tasks/import/excel.rake in datashift-0.1.0 vs tasks/import/excel.rake in datashift-0.2.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-# Copyright:: (c) Autotelik Media Ltd 2011
-# Author :: Tom Statter
-# Date :: Feb 2011
-# License:: TBD. Free, Open Source. MIT ?
-# Usage::
-# In Rakefile:
-# require 'datashift'
-# DataShift::load_tasks
-# Cmd Line:
-# => jruby -S rake datashift:import:excel model=<active record class> input=<file.xls>
-# => jruby -S rake datashift:import:excel model=<active record class> input=C:\MyProducts.xlsverbose=true
-require 'datashift'
-require 'excel_loader'
-namespace :datashift do
- namespace :import do
- desc "Populate model's table with data from .xls (Excel) file"
- task :excel, [:model, :loader, :input, :config, :verbose] => [:environment] do |t, args|
- # in familiar ruby style args seems to have been become empty using this new style for rake 0.9.2
- # whatever format i try, on both Win and OSX .. so had to revert back to ENV
- model = ENV['model']
- input = ENV['input']
- raise "USAGE: jruby -S rake datashift:import:excel input=excel_file.xls model=<Class>" unless(input)
- raise "ERROR: Cannot process without AR Model - please supply model=<Class>" unless(model)
- raise "ERROR: Could not find file #{args[:input]}" unless File.exists?(input)
- begin
- klass = Kernel.const_get(model)
- rescue NameError
- raise "ERROR: No such AR Model found - check valid model supplied via model=<Class>"
- end
- if(ENV['loader'])
- begin
- loader_klass = Kernel.const_get(ENV['loader'])
- loader = loader_klass.new(klass)
- puts "INFO: Using loader : #{loader.class}"
- rescue
- puts "INFO: No specific #{model}Loader found - using generic ExcelLoader"
- loader = DataShift::ExcelLoader.new(klass)
- end
- else
- puts "INFO: No Loader specified - using generic ExcelLoader"
- loader = DataShift::ExcelLoader.new(klass)
- end
- puts "ARGS #{args.inspect} #{args[:verbose]} [#{args.verbose}]"
- loader.logger.verbose if(ENV['verbose'])
- loader.configure_from( ENV['config'] ) if(ENV['config'])
- loader.perform_load(input)
- end
- end
+# Copyright:: (c) Autotelik Media Ltd 2011
+# Author :: Tom Statter
+# Date :: Feb 2011
+# License:: TBD. Free, Open Source. MIT ?
+# Usage::
+# In Rakefile:
+# require 'datashift'
+# DataShift::load_tasks
+# Cmd Line:
+# => jruby -S rake datashift:import:excel model=<active record class> input=<file.xls>
+# => jruby -S rake datashift:import:excel model=<active record class> input=C:\MyProducts.xlsverbose=true
+require 'datashift'
+require 'excel_loader'
+namespace :datashift do
+ namespace :import do
+ desc "Populate model's table with data from .xls (Excel) file"
+ task :excel, [:model, :loader, :input, :config, :verbose] => [:environment] do |t, args|
+ # in familiar ruby style args seems to have been become empty using this new style for rake 0.9.2
+ # whatever format i try, on both Win and OSX .. so had to revert back to ENV
+ model = ENV['model']
+ input = ENV['input']
+ raise "USAGE: jruby -S rake datashift:import:excel input=excel_file.xls model=<Class>" unless(input)
+ raise "ERROR: Cannot process without AR Model - please supply model=<Class>" unless(model)
+ raise "ERROR: Could not find file #{args[:input]}" unless File.exists?(input)
+ begin
+ klass = Kernel.const_get(model)
+ rescue NameError
+ raise "ERROR: No such AR Model found - check valid model supplied via model=<Class>"
+ end
+ if(ENV['loader'])
+ begin
+ loader_klass = Kernel.const_get(ENV['loader'])
+ loader = loader_klass.new(klass)
+ puts "INFO: Using loader : #{loader.class}"
+ rescue
+ puts "INFO: No specific #{model}Loader found - using generic ExcelLoader"
+ loader = DataShift::ExcelLoader.new(klass)
+ end
+ else
+ puts "INFO: No Loader specified - using generic ExcelLoader"
+ loader = DataShift::ExcelLoader.new(klass)
+ end
+ puts "ARGS #{args.inspect} #{args[:verbose]} [#{args.verbose}]"
+ loader.logger.verbose if(ENV['verbose'])
+ loader.configure_from( ENV['config'] ) if(ENV['config'])
+ loader.perform_load(input)
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file