README.markdown in datatrans-2.0.0 vs README.markdown in datatrans-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -31,14 +31,10 @@
# feel free to add more upp infos here ...
In your View your show the credit card form with a convenient helper:
-In this example we use just ECA (Mastercard) as paymentmethod. Feel free to
-provide an appropriate select field to offer more payment methods. This is the
-form you will show in your "new" method.
= form_tag Datatrans.web_authorize_url do
= text_field_tag :paymentmethod, 'ECA'
= text_field_tag :cardno
= text_field_tag :expm
@@ -117,18 +113,14 @@
:amount => 1000, # in cents!
:currency => 'CHF',
:transaction_id => 19834324987349723948729834
- begin
- if transaction.capture
- # ok, the money is yours...
- else
- # transaction.error_code, transaction.error_message, transaction.error_detail
- end
- rescue Datatrans::InvalidSignatureError => exception
- # the signature was wrong, the request may have been compromised...
+ if transaction.capture
+ # ok, the money is yours...
+ else
+ # transaction.error_code, transaction.error_message, transaction.error_detail
@@ -154,9 +146,11 @@
* allow signing of xml transactions
* allow signing with different keys
* add credit method to reverse already captured transactions
* add purchase method to authorize and capture in one step
+* add url helpers for success, cancel and error urls
+* extend configuration possibilities
* dry code more