lib/generators/generator_base.rb in datashift-0.16.0 vs lib/generators/generator_base.rb in datashift-0.40.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,92 +1,37 @@
-# Copyright:: (c) Autotelik Media Ltd 2011
+# Copyright:: (c) Autotelik Media Ltd 2015
# Author :: Tom Statter
-# Date :: Aug 2010
# License:: MIT
-# Details:: Base class for generators, which provide serivrs to describe a Model in an external format
+# Details:: Base class for generators, which provide services to describe a Model in an external format
module DataShift
class GeneratorBase
- attr_accessor :filename, :headers, :remove_list
+ include DataShift::Logging
- def initialize(filename)
- @filename = filename
- @headers = []
- @remove_list =[]
- end
+ attr_accessor :configuration
- def self.rails_columns
- @rails_standard_columns ||= [:id, :created_at, :created_on, :updated_at, :updated_on]
+ def initialize
- # Parse options and build collection of headers for a method_details_mgr wrapping a class
- # based on association requirements,
+ # Prepare to generate with associations but then
+ # calls a **derived generate** method i.e abstract to this base class
- # Default is to include *everything*
+ # file_name => Filename for generated template
- # * <tt>:exclude</tt> - Association TYPE(s) to exclude completely.
- #
- # Possible association_type values are given by MethodDetail::supported_types_enum
- # ... [:assignment, :belongs_to, :has_one, :has_many]
- #
- # * <tt>:remove</tt> - Array of header names to remove
- #
- # Rails DB columns like id, created_at, updated_at are removed by default
- #
- # * <tt>:include_rails</tt> - Specify to keep Rails columns in mappings
- #
- def prepare_model_headers(method_details_mgr, options = {})
+ def generate_with_associations(file_name, klass)
- work_list = MethodDetail::supported_types_enum.to_a - [ *options[:exclude] ]
+ state =
- @headers = []
+ = :all
- work_list.each do |assoc_type|
- method_details_for_assoc_type = method_details_mgr.get_list_of_method_details(assoc_type)
+ generate(file_name, klass)
+ ensure
+ = state
- next if(method_details_for_assoc_type.nil? || method_details_for_assoc_type.empty?)
- method_details_for_assoc_type.each do |md|
- #comparable_association = md.operator.to_s.downcase.to_sym
- #i = remove_list.index { |r| r == comparable_association }
- #(i) ? remove_list.delete_at(i) : @headers << "#{md.operator}"
- @headers << md.operator
- end
- end
- remove_headers(options)
- # Parse options and remove headers
- # Specify columns to remove with :
- # options[:remove]
- # Rails columns like id, created_at are removed by default,
- # to keep them in specify
- # options[:include_rails]
- #
- def remove_headers(options)
- remove_list = prep_remove_list( options )
- #TODO - more efficient way ?
- headers.delete_if { |h| remove_list.include?( h.to_sym ) } unless(remove_list.empty?)
- end
- # Take options and create a list of symbols to remove from headers
- # Rails columns like id, created_at etc are added to the remove list by default
- # Specify :include_rails to keep them in
- def prep_remove_list( options )
- remove_list = [ *options[:remove] ].compact.collect{|x| x.to_s.downcase.to_sym }
- remove_list += GeneratorBase::rails_columns unless(options[:include_rails])
- remove_list
- end
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