2013-1878"]
if exclusion.include?(cve)
puts "#{cve} is in the exclusion list"
- found = Codesake::Dawn::KnowledgeBase.find(nil, cve)
- puts "#{cve} NOT in dawn v#{Codesake::Dawn::VERSION} knowledge base" unless found
+ found = Dawn::KnowledgeBase.find(nil, cve)
+ puts "#{cve} NOT in dawn v#{Dawn::VERSION} knowledge base" unless found
list << cve unless found
unless list.empty?
File.open("missing_rubyadvisory_cvs_#{Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d")}.txt", "w") do |f|
- f.puts "Missing CVE bulletins - v#{Codesake::Dawn::VERSION} - #{Time.now.strftime("%d %B %Y")}"
+ f.puts "Missing CVE bulletins - v#{Dawn::VERSION} - #{Time.now.strftime("%d %B %Y")}"
f.puts list
system "rm -rf #{target_dir}ruby-advisory-db"