lib/datapimp/cli/create.rb in datapimp-1.0.10 vs lib/datapimp/cli/create.rb in datapimp-1.0.11
- old
+ new
@@ -1,4 +1,47 @@
+command 'create cache invalidations' do |c|
+ c.syntax = 'datapimp create cache invalidations'
+ c.description = 'invalidate remote cache layers (i.e. cloudfront after a s3 deploy)'
+ Datapimp::Cli.accepts_keys_for(c, :amazon)
+ c.option '--all-html', 'Invalidate all HTML paths in the bucket'
+ c.option '--previous-deploy', 'Invalidate all paths from the previous deploy'
+ c.option '--paths PATHS', Array, 'The paths you would like to invalidate'
+ c.action do |args, options|
+ options.defaults(:paths => [])
+ bucket = args.first)
+ paths = Array(options.paths)
+ if options.all_html
+ html_files = {|file| file.key.match(/\.html/) }
+ paths += {|file| file.public_url }.map do |url|
+ path = URI.parse(url).path.gsub("/#{bucket.remote}","")
+ index = path.gsub('/index.html','')
+ index = "/" if index == ""
+ [path, index]
+ end
+ paths.flatten!
+ end
+ if options.previous_deploy
+ items = bucket.deploy_manifest["uploaded"]
+ binding.pry
+ end
+ if paths.length > 0
+ log "Posting invalidations for #{ paths.length } paths"
+, paths)
+ log "Invalidated paths: #{ paths.inspect }"
+ end
+ end
command 'create s3 bucket' do |c|
c.syntax = 'datapimp create s3 bucket BUCKETNAME'
c.description = 'create an s3 bucket to use for website hosting'
Datapimp::Cli.accepts_keys_for(c, :amazon)