docs/v1/ in datadog_api_client-1.3.0 vs docs/v1/ in datadog_api_client-1.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -262,11 +262,11 @@
- **Accept**: application/json
## submit_metrics
-> <IntakePayloadAccepted> submit_metrics(body)
+> <IntakePayloadAccepted> submit_metrics(body, opts)
The metrics end-point allows you to post time-series data that can be graphed on Datadog’s dashboards.
The maximum payload size is 3.2 megabytes (3200000 bytes). Compressed payloads must have a decompressed size of less than 62 megabytes (62914560 bytes).
If you’re submitting metrics directly to the Datadog API without using DogStatsD, expect:
@@ -282,30 +282,33 @@
require 'datadog_api_client'
api_instance =
body ={series: [{metric: 'system.load.1', points: [[3.56]]})]}) # MetricsPayload |
+opts = {
+ content_encoding: DatadogAPIClient::V1::MetricContentEncoding::DEFLATE # MetricContentEncoding | HTTP header used to compress the media-type.
# Submit metrics
- result = api_instance.submit_metrics(body)
+ result = api_instance.submit_metrics(body, opts)
p result
rescue DatadogAPIClient::V1::APIError => e
puts "Error when calling MetricsAPI->submit_metrics: #{e}"
#### Using the submit_metrics_with_http_info variant
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
-> <Array(<IntakePayloadAccepted>, Integer, Hash)> submit_metrics_with_http_info(body)
+> <Array(<IntakePayloadAccepted>, Integer, Hash)> submit_metrics_with_http_info(body, opts)
# Submit metrics
- data, status_code, headers = api_instance.submit_metrics_with_http_info(body)
+ data, status_code, headers = api_instance.submit_metrics_with_http_info(body, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <IntakePayloadAccepted>
rescue DatadogAPIClient::V1::APIError => e
puts "Error when calling MetricsAPI->submit_metrics_with_http_info: #{e}"
@@ -315,10 +318,11 @@
### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
| **body** | [**MetricsPayload**]( | | |
+| **content_encoding** | **MetricContentEncoding** | HTTP header used to compress the media-type. | [optional] |
### Return type
@@ -326,11 +330,11 @@
### HTTP request headers
-- **Content-Type**: application/json
-- **Accept**: application/json
+- **Content-Type**: text/json
+- **Accept**: text/json
## update_metric_metadata
> <MetricMetadata> update_metric_metadata(metric_name, body)