README.markdown in datashift-0.2.1 vs README.markdown in datashift-0.2.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,306 +1,327 @@
-## DataShift
-Provides tools to shift data between Ruby, external applications, files and ActiveRecord.
-### Features
-Map Active Record models and associations to files, generate sample templates.
-Import and Export ActiveRecord models through .xls or CSV files, including
-all associations and with configurable defaults.
-Create, parse and use Excel/OpenOffice (.xls) documents dynamically from Ruby.
-Easily extendable Loader functionality to deal with non trivial import cases, such
-as complex association lookups.
-High level rake tasks for import/export provided.
-Specific loaders and rake tasks for Spree E-Commerce, enabling import/export of all data including Products with
-complex associations such as Properties/Taxons/Options/Variants and Images.
-Specific loaders and rake tasks provided out the box for Spree E-Commerce,
-enabling import/export of all data including Products with complex associations such as Options/Variants and Images.
-Many example Spreadsheets in spec/fixtures, fully documented with comments for each column.
-## Installation
-Add gem 'datashift' to your Gemfile/bundle, or install the latest gem as usual :
- `gem install datashift`
-To use :
- gem 'datashift'
- require 'datashift'
-To pull the tasks in, add this call to your Rakefile :
- DataShift::load_tasks
-N.B - To use the Excel loader, OLE and Excel are NOT required, however
-JRuby is required, since it uses Java's Apache POI under the hood to process .xls files.
-Guards are provided, and used internally, for mixed Ruby setups. Can be used like :
- if(DataShift::Guards::jruby? )
- something with Excel
- else
- something with CSV
- end
-## Active Record - Import/Export
-Provides high level rake tasks for importing data via ActiveRecord models into a DB,
- from various sources, currently csv or .xls files (Excel/Open Office)
- jruby -S rake datashift:import:excel model=BlogPost input=BlogPostImport.xls verbose=true
-Provides high level rake tasks for exporting data to various sources, currently .xls files (Excel/Open Office)
- jruby -S rake datashift:export:excel model=BlogPost result=BlogExport.xls
-The library can be easily extended with Loaders to deal with non trivial cases,
- for example when multiple lookups required to find right association.
-Spree loaders are an example, these illustrate over riding processing for specific columns with
-complicated lookup requirements.
-A core feature of DataShift is the MethodDictionary and MethodMapper, which provides features for collecting
-reflection information from ActiveRecord models (all different associations, including join tables with many-to-many relationships).
-A full picture of all possible operations on a class can be created very easily, for example ona Blog model :
- MethodDictionary.find_operators( Blog )
-This then allows Import/Export to be achieved, by mapping the file's header and column data to the found operators
-i.e. the methods to set data on model's attributes and associations.
-Here we retrieve the method details for a column name from a file, "Blog Date"
- MethodDictionary.find_method_detail( Blog, "Blog Date" )
-Loaders can use this method lookup functionality, to find the correct association for a column heading,
-and populate AR object with row data.
-This means data can be mapped to any model without any further coding. Generators are also supplied to export
-a models attributes and associations to files, thus providing template spreadsheets that any user can fill out.
-MethodMapper also stores column type information so the raw file data can be provided as is,
-and whenever possible, under the bonnet the data will be cast to correct DB type.
-Here we show how a column name from a file, "Blog Date", can be mapped to Assign a stringified date, to the blog_date column, on a new Blog object :
- MethodDictionary.find_method_detail( Blog, "Blog Date" ).assign(, "Sat Jul 23 2011" )
-Because it's based on reflection against the model, can build complex relationships between tables during import/export,
-and extending data files with new columns need not require any additional Ruby coding.
-New columns can simply be added to the Excel/Open Office spreadsheet, or CSV file, setting the new
-attribute or association name in the header row.
-The Loader attempts to handle various human read-able forms of column names.
-For example, given an association on the model called, product_properties, will successfully load
-from columns with headings such as 'product_properties', 'Product Properties', 'ProductProperties' 'product properties' etc
-For has_many associations, either multiple columns can be used,
- or multiple values can be specified in a single column using suitable delimiters.
-Modular - so complex associations/mappings that require non generic lookups, can be handled by extending the loader engine.
-Original focus was on support for the Open Source Spree e-commerce project, so includes specific loaders and rake tasks
-for loading Spree Products, and associated data such as Product Variants, and Images.
-## Template Generation and Export
-Template generation tasks can be used to export a model's definition as column headings to CSV or .xls.
-These can be provided to developers or business users, as a template for data collection and then loading.
-Export tasks can be used to export of a model's definition and any existing data stored in the database.
-This data can be exported directly to CSV or Excel/OpenOffice spreadsheets.
-## Example Spreadsheets
- A number of example Spreadsheets with headers and comments, can be found in the spec/fixtures directory.
- Extensive Spree samples - including .xls and csv versions for simple Products or complex Products with multiple
- taxons, variants properties etc - can be found in the spec/fixtures/spree subdirectory.
- Column headings contain comments with full descriptions and instructions on syntax.
-## Features
-- *High level wrappers around applications including Excel and Word
- Quickly and easily access common enterprise applications through Ruby
- Wrapper around MS Excel File format, acheived via Apache POI under JRuby, so not restricted to Windows
- and Excel does not need to be installed.
- The required POI jars are already included.
-- *Direct Excel export*
- Excel/OpenOffice spreadsheets are heavily used in many sectors, so direct support makes it
- easier and quicker to migrate your client's data into a Rails/ActiveRecord project.
- No need to save to CSV or map to YAML.
-- *Semi-Smart Name Lookup*
- Includes helper classes that find and store details of all possible associations on an AR class.
- Given a user supplied name, attempts to find the requested association.
- Example usage, load from a file or spreadsheet where the column names are only
- an approximation of the actual associations, so given 'Product Properties' heading,
- finds real association 'product_properties' to send or call on the AR object
-- *Associations*
- Can handle 'belongs_to, 'has_many' and 'has_one' associations, including assignment of multiple objects
- via either multiple columns, or via specially delimited entry in a single (column). See Details section.
- Supports delegated attributes.
-- *Rake Tasks*
- High level Rake tasks are provided, only required to supply model class, and file location :
- jruby -S rake datashift:import:excel model=MusicTrack input=MyTrackListing.xls
-- *Spree Rake Tasks*
- Spree's product associations are non trivial so specific Rake tasks are also provided for loading Spree Producta
- with all associations and Image loading.
- jruby -S rake datashift:spree:products input=C:\MyProducts.xls
-- *Seamless Spree Image loading can be achieved by ensuring SKU or class Name features in Image filename.
- Lookup is performed either via the SKU being prepended to the image name, or by the image name being equal to the **name attribute** of the klass in question.
- Images can be attached to any class defined with a suitable association. The class to use can be configured in rake task via
- parameter klass=Xyz.
- In the Spree tasks, this defaults to Product, so attempts to attach Image to a Product via Product SKU or Name.
- Image loading **does not** specifically require JRuby
- A report is generated in the current working directory detailing any Images in the paths that could not be matched with a Product.
- rake datashift:spree:images input=C:\images\product_images skip_if_no_assoc=true
- rake datashift:spree:images input=C:\images\taxon_icons skip_if_no_assoc=true klass=Taxon
-## Import to Active Record
-### Associations
-To perform a lookup for an associated model, the primary column(s) must be supplied, along with required select values for those columns.
-A single association column can contain multiple name/value sets, in string form :
- column:lookup_key_1, lookup_key_2,...
-So if our Project model has many Categories, we can supply a Category list, which is keyed on the column Category.reference with :
- |Categories|
- reference:category_001,category_002
-During loading, a call to find_all_by_reference will be made, picking up the 2 categories with matching references,
- and our Project model will contain those two i.e project.categories = [category_002,category_003]
-## Spree Suppprt
-### OptionTypes & Variants
-When loaded with the Spree specific tasks, spree specific over rides are supported, such as direct s
-support for OptionTypes with values
-Any 'Option Types' columns can contain the OptionType to associate with the Product, plus a selection of
-appropriate OptionValues to go with that Type.
-For example, in a single column/row we could supply 2 OptionTypes (named, size & colour), with a selection values
-(such as small, medium etc)
- 'Option Types'
- size:small,medium,large|colour:red,white
-If no such OptionType exists, e.g size, then a new one is created with the supplied name.
-Next the OptionValues are also parsed, again if no such OptionValue exists, e.g small, then a new one is created with the supplied name.
-Lastly a Variant is created on each OptionValue, with price and availaable dates being copied from Master.
-Currently a unique SKU is created by adding an index to the master's sku.
-TODO - Enable a hash of attributes to be supplied in association columns to enable more control over creation of associated objects.
-### Properties
-The properties to associate with this product.
-Properties are for small snippets of text, shared across many products,
-and are for display purposes only.
-An optional display value can be supplied to supplement the displayed text.
-As for all associations can contain multiple name/value sets in default form :
- Property:display_value|Property:display_value
-Example - No values :
- manufacturer|standard
-Example - Display values :
- manufacturer:somebody else plc|standard:ISOBlah21
-## TODO
- - Add direct Image loading to Spree i.e should be able to specify just path in a column .. "/images/red-tshirt.jpg"
- - Smart sorting of column processing order ....
- - Does not currently ensure mandatory columns (for valid?) processed first.
- - Look at implementing import/export API using something like
- rather than active record, so we can support additional ORMs
- - Create separate Spree extension to support import/export via the admin gui
-## License
-Copyright:: (c) Autotelik Media Ltd 2011
-Author :: Tom Statter
-Date :: Dec 2011
-The MIT License
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+## DataShift
+Provides tools to shift data between Ruby, external applications, files and ActiveRecord.
+### Features
+Map Active Record models and associations to files, generate sample templates.
+Import and Export ActiveRecord models through .xls or CSV files, including
+all associations and with configurable defaults.
+Create, parse and use Excel/OpenOffice (.xls) documents dynamically from Ruby.
+Easily extendable Loader functionality to deal with non trivial import cases, such
+as complex association lookups.
+High level rake/thor command line tasks for import/export provided.
+Specific loaders and rake tasks for Spree E-Commerce, enabling import/export of all data including Products with
+complex associations such as Properties/Taxons/Options/Variants and Images.
+Specific loaders and rake tasks provided out the box for Spree E-Commerce,
+enabling import/export of all data including Products with complex associations such as Options/Variants and Images.
+Many example Spreadsheets in spec/fixtures, fully documented with comments for each column.
+## Installation
+Add gem 'datashift' to your Gemfile/bundle, or install the latest gem as usual :
+ `gem install datashift`
+To use :
+ gem 'datashift'
+ require 'datashift'
+To pull the tasks in, add this call to your Rakefile :
+ DataShift::load_tasks
+To use the Thor command line applications :
+ Create a high level .thor file - e.g mysite.thor - in your applications root directory
+Pull in the thor commands :
+ require 'thor'
+ require 'datashift'
+ DataShift::load_commands
+To check the available tasks run
+ bundle exec rake -T datashift
+ bundle exc thor list datashift
+N.B - To use the Excel loader, OLE and Excel are NOT required, however
+JRuby is required, since it uses Java's Apache POI under the hood to process .xls files.
+Guards are provided, and used internally, for mixed Ruby setups. Can be used like :
+ if(DataShift::Guards::jruby? )
+ something with Excel
+ else
+ something with CSV
+ end
+## Active Record - Import/Export
+Provides high level rake tasks for importing data via ActiveRecord models into a DB,
+ from various sources, currently csv or .xls files (Excel/Open Office)
+ bundle exec rake datashift:import:csv model=BlogPost input=BlogPostImport.csv verbose=true
+ jruby -S rake datashift:import:excel model=BlogPost input=BlogPostImport.xls verbose=true
+Provides high level rake tasks for exporting data to various sources, currently .xls files (Excel/Open Office)
+ jruby -S rake datashift:export:excel model=BlogPost result=BlogExport.xls
+The library can be easily extended with Loaders to deal with non trivial cases,
+ for example when multiple lookups required to find right association.
+Spree loaders are an example, these illustrate over riding processing for specific columns with
+complicated lookup requirements.
+A core feature of DataShift is the MethodDictionary and MethodMapper, which provides features for collecting
+reflection information from ActiveRecord models (all different associations, including join tables with many-to-many relationships).
+A full picture of all possible operations on a class can be created very easily, for example ona Blog model :
+ MethodDictionary.find_operators( Blog )
+This then allows Import/Export to be achieved, by mapping the file's header and column data to the found operators
+i.e. the methods to set data on model's attributes and associations.
+Here we retrieve the method details for a column name from a file, "Blog Date"
+ MethodDictionary.find_method_detail( Blog, "Blog Date" )
+Loaders can use this method lookup functionality, to find the correct association for a column heading,
+and populate AR object with row data.
+This means data can be mapped to any model without any further coding. Generators are also supplied to export
+a models attributes and associations to files, thus providing template spreadsheets that any user can fill out.
+MethodMapper also stores column type information so the raw file data can be provided as is,
+and whenever possible, under the bonnet the data will be cast to correct DB type.
+Here we show how a column name from a file, "Blog Date", can be mapped to Assign a stringified date, to the blog_date column, on a new Blog object :
+ MethodDictionary.find_method_detail( Blog, "Blog Date" ).assign(, "Sat Jul 23 2011" )
+Because it's based on reflection against the model, can build complex relationships between tables during import/export,
+and extending data files with new columns need not require any additional Ruby coding.
+New columns can simply be added to the Excel/Open Office spreadsheet, or CSV file, setting the new
+attribute or association name in the header row.
+The Loader attempts to handle various human read-able forms of column names.
+For example, given an association on the model called, product_properties, will successfully load
+from columns with headings such as 'product_properties', 'Product Properties', 'ProductProperties' 'product properties' etc
+For has_many associations, either multiple columns can be used,
+ or multiple values can be specified in a single column using suitable delimiters.
+Modular - so complex associations/mappings that require non generic lookups, can be handled by extending the loader engine.
+Original focus was on support for the Open Source Spree e-commerce project, so includes specific loaders and rake tasks
+for loading Spree Products, and associated data such as Product Variants, and Images.
+## Template Generation and Export
+Template generation tasks can be used to export a model's definition as column headings to CSV or .xls.
+These can be provided to developers or business users, as a template for data collection and then loading.
+Export tasks can be used to export of a model's definition and any existing data stored in the database.
+This data can be exported directly to CSV or Excel/OpenOffice spreadsheets.
+## Example Spreadsheets
+ A number of example Spreadsheets with headers and comments, can be found in the spec/fixtures directory.
+ Extensive Spree samples - including .xls and csv versions for simple Products or complex Products with multiple
+ taxons, variants properties etc - can be found in the spec/fixtures/spree subdirectory.
+ Column headings contain comments with full descriptions and instructions on syntax.
+## Features
+- *High level wrappers around applications including Excel and Word
+ Quickly and easily access common enterprise applications through Ruby
+ Wrapper around MS Excel File format, acheived via Apache POI under JRuby, so not restricted to Windows
+ and Excel does not need to be installed.
+ The required POI jars are already included.
+- *Direct Excel export*
+ Excel/OpenOffice spreadsheets are heavily used in many sectors, so direct support makes it
+ easier and quicker to migrate your client's data into a Rails/ActiveRecord project.
+ No need to save to CSV or map to YAML.
+- *Semi-Smart Name Lookup*
+ Includes helper classes that find and store details of all possible associations on an AR class.
+ Given a user supplied name, attempts to find the requested association.
+ Example usage, load from a file or spreadsheet where the column names are only
+ an approximation of the actual associations, so given 'Product Properties' heading,
+ finds real association 'product_properties' to send or call on the AR object
+- *Associations*
+ Can handle 'belongs_to, 'has_many' and 'has_one' associations, including assignment of multiple objects
+ via either multiple columns, or via specially delimited entry in a single (column). See Details section.
+ Supports delegated attributes.
+- *Rake Tasks*
+ High level Rake tasks are provided, only required to supply model class, and file location :
+ jruby -S rake datashift:import:excel model=MusicTrack input=MyTrackListing.xls
+- *Spree Rake Tasks*
+ Spree's product associations are non trivial so specific Rake tasks are also provided for loading Spree Producta
+ with all associations and Image loading.
+ jruby -S rake datashift:spree:products input=C:\MyProducts.xls
+- *Seamless Spree Image loading can be achieved by ensuring SKU or class Name features in Image filename.
+ Lookup is performed either via the SKU being prepended to the image name, or by the image name being equal to the **name attribute** of the klass in question.
+ Images can be attached to any class defined with a suitable association. The class to use can be configured in rake task via
+ parameter klass=Xyz.
+ In the Spree tasks, this defaults to Product, so attempts to attach Image to a Product via Product SKU or Name.
+ Image loading **does not** specifically require JRuby
+ A report is generated in the current working directory detailing any Images in the paths that could not be matched with a Product.
+ rake datashift:spree:images input=C:\images\product_images skip_if_no_assoc=true
+ rake datashift:spree:images input=C:\images\taxon_icons skip_if_no_assoc=true klass=Taxon
+## Import to Active Record
+### Associations
+To perform a lookup for an associated model, the primary column(s) must be supplied, along with required select values for those columns.
+A single association column can contain multiple name/value sets, in string form :
+ column:lookup_key_1, lookup_key_2,...
+So if our Project model has many Categories, we can supply a Category list, which is keyed on the column Category.reference with :
+ |Categories|
+ reference:category_001,category_002
+During loading, a call to find_all_by_reference will be made, picking up the 2 categories with matching references,
+ and our Project model will contain those two i.e project.categories = [category_002,category_003]
+## Spree Suppprt
+### OptionTypes & Variants
+When loaded with the Spree specific tasks, spree specific over rides are supported, such as direct s
+support for OptionTypes with values
+Any 'Option Types' columns can contain the OptionType to associate with the Product, plus a selection of
+appropriate OptionValues to go with that Type.
+For example, in a single column/row we could supply 2 OptionTypes (named, size & colour), with a selection values
+(such as small, medium etc)
+ 'Option Types'
+ size:small,medium,large|colour:red,white
+If no such OptionType exists, e.g size, then a new one is created with the supplied name.
+Next the OptionValues are also parsed, again if no such OptionValue exists, e.g small, then a new one is created with the supplied name.
+Lastly a Variant is created on each OptionValue, with price and availaable dates being copied from Master.
+Currently a unique SKU is created by adding an index to the master's sku.
+TODO - Enable a hash of attributes to be supplied in association columns to enable more control over creation of associated objects.
+### Properties
+The properties to associate with this product.
+Properties are for small snippets of text, shared across many products,
+and are for display purposes only.
+An optional display value can be supplied to supplement the displayed text.
+As for all associations can contain multiple name/value sets in default form :
+ Property:display_value|Property:display_value
+Example - No values :
+ manufacturer|standard
+Example - Display values :
+ manufacturer:somebody else plc|standard:ISOBlah21
+## TODO
+ - Add direct Image loading to Spree i.e should be able to specify just path in a column .. "/images/red-tshirt.jpg"
+ - Smart sorting of column processing order ....
+ - Does not currently ensure mandatory columns (for valid?) processed first.
+ - Look at implementing import/export API using something like
+ rather than active record, so we can support additional ORMs
+ - Create separate Spree extension to support import/export via the admin gui
+## License
+Copyright:: (c) Autotelik Media Ltd 2011
+Author :: Tom Statter
+Date :: Dec 2011
+The MIT License
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
\ No newline at end of file