Rakefile in data_paths-0.2.1 vs Rakefile in data_paths-0.3.0.rc1

- old
+ new

@@ -1,41 +1,36 @@ require 'rubygems' require 'rake' -require './lib/data_paths/version.rb' begin - require 'jeweler' - Jeweler::Tasks.new do |gem| - gem.name = 'data_paths' - gem.version = DataPaths::VERSION - gem.summary = %Q{DataPaths is a library to manage the paths of directories containing static-content across multiple libraries.} - gem.description = %Q{DataPaths is a library to manage the paths of directories containing static-content across multiple libraries. For example, DataPaths can manage the `data/` directories of multiple RubyGems, in much the same way RubyGems manages the paths of `lib/` directories using `$LOAD_PATH`.} - gem.email = 'postmodern.mod3@gmail.com' - gem.homepage = 'http://github.com/postmodern/data_paths' - gem.authors = ['Postmodern'] - gem.add_development_dependency 'rspec', '>= 1.3.0' - gem.add_development_dependency 'yard', '>= 0.5.3' - gem.has_rdoc = 'yard' - end -rescue LoadError - puts "Jeweler (or a dependency) not available. Install it with: gem install jeweler" -end + gem 'ore-tasks', '~> 0.4' + require 'ore/tasks' -require 'spec/rake/spectask' -Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new(:spec) do |spec| - spec.libs += ['lib', 'spec'] - spec.spec_files = FileList['spec/**/*_spec.rb'] - spec.spec_opts = ['--options', '.specopts'] + Ore::Tasks.new +rescue LoadError => e + STDERR.puts e.message + STDERR.puts "Run `gem install ore-tasks` to install 'ore/tasks'." end -task :spec => :check_dependencies +begin + gem 'rspec', '~> 2.4' + require 'rspec/core/rake_task' + + RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new +rescue LoadError => e + task :spec do + abort "Please run `gem install rspec` to install RSpec." + end +end +task :test => :spec task :default => :spec begin + gem 'yard', '~> 0.6.0' require 'yard' - YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new -rescue LoadError + YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new +rescue LoadError => e task :yard do - abort "YARD is not available. In order to run yard, you must: gem install yard" + abort "Please run `gem install yard` to install YARD." end end